The wish seed 2/2

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"The underworld army has already reached the Phoenix, but they're facing severe resistance" said Palutena

"So if we want the wish seed too" said Pit

"That's right, you'll have to defeat the Phoenix" said Palutena

"I was afraid you'd say that" I said

"Why hello there, glad to see you made it" said Hades

"Hades" said Pit

"Settle down there Pitty, ladies don't like high strung fellows" said Hades

"Oh give me a break" I said

"So the good guys want the wish seed too. Tell me goddess, what do you wish for" asked Hades

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours" said Palutena

"Thanks so much for asking, I just have one humble wish. You see this poor child, both of her parents are dead. There was an unfortunate accident if you know what I mean" said Hades

"You mean you murdered them" said Pit

"Anyway, I was hoping to use the wish seed to bring back the parents" said Hades

"Let me get this straight, you the lord of the underworld want to revive the dead" asked Palutena

"You never told me your wish yet, even after I bared my very soul to you" said Hades

"Your wish, I don't buy it, in fact it makes me doubt this entire story. Answer me this, does the wish seed even have that power to grant wishes" said Palutena

"You're a sharp one, how'd you guess" asked Hades

"What, the wish seed is a fake" me and and Pit said

"It's so obvious to me now, the idea of a wish seed it pretty far fetched" said Palutena

"If the wish seed doesn't work, why is the underworld army going after it" said Pit

"To make everyone, us included believe that it's real" said Palutena

"If there's one thing you can predict about humans, it's their greed. It's impossible for humans resist the lure of a wish granting item" said Hades

"And since they can't get to the wish seed from the Phoenix to see its fake, you need them to think that someone's made off with it" said Palutena

"At which point, they'll drive themselves to extinction battling for it. And that's good for my business" said Hades

"But the Phoenix himself could wipe out humanity if the underworld sets him loose" said Pit

"We have no choice but to defeat him, we've fallen right into Hades's trap" said Palutena

*time skip to the battle

The make our way to a mountain where we find the wish seed

"The wish seed looks real enough" I said

We then heard a loud screech from the air

"The Phoenix" said Pit

"He's not going to let you go without a fight" said Pit

*after the battle

"Phoenix extinguished" said Pit

"I'll have a nice cold drink waiting for you both when you get back" said Palutena

The Phoenix disappears leaving behind a beacon along with the wish seed

"Now everyone will know the wish seed was a fake" said Pit

"No no no, that beacon tells the humans that the Phoenix was defeated which will make them think that someone has taken the wish seed, now I'll just give them a little nudge. People of the world, the wish seed has been liberated. This is your chance to fulfill your wildest dreams, all you have to do is conquer anyone in your way" said Hades

"The people will not be so easily deceived" I said

"I wish that were true but I foresee major bloodshed, this is all my fault" said Palutena

Light shines around us and we are extracted from the mountain

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