Chapter 10

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Jennifer sits on the beach chair reading while Aaron smokes some pizza on the trager. Jennifer closes the book and walks up behind him and wraps her arms around his shoulders. "How's the book?" he asks Jennifer smiles and leans her head on his shoulder "Pretty good, how's the pizza coming?" he nods and says "Almost done." Jennifer smiles and sits back down on the chair and pulls out two plates and some coffee glasses, "Vanilla iced?" She asks picking up the cups, Aaron nods and says "Yes please." Jennifer walks inside and makes two vanilla iced coffees. Jennifer takes them back outside and Aaron slides the slices of pizza on their plates. Jennifer sets the iced coffee on the table, they eat their smoked pizza and Jennifer takes their plates inside. She takes off her cover so she's just in her swimsuit. She lies her cover on the chair and jumps in the pool, the water engulfs and fizzes around her and she comes up for air laughing. "Come on Aaron!" She exclaims waving him in the pool, "You just ate! You could get stomach cramps and drown." She sighs, nobody actually believes that. "Okay, help me out at least?" he looks at her weary but grabs her arm and attempts to pull her out. But he fails when Jennifer dives down to the bottom of the pool. The two come up for air and burst out into laughter "Jennifer!" Aaron exclaims. Jennifer laughs and splashes him with water. He laughs and says "That's it." Jennifer bites her lip as he grabs her and tosses her gently across the pool. Jennifer stays underwater and swims behind him and jumps up onto his back. "Ha!" She yells he laughs and grabs her off of his back and holds me "No more escaping for you." Jennifer laughs and he smiles. They look to the sun and see it setting over the building, "Let's watch a movie." Aaron says softly, she nods and says "Let's do that."
    They sit down on the couch, I'm in my oversized sweater with some leggings and my hair up in a messy bun. Aaron is in his T-shirt and sweatpants. Jennifer's head rests on his shoulder as he browses through some movies. "What about this one?" He asks pausing on a movie. "Sounds great." He presses play and takes his arm and puts it around Jennifer and pulls her closer to him. She smiles and takes a deep breath, she hasn't felt this much peace in a while.
    Aaron wakes up to his phone ringing. He picks it up and answers it. "Unit Chief Gideon." He stifles a groan and answers "Yes Section Chief Barnes." "We need you and Agent Porter to come now, the president is in danger." He turns to face Jennifer who is sleeping wrapped up in her blanket softly snoring. "Alright, tell my team we will meet them there at the white house." "Great." She replies and hangs up. Aaron puts his phone in his pocket and shakes Jennifer softly. "Hmm?" Jennifer mumbles sitting up rubbing her eyes. "We need to go." She nods and says "Where this time?" He helps her up and says "Washington DC."
    "I feel so bad for making them come up here on their honeymoon." Emilie says sitting down on the seat on the plane. Derek nods and says "I do to..." Kyrsten walks to the back where everyone is sitting. "So I was looking at the background checks for the white house staff and with a bit of completely legal digging, I found some red flags on about fifteen people." Charlie smiles and says "Should I ask about your completely legal digging?" Kyrsten shakes her head "The less you know the better." They laugh and land at the white house private landing bay. They get off of the plane and see Jennifer and Aaron. Emilie runs up to Jennifer and pulls her in a hug. "How are you!" Jennifer smiles "Tired." Aaron smiles and says "I felt so bad I had to wake her up." Emilie puts her hand to her chest "Aww." Jennifer smiles and says "Yep now lets go." They walk inside the white house and goes through security, Jennifer had a hard time because she forgot about her ankle gun. So after that was all settled they finally got in. "Mr. President." Emilie says shaking his hand "Yes you are Agent Kingston right?" Emilie nods and says "Yes, and this is Agent Gideon, Agent Porter, Agent Finley, Agent Whiteman, and Agent Allred." He smiles and shakes their hands. "Where would you like us to set up?" Aaron asks he nods and motions for them to walk with him to a really open office. "What are your specialties?" Emilie goes first "I'm head media liaison." Aaron stands up straighter and says "I'm unit chief sir." Kyrsten signs into her laptop and says "I'm your technical analyst." Charlie smiles and says "I do a lot of the geological profiling." Derek folds his arms and says "Mostly victimology." Then the president turns to Jennifer "Behavioural analyst." He smiles and says "You forgot to take your ankle gun out at security didn't you." she looks down and her cheeks turn rosy "Yes sir." He nods and says "Sleep deprived?" Jennifer nods again "You have no idea." He chuckles "Alright, here are the notes thank you." they nod and he leaves setting the death threat notes on the table.
    After reading through Kyrsten says "So those red flags I got earlier crossed over with the information Jennifer got from the notes we have about 6 results." Aaron looks at her puzzled and says "What do you mean by about." Kyrsten leans back spinning her pen. "Well there was two more but they only had minor red flags." Aaron nods and Jennifer says "We shouldn't count them out though." Kyrsten nods and pulls them up on the screen with the other six. "Which one are you..." Emilie whispers looking at the many faces on the screen.
    After several hours of searching through the white house records and Kyrstens legal digging they have finally narrowed it down to two suspects. "Okay so we know that he is controlled and organized and definitely has time to spare." Derek says flipping through the notes again. "Oh my god." Jennifer says standing up. "He's going to strike tonight. In the first letter he emphasized the numbers five four three two and one." Aaron takes the notes from Derek and says "Arson, he's going to set a fire." We pull on our vests and Aaron is the first one out the door. Jennifer follows but a loud crash sounds and Derek grabs her and pulls her back as a fiery beam falls separating her from Aaron. "Aaron!" She yells she sees him turn around and give her a reassuring smile before another beam falls and blocks Aaron from her vision.
    Coughing Aaron breaks through the president's office. "What are you doing?" Mr. President exclaims. "Saving you." Aaron says grabbing a chair and throwing it at the nearest window. Thankfully they're on the first floor. "Jump out." Aaron says morning to the now broken window. He nods and jumps out right as flames take out another ceiling beam. Aaron dives to the right and a layer of ash spirels up from the ground. Aaron stands up and finds the window through the smoke and fire. He leaps out and lands in a pile of glass. He hears the yells of the team he tries to sit up but his eyes get black around the edges and the last thing he sees is Jennifer running towards him.
    Aaron wakes up in the hospital tubes running in and out of his nose helping him breathe. This vision unblurs and the first thing he sees is Jennifer. "Jennifer?" he grumbles. She runs to his bedside and whispers "Yes it's me." he smiles and she lets out a relieved sigh. "I kind of love you Aaron." He chuckles and softly touches her face "And I kind of love you Jennifer." She sits on the edge of the bed and says "Don't do that again." He shakes his head. "There is no way I would've let you done what I did." She rests her hand on her stomach and smiles. Emilie walks in with a bouquet of flowers "You're up!" She exclaims. Aaron nods and Kyrsten says "Scared us to death, Jennifer especially." He nods and Derek says "You took in a lot of smoke." Aaron nods and grabs Jennifer's hand. "Well I'm here now, we'll live to fight another day." They smile and softly applaud.
    Be good to others, that will protect you against evil. - Abu Bakr

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