Chapter 3

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(Name) P.O.V.

 I open my eyes, but quickly shut them again, due to the fact that some one had put a light by my bed and it was shining really  brightly in my eyes.  I quickly sat up, pushed the light away. I let my eyes adjust to the room, a immediately knew where I was. 

"Ugh. Alice? Where are you?"  No one says anything, so I swing my legs over the bed and take the little needle in my arm out. I get up out of bed, and start to walk to the other end of the room. I see a pair of black ripped jeans, my red flannel, and my brown combat boots. I smile because I knew that Alice had been here. She always knows . I'm pretty sure she has a sixth sense, and It's what I want to were. Granted, I'm almost always in either a hoodie and black leggings, or jeans and a flannel. I put the clothing on, and through my hair up into a messy bun.

I walk out of the room, and see Alice waiting in the guest area. I walk up her, and give her a big hug. "How are you Al? Was I out long?" "Nope." She says. I nod and we start walking to thew front desk to get my phone and check me out. 

We walk to her car, and I look at my phone. I laugh, because I've got 50 texts from Emma. I text her saying I was alright, and that Alice was gonna take me home. Alice pulled into our drive way, and I hop of and head to my room. I shut and lock the door, because I'm like that. I open my phone to see if I had any texts from Matt, because I mean, I just up-right fell, said something really vague, and then passed out. So I felt like there might be a bit of worries on his end. I pulled up his contact, and sure enough, there was at least 20 texts asking if I was okay. 

(A/N: You=(Name)  Matt= Mr. Theory) 

(Name): Heyy Matt sorry if I gave you a heart attack

Mr. Theory: Holy crap (Name)! I thought you died!

(Name): Lol not going to get rid of me that easily

Mr. Theory: ha ha (name)

We chat for a bit longer, then say good bye. I scroll through Tumblr for a bit, but I'm cut short by a knock at the door. I sigh and toss my phone on my bed. I walk down the stairs, and see Alice talking to someone in the door. I sneak up behind her, and scare her. She screams, and falls over. I start to laugh, because it was really freaking funny. I stop laughing,but still have a huge smile on my face, and turn to the door. My smile falls, and I stop dead in my tracks. Right there, standing in my door way, is the one and only, Markiplier. I look to Alice, who has stood up, and give her the "What the bloody hell is a famous person doing in our door way" look. She just shrugs and smiles. I turn back to the door.

"Hey Mark. Wacha doing in my door way?" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Oh, nothing, just seeing if you're okay, cause, you know, you kinda just passed out, and said something really ominous. I laugh. "Awww, you care, my non- extant heart." I place a hand on my heart. All three of us laugh at that. 

"So, thanks for coming! I appreciate it," I give him a big smile, " Did you need anything?" He looks at me blankly for a moment, but then says, "Uh, yeah, I was talking to Alice, and she said you really liked Five Nights, and that you were really good, so I was thinking you might like to compete with me at  Ultimate Custom Night?" I just kinda stood there with a shocked look on my face, before saying, "Are you Sirius?" He nods, and I run up to my room. I grab my phone, put my hair up into a loos braid, and put on some light make up. Just a wing, and some gold eye shadow. I run back down the stairs, and walk back to the door. 

"Wow."  Alice says, "I never seen you run that fast before." I give her the stink eye, and we both giggle. "Well, see you later Alice! If my sister comes over, tell her I'm dead." "Will do, Satan." We both laugh once again, and I leave with Mark. 

~At Mark's House~ 

I walk through the door of Marks house, and am brought to the ground by Chica. I start to laugh and pet her. She gets off and walks towards Mark. I stand up and also walk to Mark. "So, ready to get defeated by the best Five Nights player out there?" I ask him. He turns around, looks me dead in the eye and says, "You just challenged a god." I looked at him the same way and go "So did you." We both start to laugh, and walk to his recording room. He does his intro, and then, out of know where, he says, "Today I am joined by my friend, (Name). Now (Name) thinks she's gonna beat me. The chat starts blowing up. I walk into the view of the camera, and shyly wave. Mark gives an explanation on what were going to do. Each of us is going to play 50/20 mode in UCN. Who ever lives the longest, wins, ans is the official King or Queen of Fnaf.

"Good luck, Mark. You're gonna need it." I give him an evil smile and sit next to him. He rolls his eyes ans smiles. He sets all the animatronics to 50/20, and the game begins. 





  A/N: Hey y'all!! Hope you liked the update! Sorry its a day late. I'mat my Aunts house, and I had a bit of writers block. thats all. Have a good one! Byeeeee!!!! 

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