Chapter 9

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Jennifer walks down the stairs in her wedding dress. "Are you sure it doesn't look bad?" She says softly tugging at the hem of the dress. "Jennifer! It looks beautiful!" Emilie says grabbing Jennifer's hand, Emilie found the dress herself and made sure that it fit Jennifer just right despite Jennifer's protests. It costed way more than it should've but Emilie persisted and when Emilie knows what she wants she gets it. So Jennifer finds herself wearing a white lace dress that stops at her ankles where pristine white shoes lay. "Aaron is going to flip!" Emilie says clapping her hands together. Jennifer laughs  and this time grabs Emilie's hands to calm her down. "Goodness Emilie calm down." Kyrsten nods and says "Yeah Emilie we don't want to send you to the hospital for cardiac arrest." Emilie nods and takes deep breaths before continuing. "Alright let's get you to the venue!" Jennifer looks at the clock and realizes that she's right. Emilie grabs Jennifer's hand and leads her out to the rental limousine with a laughing Kyrsten behind them.
    They pull up to the Gideon family barn all of them have spent weeks preparing and renovating for today, Emilie and Kyrsten run inside and take their Bridesmaids spots next to Men of honor, leaving Jennifer outside waiting for him to open the door to lead her down the aisle. Chief Frank Barlow appears next to her and says "Ready Jennifer?" She nods and he gives her his arm, the double doors swing open and the crowd stands. The two walk swiftly down the aisle way and there's Aaron at the end of the aisle smiling from ear to ear. Jennifer feels her cheeks grow hot as she softly smiles. Frank passes Jennifer off swiftly to Aaron and takes his seat at the front row. The officiant starts and says "Family and Friends of the bride and groom, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Aaron Eric Gideon and Jennifer Mae Porter... If anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace." Jennifer looks at Aaron and he looks back at her. "Now the vows, Jennifer you first." She takes a deep breath and starts "No one else has been able to make me feel so strong and vulnerable while just as safe. And no one else has been able to reassure me that although I may fail a thousand times, someone can be crazy enough to love me just the same. Even though I can be unsure of things one thing that I am perfectly sure of is that I love you. I promise to love you no matter what, I love you." Jennifer look back to the apparition of Charlotte standing by the door and she fades away with a wave and a blown kiss. Jennifer lets her tears fall and covers her mouth. She turn back to Aaron and smiles motioning for him to go. He grabs her hands and says "Even though I know you feel like you aren't helping or aren't worth it I swear to you that I would choose you like I am now. Even in a hundred different worlds, lifetimes, and any different version of reality. I would find you and I would choose you all over again. And that is my promise to you to love you and to choose you again and again to make you feel loved and wanted. I love you." Tears fall down both of their faces and without taking their eyes off of each other the officiant states "Jennifer Mae Porter do you take Aaron Eric Gideon to be your lawfully wedded husband for all life and eternity." She nods and says "I do." He turns to Aaron and says "Aaron Eric Gideon do you take Jennifer Mae Porter to be your lawfully wedded wife for all eternity and time." He looks Jennifer with his twinkling eyes and says "I do." Jennifer's eyes sparkle and almost in a far off place they hear the words "You may kiss the bride." They lean in and their lips collide. Soft, sweet, yet passionate. Jennifer's hand runs through Aaron's hair as they hold each other tightly. The cheers of the crowd drowned out as the warm feeling grows inside of Jennifer, and Aaron focuses on never letting Jennifer go.
    Emilie, Kyrsten and Jennifer scramble around the prep room getting ready for the reception, Emilie touches up Jennifer's makeup and Kyrsten needs to zip up the reception dress. It's pretty much an exact replica of the wedding dress but stops at Jennifer's knees. Kyrsten zips it up and Jennifer whisper to her and Emilie "Thank you two so much." Jennifer then turns to Kyrsten and says "I better see you dancing with you-know-who." Kyrsten blushes and the two walk out of the room with Jennifer. Music playing as the crowd sways around to the music. Aaron comes out of his dressing room in, his reception outfit is pretty much the same thing but instead of a formal suit it's more of a casual style. Jennifer smiles as they take their seats. The two sit at a long table with Charlie, Derek, Emilie, and Kyrsten. They all get talking and the dance floor in the middle of the floor clears and the music gets slower. "Time for the first dance." Emilie whispers to Jennifer. She nods and Aaron stands up and extends his arm to Jennifer. She takes it and he leads her to the dance floor. They get closer as they move gracefully across the floor. "Well mister smiles." She whisper he chuckles "Why do you say that?" she look at him and smiles "You always seem to smile a lot more around me, why is that?" He shrugs "You bring out the best in me, I feel more comfortable around you than I do with anyone else. And besides your smile is infectious." Jennifer laughs and says "You really have to stop doing that." He chuckles and says "Stop doing what?" Jennifer looks into his soft blue eyes and says "Doing things that make me want to kiss you." he smiles and leans forward and kisses Jennifer on her cheek and the music stops. Jennifer take a step back and curtsey and Aaron bows. They smile and make their way back to the table.
    "Where are you two going on your honeymoon?" Emilie asks walking back to the table to grab her water bottle. Jennifer smiles and Aaron says "Mexico, we found this nice house on a cliff-ish that has a perfect beach view." Emilie smiles and Jennifer shifts her gaze to the auburn haired Kyrsten dancing with a blonde woman by the name of Paget, or at least that's what Kyrsten said. Jennifer stands up and grabs Aaron's hand. "Come on let's go dance." Aaron smiles and walks with Jennifer to the middle of the dance floor. They dance the early night away in the little barn and Jennifer's head starts to pound. She lifts her hand to her head and Aaron leans down and whispers "Do you need to go outside?" She nods and they walk outside. The cool crisp air flutters around them as they walks around the barn. Jennifer shivers and Aaron takes off his jacket and drops it over Jennifer's shoulders. "Thanks." She says softly. He nods and they find a little bench by the edge of the woods. Aaron leans back and looks up to the stars in the clear night sky. "I love you Jenn." He whispers she leans her head on his shoulder admiring the dark night sky and says "I love you to."
    Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu.

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