Chapter 6

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Francis " Flex " Elijah Johnson 🔥
Friday evening at 8:10 pm
Rihanna House

I had got home late from taking care of some stuff at the trap but I hurried and got dress. I really wanna go on this date with Red because she made hard as hell to get it. I asked her on date six times and she turned me down. Then out of no where she finally texted me and was like okay we can go on date. I would say that pissed me off but ma bad as hell.

Plus it's been while since women made me work for it and I like it. To be honest I don't think no women ever made me work for it because I always been that nigga. Once I was dress tho I quickly hopped in my Audi R8 and headed to her address. When I pulled I took my colon out and sprayed some on then I got out and rung the door bell.

" Your late you know I shouldn't even go because what's man if he can't be on time," Red said

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" Your late you know I shouldn't even go because what's man if he can't be on time," Red said.

Damn! Ma ain't even let me complement her before she took of dragging me with that mouth. I couldn't even tell her she was looking and smelling hella good.

" Look I'm sorry lil bit I'm ten minutes late and I was handling something. I tried hard as hell to get to you so can we just enjoy the night," Flex asked grabbing Red hand.

" Sure and you looking okay or whatever but not better than me," Red said doing 360 spin.

" Dang! You didn't even let me complement you lil bit. You fucking complement yourself and served me in process," Flex said laughing.

" I don't look for validation in others I know I look good buddy boy," Red said walking to car.

" Alright then lil bit I see your confidence on million and one," Flex whispered to him self as he opened door for Red.

" Thanks nice car," Red said as she got inside.

" Thanks one of many," Flex said before shutting door and jogging to his side.

Once I got in on the driver side she had me nervous instead of the other way around. Although I'm nigga so I'm not suppose say  or feel that shit so I shook it off and broke the Ice. We actually had pretty decent conversation until I pulled up to the restaurant. When we got their I parked round back and she looked kind of crazy.

" Why the hell we at the back of the restaurant. I swear Flex if you on some slick shit," Red said.

" I'm not Lil bit dang stop acting so gangster and calm it down because your gangster on ten," Flex said opening the door for her.

" Who said I'm acting, my gangster forever on ten and I never turn off," Red said flipping her pony tail as she fixes her dress.

" Lord you just wait I'll love to knock that lil gangster attitude out you," Flex said grabbing red hand.

" I bet you would," Red said smirking as Flex lead her up to back door.

When I got to back door I held Red hand and knocked on it three times. By time that was done the normal bouncer opened up and I dabbed him up. Once that was done I lead Red inside and up flight stairs to large private room. The room was dimly lite and you could see the view of Atlanta.

" Now what your mean ass got say now," Flex asked as they entered the room

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" Now what your mean ass got say now," Flex asked as they entered the room.

" Actually I have say I like it and the view is amazing you did good job," Red said as she sat her purse down on table.

" Thanks finally the ice queen say something nice for change," Flex said laughing.

" Ice Queen where you got that from," Red asked laughing.

" I don't know it's something about you that attracts me like you closed off. Like you got walls up or something and I like that," Flex said.

" It take one to know one," Red said.

" Wym," Flex asked.

" It take person with walls to recognize when someone else has them that's all," Red said smirking.

" I guess you right but let's have seat the waitress coming," Flex said.

" Okay," Red said as she slid in the booth.

" Hi I'm Keyshia and I'll be your waitress here's two menus. I'll be back take orders in couple minutes but can I start you with drink," Keyshia asked.

" I'll have bourbon on rocks," Red said.

" Make that two bourbons on rocks," Flex said.

" Okay I'll be back with drinks," the waitress said before walking out.

" So Red how old are you," Flex asked.

" Sixteen and you," Red asked.

" Twenty," Flex said.

" Sorry to stop your conversation but here's your drinks and what would you like order," the waitress asked.

" I'll have the steak with side of bake potatoes and shrimp," Red said.

" I'll have the same but for my side I want green beans and mash potatoes," Flex said.

" Okay twenty minutes," the waitress said before leaving.

" Anyways whats wrong because you looking at me weird," Red said raising her eye brow.

" I been talking to you for week and it slipped my mind that I never asked you your age," Flex said.

" Well you been talking to me for week and as you can see I'm not like these little teen girls so," Red said taking sip of her Bourbon.

" I guess you not I like that you more mature than these women out here," Flex said.

" I know I am it's just perk of being me," Red said laughing.

" Damn your ass is so cocky and confidence but I like it. I hate girls that have low confidence," Flex said.

" Some can't help it because it really depends on how you was raised. I was just raised by boss bitch to be boss bitch," Red said laughing.

Hope you enjoyed the Sixth

Thanks ~Summer 💖

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