Chapter 14

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The team stands by the coffee machine talking about the movie they went to go see together. "You know my favorite part about horror movies is the suspense." Derek comments Jennifer nods "And how they all start out the same, A girl walking back to her apartment or campus building in the dark after a party." Emilie smiles and continues "Hears a sound from across the street and quickly runs up the stairs to the bedroom." Kyrsten laughs and joins in "She locks all the doors and windows but has that one window that won't lock." Charlie nods "But the one thing I hate is how they don't call a friend until after a shower when they realize something's wrong." They nod and Aaron nods "True." And at that moment all of their phones ring and they pick them up. "There's been a murder, who did you all get a call from?" Aaron asks Jennifer looks around the team and they all wear the same expression. "We got the same call." They nod and the glass doors swing open, "Chief Barnes." Aaron says straightening his back. Jennifer rolls her eyes and Chief Barnes shifts her gaze to her. "Are you doing anything for the case?" Jennifer bites her tongue and Aaron sighs "We just got the call we are going to brief on the plane." She nods and looks right at Jennifer. "I'm accompanying you on this case, after your little outburst last year I need to see you in the field." Jennifer nods and grabs her go bag. "Well let's head to New York then."
They land and drive to the campus where the 21 year old victim was found. "Her name was Amber Leavitt she was studying film and media." The Chief says leading them into the building where she was housed. "What were the two other girls studying?" the Chief looks back to face Derek "Also film and media." He nods and Jennifer asks "Were the other girls studying here as well?" He nods and says "We can have the school evacuated." Jennifer shakes her head "He most likely is a student here studying film and media, keeping the school open is our best option to keep him here and in our radar." Chief Barnes shoots Jennifer a glance but Jennifer ignores it. "Would it be possible to set up an assembly?" Derek asks, He nods and says "The principal's office is on the other side of campus, he's here until around 4:00." They reach the door and step inside. "Does this look familiar to anyone?" Derek asks, Jennifer nods and Emilie realizes what's so oddly familiar about this "Guys, this is the movie from last night." Jennifer opens the bathroom door and she's right, "The movie from last night?" Chief Barnes asks, Jennifer nods "The team and I went to go see the new horror movie and this looks exactly like it." Chief Barnes smiles "Then it should be easy to solve right?" Jennifer shakes her head "The movie ended in the killers suicide, so were on a timer before he blows up campus and himself."
They get back to the station and gather the rest of the police. "We are looking for a white male in his early twenties. He is following the plotline for the movie that came out last week." A policeman raises his hand and Jennifer nods to him. "What if we haven't seen the movie." Aaron nods and says "We're going to have to spoil it for you." Jennifer nods and regains control of the profile. "He started stalking his victims online, he figured out what they were studying and started killing them because he believed that the reason he failed was because of those girls, this unsub is thinking that if he continues the movie and follows it to the end that he will regain popularity, we have to find him before he reaches the end." Another officer raises his hand and Jennifer nods "What happened at the end of the movie?" Emilie looks to Jennifer and she says "He set up bombs around campus and blew it up along with everyone in it... including himself."
The police force disperses and Aaron looks at Jennifer as she checks her phone for the sixth time in 30 minutes "Are you okay?" He asks she shrugs "I got a text from Amy an hour ago saying Jack isn't feeling well, high fever and he threw up." He nods and says "You can go home and stay with him if you want." She shakes her head and says "I already looked for flights but with the storm coming they're packed and some are canceled." He nods "Sorry, you can stay here with Kyrsten to keep service." She nods "Thank you." He nods "I would stay with you love but I have to go." She nods "I know." He kisses her forehead "See you in a bit." She smiles and walks back to where Kyrsten is set up.
"You're here?" Kyrsten says surprised Jennifer nods "Jacks sick so I want to stay here with guaranteed cell reception." She nods and opens a new tab on her computer "I'll keep refreshing this for flights. Jennifer smiles and leans her head on Kyrsten's shoulder "You're the best." Kyrsten smiles and says "I know." Jennifer laughs and stands up. "I want some coffee, do you want some?" Kyrsten nods "Yes please!" Jennifer smiles and walks out to grab some coffee.
Aaron walks around the main campus building, it's a lot easier when everyone is in clase. He checks everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Under lockers under drinking fountains, on top of door frames, in classrooms. Pretty much anywhere you could think of. Except the girls bathroom, Emilie checked in there. An hour has past and still no sign, "How long do we have to find the bomb?" Emilie asks catching up to him in the hall. "The plot said a week, he started monday, we have 2 nights." She nods and he shakes his head. "I haven't had a bad case in a long time, I'm not about ready to have one now." Emilie nods "And besides it doesn't help that we got called in later."  He nods pulling out his phone for the sixth time in the hour. "Jennifer is fine, she's with Kyrsten and besides she can hold her own." Emilie says she grabs Aaron's phone. "As your friend I have the right to hold on to this while you search the crime scene with a clear mind." He rolls his eyes but Emilie smiles and says "If Jennifer shows up in your notifications I'll give it back. Now the main building is clear, let's go help Charlie and Derek with the surrounding buildings." He nods and the jog out to the other surrounding buildings.
