Chapter 11

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Emilie walks into the office in a hurry and drops a file on Aarons desk. "Please we need to go work this case." Aaron looks questioningly at Emilie but when he opens the file he nods. "Get the team together, now." Emilie smiles and takes the file "Thank you." He nods and Emilie walks out as Jennifer walks in. "What was that about?" She asks, Aaron stands up gathering his things, "Juvenile serial killer got released a few months ago in Emilie's home town. He killed five more." Jennifer nods and follows Aaron back into the roundtable room. "Quincey Adams a sexual sadist now 18 she was released from the mental facility in virginia beach." Kyrsten spins her pencil on her fingers "What did she do." Emilie clicks the button on the remote and gruesome pictures of single parent families show on the screen. Jennifer winces "What labels her as a sexual sadist?" Charlie asks Emilie pulls out an autopsy report and hands it to Charlie. "Sexual assault on the brother." He says for the rest of them to hear. Emilie nods and Aaron says "Any questions?" they shake their heads and he nods picking up his files "Let's go then."
    On they sit down in the SUV's. connected by phone and Jennifer opens the file while Emilie drives. "Sexual Sadists aren't that hard to profile but the one thing that messes me up is how she's gotten away with it and why she's attacking single parent families." Jennifer says on speaker with the rest of the team. "Maybe she has history with them?" Derek suggests. Charlie shakes his head in the car with Derek and Aaron "She probably needed the seclusion. I'm looking at the area and it's a very secluded area, most gangs are there so people most people would stay inside." Emilie nods in the girl's SUV "And with the high population in Virginia Beach no one would ask." Kyrsten looks up to Emilie who is playing with her ring eyes trained on the road. Jennifer meets Kyrsten eye and Kyrsten nods. "We're almost to the station, see you there." Jennifer says ending the phone call. "Emilie, you can tell us. Please don't make the same mistake I did." Jennifer says setting the file on the seat next to her. Emilie sighs and says "Her first victim was my family. I was going shopping with my friends, it was late and when I got home I found them." Kyrsten pats Emilie knee and Emilie says "Please don't tell the boys yet." Jennifer smiles "Don't worry I won't." Emilie nods and they pull into the station.
    "So working the geological profile I found that she does need seclusion and houses in gang neighborhoods are the best way for them to do it." Charlie says drawing dots on the map of the places. The sheriff walks in and Emilie extends her hand "Agent Kingston, we spoke on the phone." He nods and says "Great I'm Sheriff Towne." Emilie nods and introduces the rest of the team. "We actually have the the most recent victims extended family here right now, if you want to talk to them." Sheriff Towne says to no one in particular. "I will." Emilie says looking back to Aaron for approval. He nods and Emilie walks out with the sheriff.
    Emilie walks in and sits down in front of who must be the Uncle and Aunt of the recent family. Emilie smiles and says "Thank you so much for coming in, I know this is hard but we really do appreciate it." They nod and she says "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Agent Kingston." The uncle sits up straighter and asks "Emilie?" Emilie's back straightens "Yes?"
    Jennifer sits down with her hand on her head. Aaron walks over with a glass of water "Are you alright?" he asks, Jennifer nods and sits up accepting the glass of water from him. "Emilie has been in there for a while now. Is she alright?" Kyrsten asks walking in with some more files Jennifer looks through the one window. "She looks fine from here." Kyrsten nods and sets the files on the table. "Here is what I was able to get from the police about Quincey." Jennifer sits up "Really? That's all?" Kyrsten nods "I can always look through my sources though." Aaron nods and Derek says "Please so far the only connection I'm making between the victims is that they're single parent families." We hear a crash from the other room and Charlie runs out like a flash of light.
    "Get off of her!" Charlie yells running into the room and pulling the Uncle off of Emilie. Emilie holds her hand to her eye and Charlie hands him off to the officers. "What was that about?" He asks holding Emilie's shoulders. "I'm fine." She snaps pushing Charlie off of her and walking out. Charlie stands there stunned, Emilie Kingston the so called 'soft cinnamon roll' snapped. Derek walks in "You good?" Charlie shakes his head and Jennifer standing in the doorway walks into the bathroom.
