Chapter 16

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Jessica's PoV

The next day I stopped at Anna's office.

"Where were you yesterday? I was trying to call you like five times on your intercom, your phone was off, and you didn't answer nor called me back..." being upset. That was usually not her style.

"Sorry Jessica, I... I was busy with... with something..." she stammered, playing with her pen in her hand.

I narrowed my eyebrows.

She was nervous...

"Are you all right, Anna?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired from yesterday..." she shyly caught.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that we are letting renovate our floor by next week. If everything finished on time, Leonard is going transfer in his own office, is the second CEO of this Company. His office will be on the top floor."

"Oh... So, he will not work with me anymore?" her voice was disappointed.

Now I knew what was going on here...

"Anna, tell me the truth... are you dating Leonard?"

She didn't answer, avoiding my gaze.

I got closer to her desk, "Anna?"

Then there was a soft voice, "No?"

Was she asking me or what?

"Anna," I let out a sigh, "you don't need to tell me everything that is happening between you and Leonard, but please," I know she admires him, but he was the opposite of her, and I was not sure yet if Leonard is taking it serious with her. "don't let him hurt you okay?"

"Yes, Jessica..." she was relieved that I didn't scold her.

"I wanted to inform you also that Brent and I are going to California while the renovation is ongoing. We will leave for one week..." I was still curious about it, but I trusted Brent.

"One week? Are you going to stay in a hotel? Just the two of you? In one room?" now there she was again...

"Anna!" signing her to stop asking more.

"Sorry... well, ehm... that's nice then... enjoy your vacation" She gave me a broad smile and winked. I stood up, shaking my head.

"Thank you, Anna..." and left.


The rest of the week was a bit stressful. The workers were doing their job, removing the furniture's and other stuff out of the office, transferring them one floor beneath us.

Still, I needed to reschedule appointments and meetings for the following week would be arriving back in New York.

Brent was busy with Mr. Tran. He needed to close the deal before we would leave for California. Mr. Tran was a small, impassioned man around his 60's. It was hard convincing him to sign the contract so that we could start the project in Miami.

Brent entered the office, pushing one worker, who stood in front of him carrying a box, out of his way and shouted throwing the file he was holding on his desk, "This man is driving me crazy!!"

He put his one hand in his pocket, the other one brushing through his hair. He looked annoyed.

"Mr. O'Neil," we were not alone. "what's the matter?" I stood up from my desk, getting closer to him.

"He didn't sign the deal because of some misunderstanding of the location of the Miami-Project..." he was raging. "I don't know what his translator told him, but he was expecting that the project was going to built in Orlando... how am I going to find in that short time a location in Orlando?"

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