Episode 5

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3rd pov

As Raven and the others made their way to the necropolis, Raven sat on Ban's lap taking a nap. Ban thought he looked cute, so he decided to leave him be. Unknowingly, Raven was having a nightmare.

Raven's (subconscious) pov.

Raven walked through a dark room by himself, his eyes narrowed at the vines of thorns, that seemed to be trying to attach themselves to him.

I went to grab my sacred treasure, but the damn thing was missing. Having no weapons I decided to run. The thorns followed me along with this black smoke.

As I ran, I saw my brothers, Elaine, Ban, and everyone I've ever cared about be consumed by flames. I held my hand out towards them, only to find that the vines were wrapping themselves around me at constant rate.

I then heard cackling and looked up, my eyes widened at what I saw.
The Supreme Deity and my father the Demon King looking down at me, laughing. My father had a crow on his shoulder. It looked at me with it's red beady eyes, and crowed, eight times.

As the fire that consumed my loved ones continued to spread, so did the vines. As they made their way to my torso I saw the Supreme Deity break and shatter like glass. My father's arm suddenly fell off, before bullets of Darkness flew through him at fast speeds, leaving nothing left.

The Crow suddenly burts into flames, before taking off, and as the orange black flames got closer to me, I began to feel the need to cough. I did just that and saw black ink like hair come out, I began to cough more and more hair up, before the vines wrapped around my throat. I began to choke, and then the flames consumed me.

Before I awoke, I saw my myself dancing in the flames of purgatory, before I gazed into my own eyes and stabed myself in the heart.

3rd pov

Raven woke up with a loud gasp, though lucky for him everyone else was gone. Raven got up and drunk a glass of water, pushing the dream into the back of his mind.

Raven heard a loud booming noise, and he sensed Ban engaging in a fight with king. Raven sighed before opening a portal to the place where they were fighting.

Scene Change

Ban raised his arm, ready to end this debacle, before Meliodas popped up and hit him on the head with a mug, saying: "Bad Ban."
Ban then turned to Meliodas.

"Hey captain, would you but out?"

"What do you think you're doing, you can't just skip out on work whenever you want to."

"Well it's not my fault, this little punk came out of nowhere and started a fight, ruining my new threads."

As the two were talking Diane walked up.

"Okay can someone tell me what's all the commotion about? Huh?"

Diane said as she turned to a floating 'boy'. She stared at him, Meliodas doing the same. As they did both their eyes widened. "King!"

This was said as Raven came through a black portal, with an orange ring around it. He was floating in the air in front of King, whose eyes widened at him before he narrowed them. Raven gazed at King with the same stoic look on his face. King then sent his spirit spear Chastefo at Raven, only for demon to hold his hand up, stopping the point in between two fingers.

King glared at him again before flying away. The others just stood there silently wondering, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!  Raven floated down to the others and ran to Ban. He hugged him close, his eyes closed.

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