Chapter 18

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Brent's PoV

I went to my room, which was just beside hers and lay down on my bed.

I can't let her know everything about me... She wouldn't trust me anymore...

As I saw her tears filling up her eyes, after asking her if she would trust me, I knew she wasn't ready to answer me that question. What took her so long?

I let out a deep gasp.

Maybe she wasn't the right one... However, why is she making me feel this way? No one ever did this to me...

I don't even know if she was worth all this... this fight...

She doesn't know anything about me...


2 years ago, somwhere in Washington D.C.

"Hello, handsome... want to join me...?"

I ignored the brunette girl wearing a corset, spreading her legs as I passed her.

I was disgusted by the place of Mr. Sanchez.

Unfortunately, he was still one of our closest business partners, which I wanted out of the Company's business as soon as possible. Mr. Sanchez was around his 50s and always up to no good, dealing with the wrong guys. He was also known for having sadistic obsession against woman, keeping them as slaves in his mansion and torturing them. Also, for man trafficking and being in the drug scene connected with the Colombian mafia.

His money and reputation gave him enough security, keeping his secret far away from the public.

What he didn't know was that the FBI was only one step behind him.

The reason I was here was to set him up, for keeping the Company out of trouble, but I needed to be careful. It wasn't the best idea to fool Mr. Sanchez.

As I opened the door of the west wing, I saw the men's working for Mr. Sanchez, busy with the lady's who were captured and drugged, in different kinds of intimate positions with them. I headed straight to the main door and opened it, finding him there and slamming his dick in one of his girls on his desk.

He pulled off as soon as he saw me. "Hello, my friend, you want to join us?" he chuckled devilish.

He let off of her and pushed her away, pulling his pants up.

"No, thanks, Mr. Sanchez. I just came here to talk to you about the business concerning our partnership at the Company...," I paused for a moment, wanting to see his reaction on his face, "and Mr. Warner..." giving him a dirty grin.

His face went pale, knowing my point.

Mr. Warner was a high brass in the military and now head investigator of the FBI. Due to the circumstances concerning Mr. Sanchez, he came this morning to my office and informed me that the FBI had enough evidence against Mr. Sanchez to put him in jail for a long time. The only problem was that my uncle had connections to the Columbians too, as well as the Company. Mr. Warner knew about this and to save my uncle and our business. I needed to work with the FBI, playing by their rule.

There was an issue with Mr. Sanchez drugging one of our employees, making her unconscious and taking advantage of her in one of the restrooms of our Company, while we were attending a meeting. The footage of the CCTV caught everything of his movements. Last week his shipping Company was turned down by the police finding tons of cocaine in one of the containers on board.

"What do you want, Mr. O'Neil..." clinging his jaw.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sanchez, but we are not willing to work with you anymore," getting straight to the point.

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