Rihanna Rebel PART 17

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Rihanna has 10 days left in Spain and nobody to spend it with. So she picks her phone and calls someone to fly out.

*on the phone*

Rihanna: "AYE!"

Chris Brown: "What's up?"

Rihanna: "I'm bored out here in Spain by myself, fly out!"

Chris Brown: "I can't Rih, got 3 shows to do!"

*Hangs up*

Rihanna: "Drizzy!"

Drake: "Robyn!"

Rihanna: "Is there anyway toy can fly out to Spain for a few days."

Drake: "You know i can't, got interviews and promotions for "Take Care."

Rihanna feeling PRETTY LONELY!

Rihanna: "Nicki, please come out here to Spain and spend the rest of my trip with me, i'm lonely, Katy left me."

Nicki Minaj: "I'll be there tomorrow Barb."

Notice how in any story, Nicki is always the life saver. : )

Rihanna pays for Nicki's flight, and Nicki will be in Spain tomorrow night.

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