Chapter 7

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"California. Local gang, they call themselves the sight stealers." Emilie says walking in "And it's fedral how?" Charlie asks Emilie opens the file on the TV and shows the crime scene photos "Oh." Charlie says looking down at his file. On the screen shows an alleyway with three bodies each with their eyes missing. "I can see where the name came from." Jennifer says. "Local police say that if we are going to talk to them we can't pose as federal agents." Emilie says, they nod and Derek says "So two of us will have to go under cover while the rest stays at the police station." Emilie nods "I'm afraid so." Jennifer closes her file and says "Well I have to go in I can't analyze behavior from behind a desk." They nod and Derek says "I'll go with him, Charlie needs the station and the police for a better geographical profile, Emilie needs to keep the media out, and Kyrsten needs the computers." Emilie sighs "He's right, I guess we have our assignments. Kyrsten closes her laptop and says "Let's go then."
They land in California and Emilie shakes the officer's hand "Agent Kingston we spoke on the phone. These are Agents Porter, Allred, Whiteman, and Finley." Jennifer smiles and shakes his hands "Who is going undercover?" He asks Jennifer and Derek step forward. He nods and says "We need to make new last names for you two." They look at each other and Jennifer says "Jennifer Merrick." Derek nods and says "Derek Robinson." He nods and says "You just happen to think of those?" They nod and he says "Okay so I'm guessing you need to change and you know what you're doing out there?" They nod again and Jennifer pulls out her go bag
They walk out of the station changed. Jennifer's hair in a messy ponytail, baggy camo pants, a black tee and some black combat boots. Derek comes out in a gray tee, black baggy pants, and his black combat boots. "Let's get to work." Jennifer says walking down the street, "Yes ma'am." Derek replies walking next to her.
They find the gang and Derek stops her "What are we playing here?" Jennifer shrugs and says "I have an idea, let me do the talking." She takes a step forward but Derek stops her again "Am I going to know?" Jennifer shakes her head "I think it's better if you don't so there's a genuine reaction." He nods and they start walking forwards again, "Sight stealers?" she asks they turn around and stand "Who wants to know?" Jennifer stands up taller and says "I'm Jennifer this is Derek we heard what you've been doing and we want in." One pulls out a knife and one grabs Jennifer's ponytail and pulls her down. "Why should we let you in?" the one with the knife says putting it to her throat. "Does third degree manslaughter mean anything to you?" The one releases his grip on Jennifer and the other puts his knife away. Jennifer stands up next to Derek and a man from the back steps forward "Alright we attack again tomorrow the bar down the street." Jennifer nods and her phone rings. "Gonna take this." She says the leader steps toward jennifer but Derek steps in between. "She's gonna take the call in peace or else you lose your head." He threatens. The leader backs up and Jennifer steps behind the tree "They're going to a bar at the end of the street tomorrow. Evacuate everyone but have the owner make it look open, I'm sorry I'm cramming you with this but I can't stay on the line gotta go. See you after this is done." She hangs up and walks back "Tomorrow it is." She says they all grin "Tomorrow it is." The leader agrees.
Emilie puts her phone in her pocket and walks up to Charlie "Bar at the end of the street. We have to evacuate it but make it look like it's open." Charlie takes a pin and sticks it on the board. "We have the three points. Which means we have their comfort zone." He grabs a red Sharpie and connects the pins together with the line. "Hopefully we'll catch them tonight, it's been a quick case so far and I want to keep it that way." Kyrsten says zooming in to the map and searching through information an the big places in the triangle.
Derek and Jennifer wake up before the rest of the gang to get ready. "This is going to go south real fast, we gotta be careful." Jennifer says putting her second gun in her ankle holder and pulling her pant leg over it. "That's true." Their leader wakes up and walks over to the two. "Let's go." He says picking up his baseball bat. "No gun?" Jennifer asks, he shakes his head and pulls up his shirt revealing a gun in his pants waistband. "Right." she says. They wake up the rest of them and walk down the street to the bar. Jennifer looks to the SUV in the ally and sighs. "You. Jennifer kick the door down. If you can." One of them say Jennifer rolls her eyes and kicks down the door roundhouse style for a little flair. She walks in and it's empty. Thank you Emilie Kingston Jennifer thinks walking around. The door slams and their leader walks up to them "You really think that we wouldn't know you're with the feds?" Jennifer straightens up. "Who said we were with the feds?" Derek steps closer and the leader pulls out his gun. "We ain't stupid. We were going to take the bar. But I guess we've gotta take you out now." The door bursts open and the room fills in with police officers and Charlie with Emilie. "FBI Put Your Hands Where I Can See Them!" Emilie yells. Jennifer pulls her gun and Derek does the same. "I would do what she says." She says he nods and lifts up his hands and Derek takes them and handcuffs them behind his back. Jennifer smiles and walks to Emilie "Even though it was short it was stressful." She says Emilie nods "Yes, yes it was." A deafening noise pierces through the air and Derek falls to the ground. "Derek!" Jennifer yells running to him. "Come on, stay with me." She whispers putting pressure on the wound. "Call The Medics!" She yells. "Jennifer-" Derek starts. Jennifer looks down to him and he smiles "It's going to be alright." Jennifer bites the inside of her cheek and he says "You're like my sister, never forget that." Jennifer smiles and paramedics file into the room and take Derek on a stretcher to the ambulance.
They land the next day back in Virginia. "Derek Whiteman you are a cheater." Emilie says putting the chessboard back before walking off. "You can't beat up someone who just got shot."  He jokes Emilie rolls her eyes and they walk back inside the office. "Chief Barnes." Emilie says freezing at the door. "Agent Kingston, Finley, Whiteman, Allred, and Porter. The roundtable room now." Jennifer looks at them and shrugs. They walk inside the roundtable room and she motions for them to sit. They sit and she says "Where is Unit Chief Gideon?" They all look to Jennifer and she sits up. "Unit Chief Gideon is out for right now." She says Chief Barnes glares at Jennifer "I asked where."  Jennifer stands up and says "You know what Aaron has told me a lot about you and how you've been wanting to shut down this into for awhile now. So you know what? Maybe you will get us. But we're damn sure gonna take you down, too." Chief Barnes straightens her back at Jennifer's tone. "Agent Porter you have hereby been suspended from the FBI, I want your badge you can have it back when your precious Aaron comes back." Jennifer unclips her badge and tosses it on the desk. Before walking out.
Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others. -Unknown

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