Chapter 1

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Friday evening 8:00pm Atlanta
High School Gym.

"Go Red" "You Betta Make That Shot!"

"Go Red" " You Got This Girl"

I could hear people in the crowd cheering me on as I ran up to the goal to make the winning shot. It had ten seconds count down on the clock as I made my way to goal. This girl tried to block me but I made the shot right as time ran out on the clock. You

When that was done the entire gym on the home side started turning up and the score was now 23 to 26. You already know i'm a dog in this game and the best on the team no doubt. Everyone on the team started chanting my name but then turned into everyone shouting the school name.

" Atl High In This Bitch," Red screamed.

" Yeah sis we did that shit and what they hating ass looking at," Will screamed loud enough for them hear.

" I don't know but don't trip they some lames anyways the fuck," Red said laughing.

" They want to look let me give them something to look at," Will said as she started to twerk.

" Girl stop and let's get to this locker room I don't have time for a fight to break out tonight," Red said grabbing Will arm and pulling her to the locker room.

Once we got to the locker room everyone kept turning up for while then we got to change. I just went into my duffel bag and took my sweat pants out and my jacket and put on. By the time I was done some was still changing but then coach walked in.

She congratulated us on the win and told us to go home and get a good night sleep. Thats what I was planning on doing anyways. Although let me take a quick pause and tell you about myself. My name is Rihanna Rylee Rivers but everyone just calls me Red.

I don't even think people know what my real name is because I been going by red since preschool. I'm sixteen years and senior in high school and as can tell I'm a baller. I love love basketball it's my passion growing up with two older brothers you pick up on couple things. One being my basketball skills and my hands Okay.

I'll knock a bitch out if needed but I'm not a fighter for no reason. Will is my best friend slash cousin and her real name is willow but she goes by will. She's eighteen years old and single and our other best friend is Sammy but she goes by Sam she eighteen too.

She's not basketball type she's the girly girly who don't do shit. Anyways as you can see I'm the baby of the group but you learn more about us later on. Although I was really snapped out my thought when Will called my name.

" What's up I'm ready to go home and crash the hell out, "Red said grabbing her duffel

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" What's up I'm ready to go home and crash the hell out, "Red said grabbing her duffel.

" But we not it got party tonight and you got to come Red you never go out," Will said.

" Yeah Red its team party you made the true winning shot just come have a drink," team mate said.

" I always go out just not during basketball season y'all know this," Red said annoyed.

" Red...Red...Red.....Red.....," everyone in locker room started chanting.

" Fine, I'll go out just this once because we turned up but I have to go get dress," Red said laughing.

" Yeah! We meet y'all ladies there Atl high," Will screamed.

" ATL SQUAD," Red screamed before walking out.

I swear I hate my cousin so much I party just not during basketball season. They know I eat sleep study and breathe basketball during this season. Although I guess I'll lighten up once since tomorrow Saturday. Once we got outside we got in Will Benz and headed to my house. Not long after we pulled up and we walked inside my house.

Just like always no one home but me because my brothers both moved out to Miami to handle business

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Just like always no one home but me because my brothers both moved out to Miami to handle business. As in business yes business businesses they both the head of drug gang and operation out in Miami. They were once upon a time someone second hand in Atlanta but once they proved themselves they moved to Miami. They both boss out there and they make way more money.

Which I love because they bought mom this big ass house and I got a bank account with a couple million and car. My brothers took care of the family that's for sure and none of them got baby mama or kids thank god. That's one thing my brothers always said take care of the family at all cost and take care business. Something that stuck and will stick with me forever.

My mom just always out with her friends or out of the town. Which I don't mind because my mom had my oldest brother at 12 and my second brother at 13 and me at 17. She deserves to enjoy her life because she did a lot trying to raise us on her own with no fathers. She 33 and enjoying her life and I can't blame her at all her kids basically grown.

" So what you putting on Red you got come banging girl," Will said.

" I don't know yet because-," Red was cut off by someone ringing her door bell.

" Who the hell is that at my door I just got home Will," Red said walking downstairs.

" Oh! My bad I forgot that's Sam meeting us here she going to party too duh," Will said opening the door.

" Hey why hell yall not dress yet I'm ready to go get drunk and fucked up," Sam screamed.

" Whatever we both still need shower we stink so you gone wait while," Red said laughing walking upstairs.

My bestie was looking cute she had on this tight black dress that fit her small frame. Although why hell she got a dress on its house party and it's cold as hell in Atlanta right now. She looking like she going to club not house party lord. At least she cute tho I'm putting jeans on and jacket.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter VOTE AND COMMENT !!

Thanks ~Summer 💖

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