Chapter 4

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Jennifer's gaze shifts to the clock and the time reads 2:00am. She sits at the round table as the other members of the team file into the room. "When was the last time someone called a meeting this early?" Emilie asks rubbing her eyes sitting next to Jennifer. Jennifer looks at Aaron and he says "About three years eight months ago." Her gaze shifts to look at everyone. Derek confused asks "And what happened?" Aaron was very close with Agent Gray, he mentions him every now and then but Jennifer knows that Agent Gray was like a brother to Aaron... it's just the way he talks about him. Jennifer looks at Aaron and then to Emilie saying "Agent Gray left." they nod and Charlie says panicked "Who's leaving?" Aaron shakes his head and Jennifer says "Nobody's leaving." Aaron shifts the conversation "The case. Two people have been bailed out of jail by a generous donor." The team pulls out their notes and Emilie takes over "Their charge is steep. Verbal, physical abuse, and they were a cause to a teen suicide." Jennifer cocks her head and then Kyrsten pulls up the screen showing two faces Jennifer thought that she wouldn't see for quite a while. "Jackson and Millie. They never checked in for parole and they have found more abused murdered bodies." Emilie says Jennifer shifts uncomfortable now. Aaron notices "Jennifer?" Jennifer looks back at Aaron and says "Yes?" Aaron takes in Jennifer's behavior she's not the only one who can analyze behavior. "Nevermind." He says, Jennifer nods and Emilie goes over the details over the case and Jennifer knows all of it, until Charlie asks "What were their two daughters names?" Emilie shrugs and says "Those details were closed. Now their escalating so the daughters aren't the only victims." They nod and Jennifer says "So to Philadelphia then?" Aaron nods "Let's go." They close their files and walk out of the room to the jet.
    They land in Philadelphia and Police Chief Barlow greets them. He gives Jennifer a hug and Kyrsten with her laptop says "You guys know each other?" Jennifer nods and Chief Barlow says "Yes Jennifer and her sister Charlotte grew up here." Jennifer smiles hoping it doesn't seem too sad "Jennifer I didn't know you had a sister!" Emilie says happily, Jennifer rubs the back of her neck and says "It never came up." They smile and Chief Barlow looks to Jennifer questioningly and Jennifer shakes her head. "Why don't you introduce me to them." He says Jennifer nods and says "This is Agent Gideon, Kingston, Allred, Whiteman, and Finley." He nods and says "Chief Barlow." They nod and Charlie says "Could you get me a map of the city? I would like to start narrowing down the area." Chief Barlow nods and Emilie says "Could you show Agent Allred and I to the station?" He nods and Aaron says "Can you show Jennifer and I their home." Jennifer straightens her back and Chief Barlow says "Sure, this way."
    After the chief accommodates everyone he drops Aaron and Jennifer off at the house. Aaron opens the house door for Jennifer and she takes a reluctant step inside. Aaron steps in after her and closes the door. They walk around the first floor. Jennifer navigates the hallways flawlessly and she soon stops at a room. "What is it?" Aaron asks Jennifer shrugs and says "Nothing." She walks inside the bedroom. Aaron closes the door and sits down on the neatly made bed. "You do know that you are not the only one who can analyze behavior." Jennifer nods and sits down on the bed next to him "I know, I just never thought they would get out of jail for what they did." Aaron looks at Jennifer sadly while she looks ahead at the picture sitting on the dresser on the opposite side of the room. "Jackson and Millie are your parents?" Aaron asks even though he knows the answer. Jennifer just nods willing herself not to cry. Aaron instinctively takes his arm and wraps it around Jennifer. "You can tell me anything, we aren't just a team we're a family to." Jennifer nods and they sit in silence for a bit. Soon Aaron asks "Are you going to tell the team?" Jennifer shakes her head "I'll tell them when it comes to it." Her gaze still hasn't left the picture. Aaron stands up and grabs the picture "Is this Charlotte?" He asks sitting back down on the bed. Jennifer smiles at the picture "Yeah, that was my first soccer game. She cheered as loud as she could, she was amazing." Aaron hands the picture to her and a beam of light flashes in his eye. He looks to see if it's just the frame of the picture but it's a necklace. A simple gold chain with a diamond fixed in the middle, Aaron looks back at the picture and then to the necklace "Is that Charlotte's?" Aaron asks Jennifer grips the necklace and says "Yes. She gave it to me the day before..." Aaron nods and grabs Jennifer's hand "You know it's okay right?" Jennifer bites her lip and tears fall down her face "I just miss her you know, we were always there for eachother. Through thick and thin we never let each other out of our sights. She was the only person in the world who called me Jenn" Aaron nods and says "You found her didn't you." Jennifer nods "She was just hanging there..."
