Chapter 5

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It's been a day. I think. With that, I fall into a deep sleep. 

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I groan and sit up. I was about to play a very dangerous game of "Just three more minuets", but I remembered something. It was my turn to lead the hike! Every year, the library went on a hike through the woods. I've been waiting to lead it, because I have a really cool path to take my co-workers on.

I quickly jump out of bed and run to my closet. I put on a pair of black leggings, and T-shirt with Gravity Falls on it. I get on the floor and look under my bed. It took me a while, but I finally found the Olive Green book bag I take on my hiking trips. I stuff an extra pair of socks inside, along with a bunch of hair ties, a pocket knife, some matches, and some whistles. I head down stairs, and see Alice on the phone. I sneak around the side of the wall, so I can scare her. I run out and yell "BOO!" She screams and I start to laugh. "[Y/n]! You scared me half to death!" she says, now also laughing. "That was the point." I tell her. We both smile and chat for a bit. I fill up my steal water bottle with ice, and grab the first-aid kit. I shove both in my bag and Alice looks at my funny, util she realizes it to. "Today's the hike, isn't it?" She asks. I chuckle and nod. I hear her get up and groan in annoyance. She trudges up to her room and starts to get ready. I look at my phone and see it's twelve-thirty. The hike starts at two, so I've got plenty of time. I put a few more things in my bag and look around. I nod, and go to my room.

~Time Skip~

It's One-Forty, and I'm in the car with Alice, we're on our way to library. We pull into the parking lot and get out of the car. I take a deep breath of the air. It was spring, but it was still kind of cold. I zip my Conner hoodie up, and sling my bag over my shoulder. We walk into the library, and into the back room. It closed early today, so every one who was going was there. We put up fliers in the library, so if other people want to join us, they can. There were a few other people there, but not a lot. 

"Okay! Thank you every one who came today! We will be going on a hike through the woods, so be sure you have on bug spray and good hiking boots." I gesture to my shoes. "If every on could come over to me when they are done getting ready, I will give each of you a whistle. Not saying we will need them, but if you get in trouble or lose the group, just blow it. Can have anyone getting hurt now can we?" I laugh. Every one else does to. After a few minuets, every one had gotten a whistle, and we were ready to leave. I had three left over, so I just put them back into my bag. "Alright! Every one good to go?" I ask. I hear a chorus of yes. I smile and head out the back to the bus that would take us to the woods. 

~Skip to the woods~ 

The last person had gotten off the bus, and it drove away to park. The driver would also be joining us. It would be a two hour hike. We would stop half way through to have lunch. We started walking. A few people had brought actual cameras, so they were taking pictures, and showing them to others. The rest of us were just taking a few here and there with our phones. We were having a good time, talking and laughing. I turned to Alice and said, "I find it unbe-leaf-able a that I still haven't made a single pun." She turns to me and whispers "What in carnation?" We both have goofy grins on our faces. We walk for a while longer, and stop at the rest area. Se all sit down, and a few of the little kids were hanging on the branches. One of them fell off, and the branch snapped, so, in my state of brilliance, yelled"Tree-son!" Every one around e started laughing, and so did I. I have a gift. The gift of PUNS! 

We started to head back. On the way down, we had to cross a river. Is wasn't very big, maybe seven or eight feet across, but it was deep. Like, four and a half feet, but there were stones that you could use to cross The kids went over first, all of them made it. A girl, probably eleven or twelve, tried, and fell onto the grass, but she was alright. At least she didn't fall into the stream. The others went next, they all made it, Alice went before me, she was a gymnast, so she did it like it was nothing, and stuck the landing perfectly. Now it was my turn. One thing to know about me, I'm not very.....good on my feet. I take marshal arts, but I'm still very clumsy. 

I was half way across, when I stepped on a lose rock. It wobbled under my feet, and I fell, face first into the water. It was really cold. Now, I'm fairly tall for my age 5' 11", so I was okay. Ti be honest, I thought something like this was gonna happen, so when I climbed out of the river, I grabbed my bag from Alice, (I had her take it across because I was afraid it would get wet) opened it, and pulled out a [f/c] bath towel. I wrapped it around my shivering body, changed my socks, and started to walk like that had dent just happened. I was trying to keep in my laugh, but I couldn't. I started to laugh hysterically, and every once and a while I snorted, but that just made me laugh harder. 


By the time that we had gotten home, I had almost completely dried off. My [h/c] hair was still wet, but it wasn't sopping wet like it had been. I walked up to my room and grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants, and a pain over sized black hoodie. I took a shower and got changed into the pajamas. I walked downstairs, and looked over at Alice. "Al, what do you want from Pizza Hut?"

"Meat lovers with garlic sticks." I smile. "Good choice." I place the order, and get it to go. "I'll be back in a few." I say, grabbing my car keys. I hear Alice say okay, and close the door. I walk over to my car, and get in. I start driving to Pizza Hut. On the way there, I passed a Star Bucks. I texted Alice that I was going to get a coffee, and she said to get her one to. I rolled my eyes and stuffed my phone back into my pants pocket. I ordered the coffees,and was asked for a name. "Disappointment." I say. I can see the barista trying not to laugh. I let out a small laugh, and sat off to the side. 

I heard the door open and close, but I didn't bother to look up. I was to immersed in my game of Temple Run to care. I hear some people talking, but I'm not really the type of person to socialize past Nine Thirty, so I pulled my hood up. I could hear foot steps getting close to me, so I pulled my hood up farther. Someone was standing right in front of me, I could smell the beer on them. I hear the barista say "Coffees for Disappointment." I stand up, but my path is still blocked by the person. I let out a small "Excuse me." And pass them. I grab the coffees and the the barista a ten dollar tip. She looked at me happily, but the whispered, "Here." She pulled me behind the counter, and pointed to a plastic bin. Inside were a few cans of pepper spray, and a a few rape whistles. I look at her, and then back to the bin with a nod. I grab a can of spray and and a whistle. I shove them into my pocket and hug her. I hand her a card with my contact info on it, because she seemed nice. "Thank you," I glance down at her name tag, "Amy". She looks at me with a wide grin. "No problem, [Y/n]." 

I walk out of the shop, and get to my car. I Put it in drive, and hear to Pizza Hut. I have the feeling I'm being watched, but I shrug it off. I'm probably still paranoid about the dude from the shop. I think. I'm in and out of the Pizza Hut in record time. I drive home, still feeling like I'm being watched. I get a call from Alice and pick up. "Hey dude. What cha up to?" "[Y/n], you need to get home right now." She says in an urgent tone. I grip the wheel tighter. "Why? Al, whats going on." I ask, worry laced trough my voice, and clear on my face. "Some one escaped from the local jail." "Cazzo santo." I say. "I'm close Al, only a couple streets away. I'll be there in a few." "Okay." And with that, she hung up. 

I open the door, ans set the coffee, pizza and bread sticks down. "Al! I'm home!" I call. I hear her say "Living room," And grab the food. I give her the coffee and take a slice of pizza. We watched movies 'till twelve am, and went to bed. I fell asleep as son as my head hit my pillow. 

Into the Woods (Markiplier x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now