Episode 8

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3rd POV

Raven tossed and turned in his sleep, sweating and whimpering. He was having another nightmare. Darkness began to pour into the room and take the forms of armoured siloets. They each raised their hands over Raven, eyes glowing, before the prince suddenly awoke with a gasp. The darkness, reacting to its master's emotions, immediately dissipated.

Raven looked back and forth before looking down at his usually armoured covered arm. There was dark marks going up as far as his elbow, glowing an ominous red. It burned so hot that it put hellblaze to shame. Raven lightly pressed two fingers to his arm, using ultimate repel. It had no effect whatsoever. Tears began to weaken the strong barrier of his eyes, slowly falling down the side of his cheeks, burning and causing his face to sizzle.

Raven sat there for hours, crying in pain; he was losing control.


Raven, face healed of his acidic tears, walked down the stairs of the boar hat pub, his cold personality taking over his features. He heard Meliodas mention getting his broken blade back.

"Ok so whose coming with me?!" Meliodas spoke.

"Sounds fun but I think I'll pass."
Ban told his captain, putting both his hands behind his head.

"Besides it's your own fault you lost it." King added lazily.

"He has a point." Gowther finished. Meliodas starred at them in disbelief... before appearing under Elizabeth's skirt saying "I'm so sad." Diane then broke through the window yelling, "Captain!"

"You should all care more, after all that hilt is a fragment of an old relic known as the 'coffin of eternal darkness '. The very seal that holds the demon clan." Raven spoke aloud to all the sins and associates, surprising them.

"Why do the Holy knights want it, what could they be doing with something like that?" Elizabeth questioned. "More than likely, the resurrection of the demon race." Meliodas spoke as he repeared the window. This gained Ban's attention.

"Those miserable bastards again?" The immortal spoke uninterested. "Now that you mentioned it, wasn't Hendrickson the one that turned Dale into that monster? Not everyday you see someone that can do that" King brought up. "Valid point. " Gowther finished.

"Hendrickson, I don't understand why would sir Hendrickson and sir Dreyfus want to free the demon clan?" Elizabeth wondered. "Maybe he wants to be friends with them." Hawk gave as a possible solution. "Definitely not." Raven told the pig. "Then why would he otherwise?" The pig wondered.


"To bring on a Holy war." Hendrickson told, his brother in arms, Dreyfus. The other looked back at him shocked. "Are you serious, have  you gone mad!" Dreyfus questioned his old friend seriously.

"Dreyfus, you yourself prophesied a coming war where the Holy knights are the guiding hands of light, while the eight deadly sins are the bloodline of darkness." Hendrickson reminded his friend. "Yet, in our future I see a different situation, one where it requires more of us." Dreyfus looked at him with wide eyes. "You think the bloodline of darkness is the demon clan?"

"In the ancient Holy war the demons fought against all of the other races, proving that they are more than enough to be worthy adversaries." Hendrickson informed his friend, to which Dreyfus responded by calling him a 'sick bastard'.

"I knew you were plotting something behind my back, but this?!" Hendrickson only smirked. "Preparations have already been made, now all that remains is claiming the last fragment and breaking the seal, letting all those unholy creatures rome." Dreyfus turned in surprise, seeing a smirking general North.

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