The three trials 2/3

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*time skip to the first battle

"We have to defeat this guy again" said Pit

"It's the Phoenix" I said

"It was just tragic seeing the majestic immortal bird felled by such little angels" said Dyntos

"That majestic bird tried to kill us" said Pit

"If it makes you feel any better, this Phoenix is one of lord Dyntos's creations" said Palutena

"That was supposed to be a surprise you big party pooper" said Dyntos

"You've done a lovely job with it" said Palutena

"Well thank you" said Dyntos

*after the battle

"Extinguished again" said Pit

"Sorry you had to go through that a second time" said Palutena

"Saving the world, one mysterious door at a time" said Pit

*time skip to the second battle

"Hey it's Cragalanche" said Pit

"Still strong and silent as ever though" I said

"He's still got a busted keister" said Dyntos

"I have to admit, your craftsmanship and attention to detail is just amazing" said Pit

"If you wanted to, you could build the strongest army the world has ever seen" said Palutena

"Not interested, though creating enemies is terribly fun. I use your experiences as the blueprints" said Dyntos

"You can see inside our brains" I said

"Lord Dyntos is powerful beyond imagination" said Palutena

"Does that mean he's even more powerful than Hades" said Pit

*after the battle

"Cragalanche crushed" said Pit

"Good work there you two" said Dyntos

"All right, on to the next boss" said Palutena

*time skip to the third battle

"The Kraken" said Palutena

"We're back on the pirate ship" said Pit

"A pretty faithful reproduction, wouldn't you say" said Dyntos

"This has to be another one of Lord Dyntos's creations, right" I asked

"It doesn't matter if it is or isn't, that Kraken is real" said Palutena

"Why don't you get a little closer and test that hypothesis" said Dyntos

*after the battle

"That's right you tentafool" said Pit

"Tentafool, uh nice one Pit" said Palutena

"That's the last of them, can we have our new weapon now" asked Pit

"Not so fast, do you remember the name of this chapter" said Dyntos

"Wasn't it the one trial or something" said Pit

"You're a couple trials short there sonny" said Dyntos

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