Chapter 17

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Jessica's PoV

It was stunning. My eyes couldn't stop staring at everything. The house was big, and the exterior design was kept simple. As we entered the gate, there was a small fountain in the middle of the patio, which we crossed, heading to the main entrance.

I just stood there as I entered, and it felt like I arrived in the telenovela series from Spain/Italy. The interior design had a Spanish flair, so warm and cozy.

"Are your ancestors from Spain?" I asked Brent, being curious.

"Yup, actually my Nana is half Spanish and half American..." he smiled.

I didn't know that...

"Hello, grandson..." Mr. Barneys was coming out from the restroom.

They embraced each other, and Mr. Barneys turned to me, "Hello Ms. Jones, nice to see you again," he winked and gave me his hand.

That wink again...

"Hello, Mr. Barneys, nice to see you too" It was nice seeing him again.

Mr. Barneys and his wife left us in the living room to give us a moment to arrive, and Williams and two housemaids carried our luggage in our bedrooms.

The living room had a beautifully appointed ocean view.


"This is beautiful..." I couldn't hold myself back, opening the veranda door to get outside.

Brent chuckled as he followed me. His hands in his pocket. "I know..."

"This is such an amazing place. You must love staying here when you were a kid..."

He didn't answer immediately, so I turned to his side, wondering. He just stood there looking at the ocean, which was right in front of us, maybe around twenty meters away from the house, down the cliff.

I could see that he was thinking about something. His eyes were dreamy.

I focused back at the ocean, feeling the breeze that touched my face, smelling the sea air.

We were interrupted by a female voice, "Both of you come in now, or else you are going to catch a cold!" his grandmother shouted from the veranda.

Before I could enter the living room, Brent stopped me holding my arm. I turned around and saw in his eyes that he was kind of confused.

"What's wrong, Brent?"

His glance was intense, as if he could see my soul through my eyes.

"Jessica..." he whispered, not breaking our eye contact, "I....."

"Now both of you, come in!" his grandmother suddenly appeared and pulled me inside.

"You both need to eat, look at you," she both gave as a glance, "thin as straw..." with her hands on her side.

I smiled at her and took my seat at the dining table.

Brent sat beside me, but we didn't talk during dinner. We were listening to his grandparents, telling us stories where they have already been since Mr. Barneys left the Company and what was driving Mrs. Barneys crazy about him. You could see the love they have for each other.

After we finished our dinner, I helped Mrs. Barneys clean up the table. "Don't touch anything young lady... you are our guest here, and I want you to enjoy your vacation..." she directed me with a friendly smile on her face.

"Its okay, Mrs. Bar... Nana, I want to, that's the least I can do..." putting the plates in the sink.

She just stood there, not believing what just happened, and I went back to the dining table, getting the other plates.

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