    "Emilie?" Jennifer asks walking in. Emilie is sitting on the floor with her head in her knees. Jennifer slowly sits down next to her and says "They knew you didn't they?" Emilie nods and looks back up to Jennifer. "Aw, Emilie. I'm going to go get an ice pack." Jennifer stands up Emilie grabs her hand and says "Jenn-" Jennifer shakes her head "No Emilie, I'm going to grab an ice pack and I will come back. Emilie nods and Jennifer walks out to grab an ice pack.
    Jennifer hands the ice pack to Emilie and sits back down. Emilie holds it to her black eye and Jennifer smiles quickly "He knew you didn't he?" she nods "And I don't know him." Jennifer leans back "Could he maybe have a connection to your mother?" Emilie shakes her head "Mom died in childbirth." Jennifer looks sadly at Emilie. "Emilie I'm sorry." She nods "It's not your fault. This case is hard because not only was it my family but I promised my mother before she died that I would protect Will, that night is a reminder of how I failed." Emilie wipes tears away and Jennifer gives Emilie a hug and Emilie cries into her shoulder.
    They walk back into the room and Derek says "We have a possible connection." They listen to Derek's whole long really complicated answer and Emilie cuts him off towards the end. "Let me save you a simpler solution. The connection is me." Aaron, Derek, and Charlie look at Emilie stunned. Jennifer and Kyrsten however don't look stunned, they look sadly to her. "How do we find her?" Charlie says softly changing the subject. "I've got to go back to my high school." Kyrsten steps forward next to Emilie "Let me come with you." Emilie shakes her head. "This is something I have to do alone." They nod and Jennifer puts her hand on Kyrsten's shoulder "Emilie can do this, we'll stay behind and have her back." Kyrsten nods and Aaron says "Suit up Emilie."
    Emilie walks up the football field and sits down on the bleachers. "I didn't think you'd come." She says, a laugh follows as Quincey walks across the field. "Of course I would! Your brother was my favorite, shame he had to go." Emilie stands up and walks towards her "Don't talk about my brother that way." Emilie warns. Quincey takes out her knife and spins it on her fingers "Oh can't I? Technically he's not here so I can talk about him in anyway I want." Emilie glares at her and Quincey says "Oh you think that you're intimidating? Oh honey you're so far from that." Emilie pulls out her gun "Is this intimidating enough?" Quincey flinches and Emilie smirks "You Are Under Arrest." Quincey tilts the knife up to her own throat and Emilie's eyes grow wide. "Don't." She commands Quincey smiles and lunges toward Emilie. Emilie ducks and slides under Quincey. "And here I thought you were soft, you aren't made to fight." Quincey says challengingly, Emilie shakes her head. Quincey lunges towards Emilie again and Emilie narrowly dodges. "Agh!" She cries holding her hand to her arm which got cut by the knife. "You know maybe when I'm done with you-" A ear splitting sound fills the air and Quincey falls to the ground. Emilie turns around and Kyrsten is there with her gun out and pointed in the direction of Quincey. Kyrsten stands there stunned. Emilie runs up to Kyrsten and encloses her into a hug. "Kyrsten Allred you saved my life." Emilie whispers. "Anything for you Emilie. I just want my soft cinnamon roll back." Emilie smiles and Kyrsten leads her back out of the football field.
    Jennifer runs up to Emilie the second the paramedics let her go from the ambulance. "Oh my god are you alright?" She exclaims Emilie nods and looks back to her arm "Luckily it wasn't too deep." Jennifer nods and Emilie looks back to Aaron who is completely distracted and then back to Jennifer. "I feel like there is something that you and Aaron haven't been telling me." Jennifer shrugs and starts to walk away but Emilie calls after her "I know your tell. It's when you shrug, that's how I know you're lying." Jennifer smiles and says "Alright, if you must know..." Jennifer rests her hand on her stomach and winks "It's a boy." Emilie's face lights up and Jennifer smiles and walks away back to Aaron. Emilie stands up and looks out to the football field. Right above the team entrance is a plaque with her brother "William Kingston. Classmate, Teammate, Quarterback, Brother." She whispers, she looks back to the team who are inching their ways back to the SUVs and whispers to the empty field. "I wish you were here, I miss you." and with that she walks to the team.
    The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets, the brightest eyes have cried the most tears, the kindest hearts have felt the most pain. -Unknown

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