Rihanna Rebel PART 11

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Rihanna gets back to the hotel, it's 2 in the morning and Katy Perry isn't there.

Rihanna: *She's supposed to meet me back here at 1!"

Rihanna calls Katy's cellphone twice and she doesn't pick up. Rihanna decides to go back to the cafe they were at to see if they are there, she checks the beach and some stores, and Katy is not there. Rihanna gives up and goes back to the hotel room. She takes a shower and gets ready to go to sleep, it;s now 3 in the morning and Katy isn't back yet.

(Thursday Morning)

RIhanna wakes up and see's that Katy still isn't there.

Rihanna: *So she dumps me for some Spanish guy!*

Rihanna decides to go out by herself, she goes shopping at  some stores. She bought 3,000 dollars worth of clothes from the stores.

(Back at the Hotel)

Rihanna finds a letter from Katy on the bed ....

Rihanna RebelWhere stories live. Discover now