Seventeen Years Earlier
    "Charlotte." Jennifer's little voice called as she dropped her school backpack by the door. "Char?" She called again, she grips the necklace as she peeks into the livingroom to see if she has her headphones on full blast. No luck. Getting slightly worried Jennifer runs into the kitchen to see if she was making a little snack. No luck again. She completely abandons the basement knowing that they only went down there against their will. Jennifer runs up the stairs and slams into Charlotte's door. Knowing that it usually was open and not locked Jennifer pounds on the door. "Charlotte!" Jennifer screams through the door. She pounds harder and harder until she realizes that the only way to get in would be to kick as hard as she could. Jennifer looks down the stairs to the front door. Her parents would be furious to find a broken door, not to mention little Jenn was the one who did it. "Come on Jenn you got this, just like Charlotte taught you." She whispers. She takes a few steps back and takes a quick few steps before thrusting her leg into the door handle busting the door open. The sight she sees is horrifying. There is her sister hanging from the roof beam by a rope. "Charlotte!" Jenn screams she jumps on the bed and tries to untie the knot but it is too tight "Charlotte please!" She screams again. She finally gets the knot untied and Charlotte falls to the floor. Jennifer jumps off of the bed next to her and says "Please char! We had each others backs remember!"
Present Day
    "And that was it I had to call Child Protective, they figured out what was happening and they were put in jail." Jennifer finishes. Aaron looks at her and asks "How old were you?" Jennifer finally lifts her gaze to Aaron and says "Eleven, she was Seventeen." He looks down and then back to Jennifer who has tears slowly falling down her face. He takes his hand and wipes them away "Hey, they aren't going to hurt you now. Okay? I won't let that happen." Jennifer nods and he says "It's getting late why don't we go to the hotel and get some sleep?" Jennifer nods and Aaron stands up and helps Jennifer off of the bed.
    They pull up to the hotel and the team is waiting in the lobby "Aren't our rooms ready?" Aaron asks "No Aaron they messed up and we only got one." Derek says annoyed. "Well I guess we have to double up." Aaron says. Kyrsten stands right up "I'll go with Emilie because she isn't a bed hog." Jennifer laughs and Aaron says "Alright you two will be sleeping on the couch." They nod and run towards the elevator "Charlie and I get a bed!" Derek calls running to catch up with Kyrsten and Emilie. Aaron turns to Jennifer and says "You don't mind sharing with me do you?" Jennifer shakes her head. "As long as you aren't bothered by nightmares, because I think that I'm going to have a lot." Aaron shakes his head and says "Hey like I said they aren't going to hurt you now." Jennifer smiles at his comforts and says "Thanks now let's go claim that king bed."
    They settle into bed and they all fall asleep smoothly except for Aaron and Jennifer. Not because they are uncomfortable but because Aaron is waiting for Jennifer to fall asleep and Jennifer is afraid to. But later they finally fall asleep. Jennifer wakes to the familiar room but this time something changed... Aaron is there. Jennifer looks around and then she hears the all too familiar whispering "One for sorrow." Aaron looks at Jennifer and her face turns pale. "Two for mirth." the front door closes and the creaky kitchen drawer opens "Three for a wedding." it closes and Aaron hears the shakiness of Jennifer's breath. "Four for a birth." The first stair creaks and Jennifer can hear the voices getting nearer. "Five for silver." Aaron realizes what's going on so he pulls out his gun "Six for gold." Jennifer starts shaking as the last stair creaks. "Seven for a secret never to be told." The door bursts open and Jennifer screams as a bloody bruised body is thrown into the room.
    "Hey, Jennifer it's okay!" Aaron says holding a terrified Jennifer in his embrace. She struggles and tries to get out "Jennifer stop." She shakes her head and then Aaron tightens his grip slightly and starts humming the tune of 'you are my sunshine' Jennifer soon relaxes one Aaron finishes he whispers "You're going to be okay Jenn." Jennifer looks up at Aaron and then back to the blankets. Jenn usually it would bug her coming from someone else other than Charlotte, but not this time... she likes it when Aaron says it. Aaron lays her back down and waits again till her breathing slows and she falls into a state of sleep.
    They all meet up in the lobby the next morning. Everyone looks at a sleep deprived Jennifer and Aaron. "What was up last night?" Derek asks, Jennifer shakes her head and says "Nothing important." Emilie shakes her head and says "Jennifer it didn't sound like nothing important." Aaron takes a step forward "She said nothing important, now leave her alone." They all take a step back and Jennifer remembers something. "Aaron there were cameras in the house." He looks at her confused and she says "They seemed new I never noticed them." He nods and says "Do you want to go back?" Jennifer nods and lies to the team. "It's going to help me solidify the profile." He nods and Emilie looks at Jennifer concerned, Jennifer just shakes her head. "Well let's go." Derek says. They nod and split up to go the SUV's.
