Chapter 15

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Tuesday Morning at 7:00am
Rihanna House

It's Tuesday morning and I'm happy as hell the night at Flex house was amazing. Besides from his brother Detroit everything else was good. Although I got to get up and go school now blow my shit. At least I got basketball game tonight as well. I love playing ball and hearing people cheer me on. What can I say I'm girl who loves the attention.

I just got up and went took care of my hygienes and things. Once that was done I just decided to put on this red jumpsuit with my white shoes. Once I had that on I did my makeup and put my shades on. When I looked in the mirror I was basic and still slaying on these females. I then just grabbed my backpack and things I needed and walked downstairs.

" Morning how was the night at Flex's," Rittany asked.

" It was amazing mom I think him and I grew a stronger connection," Red said smiling.

" I can tell look like he grew connection with your neck as well," Rittany said laughing.

" OMG! I thought I covered that up you can still see it mama," Red asked.

" No I saw it last night when I came in your room to check on you. I'm just glad you had good time and I'm totally coming to your game tonight," Rittany said.

" I wouldn't have it any other way mother now I have go before I'm late love you," Red said walking to garage.

" Love you too Rihanna," Rittany screamed.

Once I got in garage I just grabbed the keys to my G-Wagon and hopped inside. I first started it up then I Bluetooth my phone to my car and pulled out onto the high way. I was little hungry and although I was going be late I decided to go to Waffle House and get some breakfast.

For breakfast I got two pork chop, cheese grits and some eggs

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For breakfast I got two pork chop, cheese grits and some eggs. My food smelled so good I paid for it then got in my car and headed to school. I was afraid I was going to be late but I was actually good I made it before the late bell. But as soon as I got in class my friends started harassing me.

" Red what happened with you and Flex how was it girl spill," Sam said.

" Yeah because I wanna know she was freaked out and basketball practice," Will said.

" It was good actually him and I are growing closer by day," Red said as her phone vibrated.

From Flex 🥵: Good Morning have good day at school and better win the game
Delivered at 8:09

Sent: I'm already at school and you already know I don't play when comes to basketball !!
Read at 8:12

From Flex 🥵: Trust me I know but how would you mind if I come to game and watch you !!
Delivered at 8:14

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