Chapter 25

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Brents PoV

"What the hell are you up to?!" I asked my uncle furiously.

He couldn't leave it for a second. Even now, in this delicate situation.

"What do you mean...?" he asked innocently, giving me a nasty grin.

"Can you not leave it for a moment?" I said, gritting my teeth so that the receptionist wouldn't hear a word we were discussing.

I had enough problems coming up and wasn't in the mood for these stupid games.

"Woah what's going on with you Brent? Just chill, I was only having some fun..."

I frowned, "Please, uncle, just leave this girl alone..."

I was tired, tired of this whole mess...

He nodded and clapt on my shoulder, signing me to follow him back to his office.

I obeyed as he turned to the door of his office and just as he was about to enter, I said, "and Ms. Fernandez, she belongs to Leonard..."

He stepped back and narrowed his eyebrows as he turned back to me, "That girl... Leonard? Are you sure?" he pointed to his office, giving me an unbelieving look.

I nodded.

"Are you kidding me, Leonard wouldn't even see her potentials... I mean her beauty behind that glasses..."

"I think he already did..." assuring him.

"Well, if you say so..."

We headed back to his office.

I was pitying him.

Since my aunt went missing, he believed that she run away with another man, not being over it. However, my mom told me that there was more about this matter than what my uncle believed. She wanted to find out, but couldn't finish it due to her sickness. I couldn't believe it too. They were so in love and my aunt Cecilia was a stunning and kind woman, who couldn't harm anything or anybody. She wouldn't dare treat my uncle like that, but suddenly she went missing for five years now.

Of course, my uncle never knew about my mom investigating about aunt Cecile. She kept everything secret and only involved me when she knew that she wouldn't make it anymore. My mom told me to shut up my mouth and find aunt Cecilia first before confronting my uncle with this matter. Everyone knew him for being inpatient and exaggerating.

Just as I was close to track aunt Cecilia in Spain, I lost her right after Nathalie appeared the first time in my office.


Jessica's PoV

After a long conversation with Brent and his uncle, Brent mentioned the incident with Mr. Sanchez and that he found out, that Nathalie was his daughter. He explained to me that he needed to save the Company and wanted Mr. Sanchez out of the partnership before the FBI would handle this case. Brent told me about the mail and that this wasn't the first threat he got. It started all when Nathalie came to the office trying to convince him to marry her. He tried keeping it a secret not wanting me to worry about it.

It was stupid not telling him right from the beginning about the email I received this morning.

My eyes filled with tears as I showed him the content. I was embarrassed and scared. He comforted me by holding me in his arms the whole time and assured me that none of this had something to do with me and our relationship.

"I'm sorry Brent... I ... we need to end this here right now...if you want I can leave the Company or..."

"Will you stop it!! What are you thinking of me? Letting my girlfriend leave just because of that stupid threat? Bullshit!!"

I never saw him so mad.

"He is right." His uncle said, looking out the window. "There is no reason for you to leave Jessica... You should know by now that we don't give in just because of a threat. It would put him and our Company in the wrong light towards our rivals..."

Serious? Was he only thinking about that fucking Company?

Brent cupped my face to look at him, "Babe, you are not going anywhere did you understand? We will get through this together, no matter..." He embraced me and out of nothing, I suddenly felt safe.

"Brent you need to get Jermaine and Vlad with you for your safety. It would be best if both of you move to the Gallions..." his uncle suggested.

Gallions? What was that?

I couldn't believe what was going on. I needed some time alone, away from all of this. My life turned upside down as I once again didn't know Brent well enough.

Who was he?

He was like a puzzle I needed to put together, but do I wanted this? All of this?

"Yeah, we should move in right away..." Brent agreed.

"Ehm... sorry to interrupt but I think you should read this..." Anna handed Brent her phone.

There was a message from an unknown person, sending pictures of Brents penthouse where almost everything shattered into pieces.

"How the hell did they get in there?!" He handed the phone to his uncle to look at the pictures. "Wait for a second. I need to call Leonard and make sure that he is all right..." He immediately went out of the office, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I turned to Anna and saw that she went pale, "Are you okay, Anna?"

"Yeah... I'm just a bit... overwhelmed, I think, and scared, and confused and...." her glace went blurry as she lost her balance for a moment. I caught her at the right moment and led her to the chair, which was unoccupied.

"Thank you, Jessica. I need a moment..." she said.

"Oh Anna, I'm sorry... for all of it..." I could never forgive myself if something happened to her.

Brent came back and saw that we looked a mess.

"Leonard is on his way to the office. Anna?" he turned to her, "he suggested that you should join us... it's not safe for you either after receiving these pictures..."

She nodded being obedient.

"Brent would you please tell us where you are going to bring us?" I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Jessica, we are going to stay at the Gallions... It will be for some days... no longer..." He answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world, bringing people in places they don't even know existed.

I shook my head, not believing what was going on.

He came closer, holding my hand, "Jessica, you need to trust me, these people we are dealing with are dangerous..."

I felt a tear running down my cheeks and couldn't hold my emotions back any longer. Brent noticed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Trust me..." he whispered in my ear.

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