    Jennifer takes a deep breath and steps inside the house again but this time with purpose. She walks upstairs to Charlotte's room with only minimum hesitation. "See camera." She points to Aaron. "Would there be any in your room?" He whispers, "Maybe." She answers. They walk inside her room and lone behold there's a camera. "I can't believe that they were there the whole time." She says Aaron nods and says "I'm sorry." She nods and then hears Emilie call "Guys you might want to come see the basement." Jennifer looks to Aaron and he says "The basement?" Jennifer nods but walks downstairs anyways. There in the dark drafty basement is all of the things they used. There is a desk tucked away with monitors. "Kyrsten can you find videos from seventeen years ago on this?" Jennifer asks Kyrsten nods and sits down and starts to type to find the house feed from seventeen years ago. "Here you go." She says standing up. Aaron looks to Jennifer and motions for her to take a seat. She nods and clicks play on the video. She begins to fast forward. "Why are you fast forwarding?" Charlie asks Jennifer looking up to Charlie says "School out here didn't get out until 2:15." He nods and she stops at 2:15. At 2:20 the front door opens with little Jennifer dropping her bag and screaming for her sister. "Jennifer stop." Emilie pleads. She shakes her head "She calls child protective." Aaron puts his hand on her shoulder and Jennifer watches as her eleven year old self picks up the phone. "Jennifer the basement." Derek says. Jennifer and the team shift their gaze to the basement and the door is opening. "They... They watched." Jennifer stuttered. Aaron squeezes her shoulder and she says again "They Watched!" She stands up out of the chair and says "Excuse me I need some air." and with that she walks up the stairs and out of the house. The team turns to Aaron. "What was that?" Derek asks, He shakes his head and says "It's not my place to tell you." and with that he follows Jennifer outside. "Do we follow them?" Charlie asks, Kyrsten shakes her head and opens her mouth to say something but the sound coming from the monitor stops her. "Did he just say?" Derek asks Kyrsten nods and sits down at the computer to rewind the audio. "Jennifer Mae Porter put the phone down this instant!" Emilie reaches over Kyrsten to pause the video. "I can't watch anymore." Kyrsten nods and Charlie says "Jennifer's parents are the ones we are hunting." They nod and Derek says "We've got to watch the rest if we are going to help." Emilie shakes her head "I'll listen but I can't watch." They nod and Kyrsten presses the play button.
Seventeen Years Earlier
    "No I am not putting the phone down!" Jennifer cries tears stained her face. "Jennifer Mae put it down." She shakes her head again and her father lunges across the room and tackles little Jennifer. "Let me go!" She screams the phone still on thrown across the room. "Stand Up! Now!" He grabs her arm and yanks her up off of the floor. Jennifer pulls her arm away and screams "No I Am Not Going In The Basement!" Her mother comes from behind and scold her "You Little Disrespectful Child Do What Your Father Commands."  She shakes her head "I've had enough!" Her parents laugh and the mother says "Who's going to listen to a eleven year old wretch!" Jennifer stands up straighter and her father yanks her up so she's off of the ground. "Ow my arm!" she cries kicking to get out of his grip. "You're a skinny little thing I can throw you around all I want." Her father says and then he proves his point as he throws her towards the bookshelf and a loud snap sounds. Jennifer cries out and right then the door shatters open with police. One officer comes over to Jennifer while the others go swarm her parents. "Are you alright?" The lady officer asks, Jennifer shakes her head and cries "My sister killed herself." The officers face fills with sadness and Jennifer says "Can you go upstairs and help her?" The officer waves somebody upstairs and she says "Are you hurt?" Jennifer nods and attempts to lift her arm but cries out when it bends in a grotesque way "We need an ambulance!" The officer calls, she picks up Jennifer carefully and Jennifer says "What's your name?" The officer takes her outside the house and says "Hailey, what's yours?" Jennifer smiles and says "Jennifer Mae Porter." Hailey smiles and an ambulance pulls up. "Will you stay with me?" Jennifer asks, Hailey nods and they get into the back of the ambulance.
Present Day
    "Oh my god." Kyrsten says, they nod and Emilie wipes a tear away "That was terrible." Charlie looks to Emilie and says "It's over now." She nods and Derek says "We should probably tell Jennifer." They nod and together they walk upstairs out of the dark basement and to the light outside. "Jennifer?" Emilie asks sitting down on the porch next to her. "We finished the rest of the video." Jennifer nods and rubs her arm. "When were you going to tell us?" She aks Jennifer shakes her head "Later, I wanted to finish the case first so then you would feel that bad for me." Kyrsten sighs and says "Jennifer we're a family, you could have told at least one of us." Aaron steps forward and says "I figured it out, now let's lock these two in jail before they can do any more harm. Jennifer do you have any ideas of where they could be." Jennifer contemplates for a moment. "The cabin where Hailey took me, It got closed out after she... It got closed out and my parents heard about it." They nod and Derek says "Well I guess you're driving." Jennifer nods Emilie says "Careful she's a scary driver." Jennifer laughs as she remembers her first case and that insane U-Turn that scared Emilie to death. "Well we need to get there fast." Jennifer nods and gets into the driver's seat and jolts the car to a speeding start.
