Chapter 8

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I shower and get into my pj's. As I crawl under the covers of my bed, I think: This has been an eventful day
Sunday. Or, as Alice likes to call it, Sunday Fun day. A while has passed since my- I guess you could call it a date- with Mark. I've read most of the books I got, and the stuffed bear, who I named Sir. Barrington the 3rd, is sitting on my window seat.

I roll over in my bed, not wanting to face the world today. Alice of course, had different plans.

"Get up lazy bones! Were going to the beach, beach!" She smiles and then throws a can of sunscreen and a bathing suit at me. I chuckle. "Well, okay. But next week, I get to pick the Sunday Fun Day activity." She beams and violently nods her head. I push her out if my room, and change into my swim suit, and put a cover-up on top.

 I push her out if my room, and change into my swim suit, and put a cover-up on top

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I walk out of my room and see Alice on the phone

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I walk out of my room and see Alice on the phone. I walk to the fridge and grab an apple. (sorry if you don't like them)

"So, Al, who ya talking to? Is it your boyfriend~" I tease. She blushes and turns away. "Oh my god! It is your boyfriend! Who is he? Is he nice? Were you forced into this? Blink twice if you were.

Alice laughs and smiles "No, Y/n, I wasn't forced into this. And her name is Amy." She smiles again at her phone. She shows me a picture if her new bae.

"Holy crap! I'm sorry for assuming! But hot damn! She's fine!" Me and Alice laugh. "So, is she the reason we're going to the beach?" I ask, excited.

"Yep. I wanted you and the gang to meet her." We both smile, and sit in a comfortable silence.

"Well, we should probably get going. It'll take a bit to get there, and find a gucci parking spot." Alice nods and shoves her phone into her bag. I slide on a pair of flip-flops/ slides / chunky sandles

 I slide on a pair of flip-flops/ slides / chunky sandles

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"Alrighty! You ready Y/n?"

"All set here Al!"

"Coolio! Lets hit the rode!"

«Y'all at the beach now cause im lazy»

I run out of the car and shove my toes into the sand. It was a good day to go to the beach, not hot enough where the sand was turning into glass shards and hot coal, but not cold enough to make you feel like you just got out of a large freezer in Antarctica after getting out of the water. I ran with Alice and we found a good spot of our stuff.

"So, when is Mark and the gang gonna get here?" Alice asked. I shrug and look at my phone.

Hey brother. Where you at?
Read 12:07

Look at the parking lot, stupid.
Read 12:07

I turn around, and see Mark waving his arms. I laugh and motion for him to come over. He gives me the "okay" hand gesture (👌🏻). I turn my back to see Alice hugging some one. I decide to join the hug.

"Wow Y/n, just wow. Coming for my bae I see." Alice gives me a goofy smile. I return it, and turn to see Amy.

"Oh my god! You're that girl from Starbucks! Its so good to see you again!" Amy says, in an extraordinarily happy tone.

"I knew you looked like some one I'd met, I just couldn't place it!" I say, also in a happy tone. All of a sudden, I get tackled to the ground with two huge golden yellow balls of fluff. "Henry! Chica! Calm down guys! I say, laughing and trying to avoid getting kissed in the lips by one of the dogs.

I hear loud laughter, and smile, knowing who it was, but soon grow confused, as I hear three more pairs of laughter.

Henry and Chica finally get off, and I grin like an idiot. Standing next to Mark, is none other than "The squad" as me and Alice like to call them. Jack, Felix, Mat all give me a huge smile. The boys come over and I give each of them a huge hug.

"Long time no see, stranger." I say, in a horrible old-time-y western voice.

«Y'all in the water now, cause im still lazy»

At some point, splashing in the cool water turned into a hung chicken fight. I was on Marks shoulders, Felix was on Jack's, and Alice was on Amy's. Mat stayed out of the water for the most part, and played with the puppers.


"GOOD THING YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD INSIDE!" I yell back, processing to push her into the water. She lets out a little scream on her way down. I laught and so does Mark.

I tap Marks head. "Now we go after the king." I tell him. He gives me a smirk, and we try to sneak up on Felix and Jack. Key word here being try. Apparently, water makes really moist sounds when you walk in it. Who knew.

"AAHAH!" Felix calls, turning around. I smile and we start to fight.

"I'M GONNA GET CHU BISH!" I yell at Felix.


The "fight" gets to the point where Me and Felix have our hands together, and finger intertwined. We were pushing all our force into our arms.

"OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!" I yell, laughing afterwards.

We continue to push each other, but we don't fall.Our hands are still together, mostly because that's how we've been fighting. We both put our body weight into our arms, along with our sick muscles, and push.

"YOU ARE STRONG YOUNG ONE, BUT YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN!" Felix yells. All of a sudden, he lets go of my hands, and Séan backs up. I go flying forwards, and scream.

As I get plunged under water, i come up with a plan. I swim behind Séan, keeping low to the sandy ground. I "jump" out of the water and grab onto Felix.

"LONG LIVE THE KING, BEACH!" I shout, pulling him into the water below. He screams, and creates a huge splash in the water. We all laugh and continue to swim.
«time skip cause ur a bitch»
«jk jk jk i love you all»

We've been at the beach for so long, the sun is starting to set. Every one was tired, and wanted to go home, so that's what we did. Every one packed there stuff, and we drove off. Every one went home, but Alice went with Amy.

"Why are you leaving, am I not good enough for you?" I say, making a pitiful face. Well, I tried at least. It looked more like I was trying to push out a huge turd.

"Of course you aren't, you limp cheese stick." Alice says, cracking a grin. We hug each other, and go our separate ways.

"Hey Mark? You wanna spend the night at my place?" I ask, a tad bit flustered.

Mark beams. "Sure thing [Y/n]!" I smile at gesture to my car.

"Get in then, you big goof!" Mark gets in the car, and we drove home. We change into our pyjamas, and play games until at least 1:30 am. Both of us were happy, and all was well.

WHATTTT??? AN UPDATE???? Lol, i am so so so sorry guys. I'm a huge procrastinator, and I've had this chapter in here for a month and a half. "Do you have more chapters??" No. No I do not. I'm in school right now, so that's fun. I'm trying to write another book, not a x reader, but my own book. If I like it, I'll post it. Again, im super sorry about the lack of updates! This is Erin, signing off!

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