Chapter 6

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Jessicas PoV

I saw the different files stacked on my desk from various departments of your Company. Mr. O'Neil was a strange person somehow, I wanted to get him out of my mind and started searching through the files for the reports he needed.

Why was I reacting like that, if he was near me? I never felt like this before for anyone.

My body wanted more from him, longing for his touch. My lips wanted to taste him, and my mind was not letting go of his scent, which drove me crazy, each time he was passing by. I forced myself to concentrate on my work.

As I finished with the half pile of files, I heard my stomach growl. I checked the time on the laptop in front of me. It was already turning one. I stood up, heading to the elevator to have my lunch break.

"Ms. Jones, are you planning to go somewhere?" I heard Mr. O'Neil asking.

I tried to put on the best fake smile I had and turned to him. "Sir, I would have my lunch break now. Shall I get you something too?"

He narrowed his eyes. "No... thank you."

As I was trying to fake a smile, he was trying to fake being polite.

I entered the elevator, which brought me down and headed straight to the pizzeria across the street, meeting up with Anna.

"Finally, you are here!! I ordered already..." I heard her screaming as I entered the pizzeria.

"Sorry, I miss the time, but thank you." I hung my jacket at the back of the chair and sat down.

"It's okay... By the way, how is it? Working with Mr. Arrogant-Asshole?"

I sighed and told Anna what happened after I went out of her office this morning. She could not resist bursting out laughing.

"I think he is trying to seduce you, Jessica" She finds it hard to control her laughter.

"He is still my boss Anna, and for your information, he would play his stupid game with any girl, who would be in my position." I sipped on my coke, which the waiter brought me. "How about you, Anna? How are you feeling?"

"Yup, he called me, just before you arrived here and apologized..."

"What do you mean, he called you? Who? " I asked, confused.

"Mr. Arrogant-Asshole. He told me that you've talked to him this morning, and he felt sorry for what happened, explaining to me that it was all a misunderstanding..."

Are you kidding me?

I was not getting her point. "Misunderstanding? That asshole tried to seduce me this morning, without knowing, that I'm his assistant, leaving me, with my mind upside down! I was struggling to resist him," I felt embarrassed.

She just smiled, and the way she was looking at me, I knew that she was thinking about something awful.

"How can you betray me like that Anna!" I was shocked.

The waiter came and served our pizza. Anna ordered my favorite pizza Diavolo and for herself, pizza Hawaii. I started eating immediately.

We finished up, and Anna showed me a picture on her phone. "Did you know that he has a brother, looking more handsome, than your maniac up there?" She chuckled.

I looked at the picture, not giving minding what she just said.

"It's just so sad their mother died four years ago. It must have been a rough time for both." She continued.

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