They pull up to the little cabin and gets out of the car. They run up the concrete steps and Jennifer kicks the door open. "So that's where you learned how to kick down doors?" Jennifer nods "Charlotte and Hailey." They walk in Jennifer first with the team behind her "Jackson and Millie Porter. Come out where we can see you!" Aaron shouts into the darkness. They emerge turning on the lights from the living room "Jennifer, we missed you!" her mother says "Save It." She says face stone. "Look Jennifer we never meant for your sister to do what she did-" "Her Name Is Charlotte. And you two are going back to jail and I will see to it that you will be denied bail." Jennifer says, her father shakes his head and says "Look I tried to play nice but I see that you need another lesson." Jennifer shakes her head and her father says "Leave us." Aaron steps next to Jennifer and she whispers "Take my mother, I'll bring my father out." He shakes his head and says "Jennifer." She shakes her head. "I'll be fine, they can't hurt me, remember?" He reluctantly nods and she says "Mother goes." He nods and the team takes her away. "Ready to be broken again? You're too young to fight." She smiles and says "A queen will always turn pain into power, and besides I'm not so young anymore." He lunges at her and she ducks away and he lands on the floor. Jennifer lunges towards him but he stands up and launches his fist into her gut. She ducks another blow and roundhouse kicks him in the ribs. He flies forward coughing up blood. She jumps on him and rolls him over "You made it too easy." She chuckles. He laughs derangedly blood splattering on the carpet "There's one more, Adrianne. Alexandria apartments." Jennifer handcuffs him and yanks him off the floor and throws him outside "Alexandria Apartments Come On Derek!" Jennifer says waving him to the SUV. He follows her running to the SUV. She starts the car and speeds away "There's one more girl." Jennifer says turning on the lights and sirens.
They get to the apartments and Derek points up to the roof. "I'm getting up there!" Jennifer calls Derek nods and she runs inside dodging through the people to the stairs. She bolts up the stairs and swings open the door "Adrianne!" Jennifer calls running across the roof. The dark haired girl turns around and says "Don't come near me." Jennifer nods and sits a few paces away from her on the edge of the roof. "I'm Jennifer." She says "Leave me alone, I need to do this!" Jennifer shakes her head and says "You don't have to." Adrianne snaps her head to her and says "You Don't Know What They Did To Me!" Jennifer shakes her head and says "I do know, they did it to me." Adrianne looks sadly to Jennifer and asks "When?" "Seventeen years ago." Adrianne nods and scoots a bit closer to the edge "I can do it no one will miss me." Jennifer shakes her head and says "That's not true." "And how would you know?" She asks tears filling her eyes. Jennifer reaches for her necklace "See this? This was my sisters favorite necklace. She killed herself and I miss her every single day. So please come off the edge." Adrianne shakes her head and she says "No one would miss me like you miss her." Jennifer notices the girls' pant pocket, a picture of her and her girlfriend are in it. "What about your girlfriend? She'd miss you a lot." Adrianne pulls out the picture and she says "Okay but I'm too weak I can't do anything right." Jennifer shakes her head and says "You are not weak, your life is not defined by a letter grade, a dress size, your sexuality or happiness." Adrianne scoots a little bit back away from the edge "You were not meant to suffer you are loved! Don't give up please." Jennifer finishes Adrianne wipes a tear away and moves quickly towards Jennifer. Jennifer catches Adrianne in her embrace. "Shh it's okay." Jennifer comforts while Adrianne sobs. "It's going to be okay." Jennifer helps her stand up and they step away from the edge. "Adri?" Jennifer looks up and a blonde girl runs up to them and Jennifer steps back while the girl from the photograph steps in her place and hugs Adrianne. She looks to Jennifer and mouths "Thank you" Jennifer nods and pulls out a card with her number on it. "Call me if you need anything." She whispers handing it to the girl. She nods and Jennifer goes back down the stairs and instead of Derek it's Aaron. He runs up to Jennifer and sweeps her into a hug almost knocking her off of her feet. She hugs him back and they sway back and forth on the cool ground. "I love you Jennifer Porter." He whispers, Jennifer smiles and whispers "I love you to Aaron Gideon."
So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home - Ed Sheeran

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