Chapter 1

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I woke up to my phone going off. I groaned and looked at it. It was my roommate, Alice. I picked up the phone. 

"Hello?" I say. You could hear the sleep in my voice.

 "Morning sleepy head! Did you see Marks new video?" She asked. "No, I haven't" I responded. "Was it a F.N.A.F. one?" " You bet girl, listen, I've got to go. Boss said you have the day off. Talk to you later! Bye!" I said bye and hung up.

 I sighed and got out of bed. I trudged over to my closet and grabbed a black T-shirt and my Markiplier hoodie. I walked to my bathroom and put the cloths on the counter. I turned the water on, took off my PJ's, and walked into the hot water. 

~After Le Shower~ 

After getting dressed, I walked into the kitchen.  I microwaved some pancakes. Even after sitting in the fridge, Alice's pancakes were amazing.  She was the best cook I knew. I quickly finished them, and went to the couch. I turned on the T.V. and watched Gravity Falls for a few hours. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:00 pm.  I decided to go for a walk in the woods behind Alice's and my house. I grabbed my earbuds, pulled on my red converse, and walked out behind the house.  

I started to walk down the path that was so calm. The woods that are behind my house are connected to a large string, but as far as I know, no one else comes back here. The woods are fairly large, so even if they did, I probably won't see them. Probably. I plugged my ear-buds into my phone and started watching the video. That's right, I can walk and watch videos at the same time. I was at the part where Mark gets jump-scared by Nightmare-Cupcake. I laughed and yelled. 'Cause, ya know. It was a jump scare. As I was watching the video, I tripped on a root that was poking out from under the ground. I screamed and fell on my face. And, because I'm me, I just so happened to fall onto a very sharp rock. 

" Fucking  fantastic." I breath. I look at my knee.I had ripped open my legging, and there was a lot of blood. I sigh, and try to stand up, which was only greeted by a hot flash of pain in my leg. I let out a yelp of pain, cause that shit hurt. I took my water bottle and washed off the blood. I looked down, and saw that the stone was still in my leg. I carefully pulled it out. I was greeted with a sharp black stone.  It looked cool, so I stuffed it into my hoodie pocket.  Speaking of... "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW???!!!" I scream. My Markiplier hoodie had a HUGE hole in the bottom. I just got it last month. I had worn it like, ten times, and this happens. And they were $50 "Wonderful, I think, I'm going to have to spend another 50 bucks, plus shipping. I stood up. Sure, it hurt like hell, and I was still bleeding, but at least I could walk. I cut through the woods and into someones backyard. I limp up to there front door, and knocked. Me being the shy bean I am, look down and quietly say " I um... I was walking through the woods and fell and busted open my knee, and I was wondering if i could um.. please have a Band-Aid?" I said it all really quick, so I was pretty shocked that they hear it. 

"Sure, come on in." I look up to thank them, but am rendered speechless. The person that I had disturbed, was no other than MatPat. King of theory's. "Well, you coming in?" "Um, ye-yeah!" I stutter. I send out a silent pray that I chose wear my Game Theory socks. I follow Matt inside.  His house was really cool. He led me into a bathroom, and told me to wait and sit on the toilet. I nodded and sat down. He went out to the hall, and grabbed a first-aid kit. He came back in and told me to roll my pant leg so that he could get to the cut. I did and he grabbed some rubbing alcohol. 

"This is going to sting a bit, okay?" I nod, and he started to rub the liquid all over my leg. "So," he said, trying to make this less awkward, "How did you say you did this?" "I um... I was watching a video walking through the woods and wasn't paying attention, and tripped on a root and fell and then," I gestured to my leg, "this happened." I smiled. "It's actually kinda funny." I laugh. 

"Yeah, kind of!" He smiles. He just fucking smiled at me oh my fucking god.   My inner fan-girl was screeching at me. He finishes up with the alcohol, and grabs the gauze. He looks back at my leg, and than smiles. "Hey! You're a fan of Game Theory?" he asked. "Ummmm... Yeah! It's actually one of my favorite! I love your theory on Five Nights and Bendy!" I give a shy and warm smile. "Awesome! I love meeting my fans!" He finishes wrapping up my leg. I pull my legging leg down, and smile again.

"Well, thank you Mr.Matt!" My parents always told me to call older people Mister or Miss. He's only 5 years older, him being 32,  and me being 27, but it just kind of stuck. 

"Please, Mister makes me feel old, call me Matt." He says. I nod and give him a smile. I start to walk to the door, but hear foot steps behind me. "Wait! I didn't get your name!" 

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." 

A/N:  Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far! I promise Marky-Mark will show up soon! And Remember, this is my first story, so it kind of sucks. But I will take all comments as good criticism! Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! See you dudes in the next chapter!! Bye!!!!       


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