Jennifer spins around in her chair staring up at the ceiling. "I almost have everything figured out about this guy except for one thing." Kyrsten stops Jennifer's spinning and says "Okay what's on your mind I can hear your IQ of one hundred eightyseven screaming from here." Jennifer sits up "You know about my high IQ?" Kyrsten nods, "Yep!  I've known since you walked into my office for the first time and besides you're twenty nine and worked in interpol for two years and here for almost one." Jennifer nods, "You know Aaron also has a high IQ, not as high as yours but still one hundred sixtythree isn't too bad. "So that's why he's only thirty and is Unit Chief." Kyrsten nods and turns the conversation back around. "Okay what is the one thing that you can't seem to get?" Jennifer nods and turns to the board, "Why this specific movie plot, and why this campus?" Kyrsten nods and turns back to her computer, "Well I looked into the movie while you were grumbling-" "I do not grumble!" Jennifer exclaims. Kyrsten laughs and keeps going "The movie is based on a famous bomber who went school to school blowing them up yet never got caught, once he made it back to his homeschool he blew it up with him." Jennifer stands up and runs to the door. "Kyrsten you're a genius! Call me if Amy emails you back about Jack." Kyrsten smiles "No problem my sweet." Jennifer laughs and runs out and down the street to the campus.
Aaron and Emilie walk out of the school library and Aaron sees a figure running towards them "It could be the unsub." Emilie says Aaron nods and pulls out his gun. "FBI!" The figure puts their hands up and they step closes. "Oh my god Jennifer, You scared us!" Jennifer laughs and says "Sorry, I had to run I know where the bomb is and he's going to blow it up tonight at the dance instead of Saturday." Aaron looks at Emilie and she looks at Jennifer "We checked everywhere, where could it be?" Jennifer smiles "You didn't check the wall behind the basement storage closet did you?" Aaron sighs and Emilie looks down. "No, no we didn't." Jennifer nods and they start running back to the main building.
People in fancy dresses and suits starts to file into the gym. Jennifer looks around for a clear shot for the basement door. She finds one and sprints through "Hey where are you going?" Jennifer looks up at the man and pulls out her badge "FBI, I need you to remain calm and let me down into the basement." He nods and opens the door and she sprints down the steps skipping several on the way. She pulls out her flashlight and walks into the storage room. She opens the door and hears Aaron's footsteps coming down the stairs, Aaron finds her and walks in first and she follows "Where's Emilie?" Jennifer whispers "Upstairs quietly evacuating everyone." Aaron replies, Jennifer finds the panel in the back that leads down to the older laundry room. This is the only way down. Aaron notices how small it is "I'm claustrophobic." he whispers she nods "Watch the door I'm sliding in." Aaron grabs her hand and whispers "Stay safe." she nods and kisses her head and she slides down the chute.
Jennifer lands on her feet and rolls forward so the fall won't hurt. She stands up and walks to the back room where she can hear a voice. "Tonight's the night." Jennifer opens the door and says "FBI Put The Detonator Down." He snaps around and Jennifer steps back from shock. "Wes?" He nods "Jennifer, you don't understand." Jennifer shakes her head "Oh I completely understand what you are doing, but why?" Wes shakes his head "Jennifer you were always too smart for your own good. Figure it out." Jennifer looks him in the eye and then realization strikes. "This is about Kylie." He nods "When that bomb went off and it killed her, I spent all this time hunting down the man who set off the bomb and I found him here. He's here and he's going to feel what she felt." Jennifer shakes her head "You know if you want to make someone feel something, make them survive. Blowing them up is just a quick death. Kylie was close enough to the bomb that she didn't feel anything when it went off." He glares at her "No I heard her scream." Jennifer shakes her head "Wes that was me, I was in the doorway and was caught in the blast just barely. I still have the burn marks on my back." He shakes his head and pulls out his gun "No, no that's wrong!" Jennifer shakes her head, It was Lauren and I screaming, that's why you and Braxton had to get us out of there." He raises his gun hoping to intimidate Jennifer but she stands up taller "Kylie wouldn't want this for you Wes, she'd want you to go back to your sisters house and hold that adopted baby girl." He steps back surprised. "You named her Kylie Lauren Adams." He lowers his gun a bit "How did you know?" Jennifer smiles and says "Because you said that you could never have a kid on your own when plenty of others are without families, and besides Kylie was closest to you and Lauren was a close sister." He bites his lip and Jennifer puts her gun back in her holster. "Now Wes I want you to see your daughter again, so turn off the bomb and give me your gun." A tear falls down his face as he tosses his gun to her and hits the off button on the bomb." Jennifer runs up to him and gives him a hug. "I'm going to have to handcuff you as a precaution, okay?" He nods and they start walking out of the room.
Jennifer walks up to Aaron after leading Wes to the station car. "What happened?" He asked Jennifer shakes her head. "I reminded him about the best thing in his life, and that's how I got him to give me his gun and turn off the bomb." He nods and says "How did you know he had a kid?" Jennifer smiles "The way he acted, he hesitated. I know Wes he doesn't hesitate for nothing and that's when I remembered how he told me that if he were to have a kid he would adopt. Aaron nods and Jennifer leans her head on his shoulder. "I'm so ready to see Jack." Aaron smiles "Me to."
Aaron and Jennifer arrive home and Jack's up watching TV. Amy smiles when she sees Jennifer and Aaron. She says goodbye, Jennifer thanks her, and they walks into the living room. "Hey buddy." Jennifer whispers, "Hey mommy." Jack whispers. Jennifer kisses his forehead. "How are you?" He nods "I'm not feeling well." Jennifer smiles and Aaron picks him up. "Well why don't we lay down, get you a glass of water, and have mommy ready you a fairy tale." Jack nods and they get to his room. Aaron sets him down on the bed carefully and Jennifer pulls up a chair and grabs a few fairy tales. "What one?" She asks, "That one." Jack says pointing to the book "Okay, this is the story of beauty and the beast." Jack nods and Jennifer opens the page and starts reading.
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. - Albert Einstein

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