Chapter 15

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Jessica's PoV

"Ms. Miller, I'm going to inform Mr. O'Neil as soon as he arrives at the office," I answered.

"I want him now!!" she was angry.

"Ms. Miller, I'm sorry, but he is not in the office right now." Trying to calm her down, not knowing what she was planning besides marrying my boyfriend.

"You stupid bitch! Tell Brent to call me asap or else I'm going to sue him!!" she hangs up.

What was that?

I knew that she was hard to handle but calling me a bitch was too much.

......... Ding .........

"Hi, babe..." he came in, heading towards me and kissed me on my forehead.

"Hi..." trying to smile.

"What's wrong? Did someone call?" he asked, knowing something wasn't right.

"Yeah, your fiancé called and told me that I'm a bitch for not handing you your phone while you were in the meeting..." I turned around, going back to my desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry for that, Jessica..." he was.

"I left my phone here cause I didn't want to be disturbed while discussing the project in Miami with Mr. Tran."

I was mad. Not at him but with Nathalie. She couldn't leave us in peace.

"You know that this whole thing is making me crazy...." I was controlling my anger as I meet his eyes.

He nodded, his eyes were shining. He was planning something.

"Hmmm, all right," he hugged me and kissed my lips not wanting to release me.

I could manage to pull away, "Brent, I can't breathe..." I hist, not in the mood for this, "and I need to inform Anna about Leonard..." he interrupted me with a kiss.

"That can wait until tomorrow, babe..." he whispered. "I missed you..." he continued kissing me, and finally I give in.

He lifted me to let me sit on my desk, standing between my legs. His hands were on my butt, squeezing it. We were kissing tenderly, and I could feel his member bulging in his pants as he rubbed it between my womanhood.

I moaned, "Brent, not here..."

"I won't stop Jessica, not now..." he continued caressing my neck down to my cleavage, unbuttoning my blouse.

I couldn't resist, my legs now around his waist, feeling his hardness pressing against me. How can he make me feel this way?

He found my breast kneading it, and I let out a cry of pleasure. He sucked my nipple, playing with his tongue. It made me go wild, and he knew it.

"Brent, we need to stop please..." I was so in cluttered of emotions running through my vein.

"Are you sure?" he now sucking harder, knowing my weakness.

"Please, stop..." I didn't want to, but we needed to stop.

He released me of a sudden.

I felt like a kid who lost his favorite toy. It took me a while to collect my mind, and I fixed my blouse.

"Babe, you know that I would never go further if you don't approve..." he kissed my forehead again, lifting me from my desk, letting me down.

"Yeah, I know honey but... I'm getting fed up with this... all of this... this hide and seek game we are playing, when is it going to end?" throwing my hands up, being frustrated.

"I know, me too," he came closer embracing me. "I don't want to see you, mad babe, please..." he was holding me tight.

"But tell me, Brent, when are we going to live a normal life? I want to show everybody that we are in love, not hiding it or being scared, that someone might see us holding hands or kissing."

He didn't say anything. Staying in his arms was quite calming me down. We just stood for a couple of minutes, not talking to each other.

The relationship we had was complicated or let's say different. It wasn't that usual kind of relationship where you introduce your partner to your family or friends or even having a date.

Our so-called date was just a simple dinner with a friend. We couldn't show our emotions with holding hands while waiting for our dish to come or kissing each other in the cinema while watching a movie.

If Brent and I would casually meet business partners on events, he would keep the perfect distance from me and introduce me as his assistant or Ms. Jones.

In our relationship, we didn't entirely open up about our past. Of course, there were times where we talked about it but only fleetingly like on our 'boring days' at the office.

I didn't know him good enough to guess his favorite color or his favorite food, except that pizza Diavolo was his favorite pizza. I didn't know how his parents met, or his childhood with his grandparents was or how his relationship with Leonard worked out. I didn't know the essential things in his life.

Same on my side. I didn't talk with Brent about my life in the orphanage. He knew about the car accident of my parents and that I didn't have a fancy experience like him, but that was it.

It was frustrating; our relationship didn't allow us to.

It wasn't in that stage, where you open up to each other. We, stuck in that same position where we started about six months ago. It didn't develop.

Still, I wanted to fight for our relationship. Sometimes, there were moments where I thought if Brent does, but I shook this thought out of my head as fast as it came.

Suddenly he brought me back. "Jessica, come with me. I want to show you where I grew up..."

I looked at him, surprised. I didn't expect this coming...

"What...? I mean, where?"

"In California, I want to introduce you to my family..." he pulled my both hands to his lips.

"Oh, Brent... are you sure about this?" I didn't believe what I heard.

"I'm one hundred percent sure, honey," giving me a sincere smile.

"But for how long are we going to stay there."

"Well, the office needs to have some renovations, and this would take time so..." shrugging his shoulders. "By the way, are you sure about the thing with Leonard working here? We can't continue with our routines once he is up here, darling..." giving me a nasty gaze.

"That is one reason why agreed to it, Mr. O'Neal..." returning his gaze.

"Oh, so that's how it works now Ms. Jones..." glancing devilish.

"Brent, you know that it's the right decision we made. The whole floor is ours, and it's too big for us. You could build here may be more than just two large offices if you want to, and if Leonard would have his office up here, you could have an eye on him."

We decided two days ago, to let the whole top floor renovate, adding two offices, one front desk, and one conference room. Leonard would be the second CEO right after Brent. What surprises me was that when Leonard started here at the company, he wasn't involved in any scandals. Maybe it had something to do with Anna. I wanted to inform Anna about the decision of Brent, but she wasn't reachable.

"So how long will the renovation take?" I asked, also to know how long we are going to stay in California.

"Maybe a week or so..." guessing, gesturing with his hands.

"A week! Okay..." I was irritated.

"Don't worry. I'm going to take care of you... do you trust me?"

His hand went under my chin, pushing my head up to meet his questioning gaze.

"I do..." giving him a half smile.

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