Chapter 2

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Y/N P.O.V. 

~A few weeks after the woods~ 

I was sitting with Al, Carys, my sister, Emma were at a small restaurant/bar down town, because Emma had come to visit us. She lives in Ireland, with her kids, Nicki, Ben, and Khalia. She had come to L.A. for her next acting job. She's staring in a new movie "Dusk".  It's a new horror movie.

"So, Y/N, Alice, what do you guys do here for work?" Asked Emma.  "We are librarians, we work at the one on New Court road." Alice responds. 

Emma just nods her head. She's a wonderful sister, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I think she just doesn't care. We sat and talked for a while. Carys had to leave early, because her brother needed help moving out of his apartment, so we said our good byes, and she left.  Emma left soon after.  It was just me and Alice. It was only one in the afternoon, and she didn't have to work today. We got into the my car, and I drove her home. 

~At Le Library~ 

  I walked into the library and hung my coat up behind my desk. I worked at the front entrance. I helped people find books and check them out. It was a pretty easy job. A lot easier than stacking the books back on the shelf. 

I was humming a little bit of Panic! At The Disco at my desk, and tapping the desk to help with the beat.  The door opened,  and I was hit with a cold breeze from out side. I didn't pay any attention when they walked up to the counter. I just simply said "Hello, how can I help you?" 

"Y/N? Is that you?" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw no other than MatPat looking at me. I stood up and greeted him. 

"Matt! Hey, how are you! I haven't seen you in a while. How are Oliver and Steph?" 

"Were all doing good," He says, "Oliver just really does not like sleep." He chuckles. I do to. He places a bunch of books on the counter. Most of them are about parenting, but some make it look like he's working on a new theory. I smile to myself. I love Matt's channel because of all the things he covers. It always makes me happy to see that someone else is as big of a nerd as I am. 

"Working on a new theory?" I ask. He nods. "Yep, I'm hoping that it goes some where." 

"Well, you need anything else?" I ask. He nods and says "I'm looking for the Harry Potter books. I want to read them to Oliver, and I cant find my copies."  I nod and look over at the computer. 

"It looks like we only have Order Of The Phoenix and The Chamber Of Secrets. Sorry." 

He shakes his head, "It's fine." he says. Suddenly, I get an idea. "Hey, if you want, you can barrow mine. I'm a huge Potter Head, so I actually have the first book in my back-pack. It gets a little slow around here sometimes." I say. He looks at me and smiles.  My inner fan-girl is exploding.  "That would be wonderful, thank you Y/N." I smile back at him, and go to my bag. I pull out my copy of The Sorcerer's Stone. I walk back to the desk and hand the boom to him. 

"Thanks, oh, and before I forget, here's my number. I'll call you if I need some books, and when I get done with this one, Okay?" "Yep! That's fine! Have a fantastic day Matt!" "You to Y/N!" We wave and say good bye. My shift ended, so I packed up and left. 

~At Your House~ 

I walked through the door and went up to my room.I stripped off my cloths, and went to take a nice relaying bath. When I stepped in, the water was perfect. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through Tumblr. After a while, I got a text from an unknown-number. 

U/N: Hello? Is this Y/N

Y/N: Yes, who is this.

U/N: Matt, your number was in your book, so i thought I would text you to make sure it was yours.

I quickly saved him in my contacts. 

Y/N: cool. so, u need anything

Mr. Theory: yeah, actually. your book was in french, sooo. yeah

I face-palm. 

Y/N: omg, i'm so sorry. i've been learning french, so i guess i put that one in my bag on accident.

Mr. Theory: Its cool, you can just swing by my place and drop off the right book. if you want

Y/N: Yeah, that sounds good, what time should i come? 

Mr. Theory: Any time is good. 

Y/N: k, give me the address, and I'll be there in 10

He texted me his address. I threw on a black Panic! At The Disco T-Shirt, my new Markiplier hoodie, and a pair of jeans. I grabbed the book and said bye to Alice and started to walk to Matt's house. It was actually pretty close, just past the end of my street. I knocked on his door, and waited. I heard some thing moving around, and then foot-steps. The door oped, and I looked up. "Hey Ma-", I started to say, but I stopped in the middle of my sentence. There, In the middle of the door way. Was the one and only, Markiplier. 

"Hello?" He said sounding confused. I just stood there, not saying anything. I mean, what would you say if you just met the man that helped you be here? So, my stupid little peanut brain asked "Is this 1986 Theory Street?" He just looked at me for a moment before saying, "No, this is 1989 Theory Street."  

I just make an "O" shape with my mouth. "Sorry. Um, I'm just gonna leave now." I blush and turn around, a habit of mine when I'm uncomfortable. I start to walk away, but as I turn around, I crash into someone. I look up, again,and see that it's Matt. 

"Hey Y/N. I saw you come over here, and figured that you got confused. By the way Mark, your nine fell again." Mark walked out of his house and looked at the numbers. He sighed and pushed what I thought was a six back to a nine. I just blushed even harder. Matt seemed to notice, and put his hand on my four-head.  

"Y/N, you feel like you have a fever, are you okay?" I place my own hand on my four-head. 

"No. I can see every equation." I start to look around like I'm dazed, and then start to laugh and Mark and Matt do to. I hand Matt the book, and wave good bye. I'm not even out of there line of sight when I trip, scream, and fall down. I bang my head on the drive way, and cut up my elbows and legs, but I'm fine. 

"DUDE!" I hear someone shout. I stand up and turn around. Mark is sprinting down the drive way at sonic speed. 

"Whoa, slow down there sonic. Bendy's not chasing you." I giggle at my own joke. I look back at Mark, and his eyes widen. "What, is something on my face?" I laugh again, but feel something drip into my eye. I open it and wipe what ever it was off. I look down at my hand and see that it's got blood on it. Like. A LOT of blood. The fact that I ave a fear of blood, and am anemic, doesn't help at all. I quickly grab my phone, unlock it, and hand it to Mark. All I said was "Call Alice, and tell her code crimson." And then pass out.  

YEET CLIFFHANGER! I'm such a nice person.  See you guys later, BYEEEEEE!!! 



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