me drawing three different Jesses three different ways because i'm weird af

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I am having a weird day, lemme just start with that

I got about maybe 5 hours of sleep last night, for NO REASON

I wasn't even writing or drawing or doing ANYTHING, just laying awake and thinking! I! Hate! My! Fucking! Brain!

It's also been officially two months since I found out about Aiden, which wallops me in the face with some Depression and Guilt because I've like,, stopped thinking about him so much and then suddenly WHAM I remember everything and it's Not Fucking Fun

And I've still got a large amount to read before my astronomy class tomorrow, which I might not accomplish because i'm tired as all fuck and can't focus

Not to mention that I haven't actually eaten like,, real food in probably 24 hours? I had a bag of potato chips yesterday afternoon and a handful of dry cereal this morning but uuhhh

Yeah. Today is great. 

Buuuuut you're not here for me complaining, you want art. 

Luckily, I do have art. 

*points to title*

Here's a Jesse as part of some convoluted fantasy AU that I haven't actually fully figured out yet

Here's a Jesse as part of some convoluted fantasy AU that I haven't actually fully figured out yet

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I mean

I love cervitaurs and I love MCSM, how was this going to end any other way

Also, how the eff do you shade deer


And I got a little carried away messing with the 1st s2 girl's design haha

I had so much fun with my gender-neutral Jesse's short puffy hair that I decided to try even shorter hair and, well...

I had so much fun with my gender-neutral Jesse's short puffy hair that I decided to try even shorter hair and, well

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Definitely different, but she's cute rite

I've been slowly falling in love with overlay effects lol

Speaking of overlay effects

Here's a this

Here's a this

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I...yeah I don't even know

It was inspired by the song at top, though

I'm weirdly proud of this one lol. I mean it's super weird but I kinda like it 

I've got like forty MCSM sketches to digitize, so I'll probably have more art soon

I'd really like to fill this book up as soon as possible, I'm getting really sick of it :v


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