Chapter 7

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"See you later, Mark."  He smiles once again, and walks away

I woke up on Wednesday at 10 am. I took quite a long shower, and put my hair into a [favorite hair style]. I put on a blue dress/romper with wedges and a nude eyeliner. I completed the look with a cute tote bag I found at Good Will last week.

I undid the strings on the bag and placed my phone, my charger, my ear buds, and my wallet inside. I tied the strings back up and left my shared house. Alice was at work, and I normally am out when she gets home, so I don't bother telling her any thing. I dug the keys to my car out of my pocket. I have always been a sucker for old cars. The one I had now was a Sleek Black '67 Impala. It looked just like the one from Supernatural.

I got in the car and texted Mark.

Hi Mark. Leaving now. See you in 10. Want a coffee?
Read 12:11

Hey [Name], sure a coffee sounds good. Just make it like my soul.
Read 12:13

So, extra sugar and creamer with whipped cream?
Read 12:13

Read 12:14

I smile at my phone and toss it in the passenger seat. I start driving to the cafe/book store.

When I get to the book store, it's amazing. I walking, and am hit be the most overwhelming smell of Parchment, old books, Coffee, and Ink. It was like a slice of Heaven.

I go up to the barista and order mine and Mark's drink. I grab them, and set them on a table by a window. I grab my phone, and leave my bag on the table. I glide over to a tall book case and start scanning it. I pull out a book called Caraval and start to read it.

As I'm walking back to the table, Hermione style, I see Mark walk in. I attempted to wave at him, but I dropped some books. He laughed and walked over.

"This is quite the stack of books, [Name]. I didn't know you were such a fan of reading." He picks up the few books that fell, and walked over to the table. I set the books on the ground and took a sip of coffee.

"So, Mark, how's Chica doing? I haven't seen the little bugger in a while! Same with Henry (he's got a dog called Henry right??)."

Mark's face lit up at the mention of his little floofs. He excitedly said they were better and happier than ever. We talked for a bit, and then he asked me something that caught me off guard. "So, [Name], where are your parents?" At first, I didn't say anything. What was I  supposed to tell him? The truth? No. Only my sister, Carys, and Alice know. I quickly make up a lie. "They're in Ohio, they thought it was best to stay there with my grandparents! Ya know, to take care of them and all that jazz." [yA LiKe jAzz?] I give him a smile, and trace the rim of my mug. Thankfully, he seemed to believe it. 

We talk a bit longer, and them leave, both having picked out a few books. We walked for a bit, and stumbled across a board walk. My face lit up like a child, and Mark chuckled. I spotted a house of mirrors, and dragged Mark to it. We went inside, and I started laughing like a little girl on a sugar high. I might have run into a couple mirrors. Okay, I ran into most of them. Mark was behind me the first few times, and just laughed. So did I. It was really funny! Eventually, we made it out of the maze. 

We walked down a bit further, and saw some games. Me, being the person I am, ran straight to the BB gun game. I pulled out $5, and gave it to the girl working at the stand. She was very nice, but kept looking at Mark like she knew him. She brushed it off, and loaded my gun. "Okay, your gonna shoot the red star out of the paper. To win, there can be no red on the paper. Got it?" She looked at me very kindly. To be honest, she was stunning. Her brown skin looked really soft, and her frizzy light brown hair looked so much better than my [hair length] [hair color]. I nodded, and pointed the gun at the star. She backed away from me, and told me I could go. I started shooting around the star, and them worked on the middle. I ran out of  pellets just at the right time. She pulled down the paper, and scanned it for any star. When she didn't find any, she looked up and smiled. 

"Congrats! You won!" I give a small laugh. "Cool!" I shout. She nods and hands me the prize. Its a huge stuffed teddy bear! It was so big, both me and Alice could probably fit in between its legs! She tried to hand it to me over the counter, and it just bear-ly fit [I like dad jokes]. I thanked her, and we walked away. 

-small time skip-

It was getting dark, so we decided to finish off the night on the Ferris wheel. We talked, and looked at the sunset. It was beautiful. The sky was a mix of pink and orange and purple. we were stopped at the top, so we had the perfect view of the board walk. As I stared at the sunset, Mark looked at me. We made eye contact, and smiled. This day couldn't get any better. 

-another smol time skype- 

As me and Mark walked back to our cars, he turned to look at me. He held my hands and look me right in my eyes. The way the light hit his face made him seem even more handsome. His face seemed practically perfect in every way.  I felt my face go red. He smiled a goofy little smile and leaned in. He got close to my ear and said

"There's a snake in my boot." I started laughing really hard, and Mark did to. We gathered ourselves, and continued to walk to the cars. We got to mine first. 

"I had a really great time with you tonight, Mark." I said, smiling at him. "Same with you, [Name]." He says. We both smile as I load the stuffed bear into my backseat. I turned to give him one last good bye. "Well, I'd better get going. Don't want Alice getting into to much trouble." I say with a little laugh. Mark laughs to, and turns to look at me. He leans in again, and gives me a little kiss on my  cheek. My face heats up as I place my hand where his lips once where. He smiles once again, and we hug. I get in ,my car, and drive away.

-you're home now-

I shower and get into my pj's. As I crawl under the covers of my bed, I think: This has been an eventful day. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Good news tho, it's summer break! You can expect updates more often! Also, I've been thinking, should I add him to the story? Welp! It's 12:05 am, and I'm tired. But real quick, Happy Pride month!!! I want my readers to know me a bit better, so I though I could tell you........Hi I'm Bi and you're watching Disney channel! That's right! The Author is Bisexual! One last thing, I'm thinking about making a Jack x Reader book. I'd still update this one, but I might have more motivation to write of I've got two books going. I bid you goodbye

With love, Squid. 

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