Lord of the underworld 2/2

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The two of us make our way through Hades's body

"You know Pitty and Y/N, I'll miss you both when you're gone" said Hades

Hades hand goes right into his stomach just so he can get to us

"What just happened" I asked

"Hahahaha, surprised" said Hades

"Yeah, how did you just punch yourself" said Pit

"Now you're making me feel bad. And when I feel bad, I get hungry" said Hades

A bunch of debris starts to fall around us

"Stop eating things, it's bad enough that you eat souls" said Pit

"But souls are delicious" said Hades

"If you eat them, you completely remove them from existence, they can't move of be reincarnated. You know, being born as someone or something else" said Pit

"So it's being reborn as something else the same as being removed from existence" said Hades

"Eating souls isn't right, you're a god, you should be above all that" said Pit

"Gods are above living things, it doesn't necessarily mean we care about them" said Hades

"He did not just say that" I said

"I can't believe you just said that. That's it, in the name of the living we will destroy you" said Pit

"You're so boring, I'd really wish you'd leave. Unfortunately for you, there's only one way out for you. You've been privy to a side of me that one else has, my insides. And now you'll be privy to the inside of a privy, tootleLOO" said Hades

"Ok I give up, just please spare us" said Pit

"I'm literally about to throw up" I said

"Obeying the call of nature is part of the cycle of life" said Hades

*time skip to the battle

We make our way to the center of Hades's body and we find his heart

"Are you Hades's heart" said Pit

Once the heart sees us, it runs away in fear

"Wait, come back here" said Pit

"It's actually pretty cute" I said

"Especially when you compare it to his bowels" said Pit

*after the battle

"Your heart wasn't even in it" said Hades

Hades's heart exploded and we are blasted into the air. Dark Pit grabs ahold of us from the lightning chariot and rides us out of Hades's body

"If it weren't for that explosion, I never would of found you both" said Dark Pit

"I'm so glad you did" said Pit

"It's good to see you both again" said Palutena

"That wasn't very nice" said Hades

The three of us are extracted from the air before Haded could grab ahold of us

"That really hurt, but hey, at least I'm not dead" said Hades

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