8. Fireworks, Laughter, Sickness

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  They strolled through the midnight streets of Busan, before reaching the small apartment of the known one named Park Jimin as the cold gentle breeze whistling through their hair,
Yoongi looks up and wonders.. if the stars were beautiful right now, like they were at the seaside baloncy while they listened to the waves crushing below and the roar of the fireworks shooting off into the starry night sky above them, that created beauty in Jimin's eyes,
he wonders, if he will ever experience a night like this ever again, the little chuckles he would hear when he said something stupid, watching the youngers eyes fall into thin lines of paper, the way they would pop open when another firework would rage into the night sky, the little sounds he made of amazement, Yoongi was falling in love, right then and there..

"Tonight was fun,"  Jimin excaims, grabbing Yoongi out of his thoughts, he looks down at the younger who was fiddling with his sweaterpaws, cute, Yoongi thought "I really enjoyed it." the younger spoke again as he looked up with soft eyes that sparkled from the street lights, Yoongi swallowed a breathe of air that he was choking up on, he smiles tilting his head a little "Tonight was fun, indeed" he softly spoke as he grabbed the youngers hands, interwining their fingers together. 

 So he wonders, if life would ever be perfect if he never met the guy who goes by the name of Park Jimin, he wonders, if life wasnt cut so short if he would get to spend the rest of nights, with Jimin in his arms, Perfect, so he thinks, Though, he would never say these thoughts out loud, he's known to be a book with never ending page, that's hard to understand, because you cant exactly open him up, so it makes you not understand anything at all, unless youre brave enough to dig deep and discover whats been hidden from the real world. 

He takes a deep breath as he climbs out of his thoughts, gently cupping the youngers face with both hands, but ever  so gentle, as if jimin would break in a heart beat like glass, he finally, finally connects their lips together, for the first time that night, for the first time ever, jimins lips were so soft, just like Yoongi ever imagined, so soft and sumptuous.. something that could become a drug for Yoongi



 So dangerous.

the kiss finally breaks, their lips stay gently touching for just a few moments before a sound coming from Jimins door that interrupts the moment, jimin chuckles as he buries his face into Yoongis jacket, as his best friend Taehyung started to tease him just before closing the door, that laughter. that sweet precious laugh coming from a man who's so beyond this world, Yoongi's beats inside his throat, with a small smile on his lips, I can't see when I laugh, Yoongi hears the younger say before unburing himself from his jacket, he laughs before opening his eyes widely, his eyes, oh so beautiful, Yoongi could get lost in them, as if he hasn't already 


Too dangerous .. 

Jimin finally tells him good night, they kiss again before one is to first to break it, because its already late and its cold tonight, his fingers still interwined with the younger as he enters inside his apartment, the elders arm falls beside him with his head tilted a grin on his lips and eyes never leaving the pretty fourist unless he for the hundredth time that night, waves goodbye as he closes the door.

Yoongi reaches his apartment, quietly walking inside, not wanting to wake up his little brothers, he throws his jacket on the coat rack and takes off his beanie as he makes his way to his bedroom, he threws off his shoes, sitting on the bed as he stares off at nothingness, he hears a gentle knock on his bedroom door, he looks over as he sees a sleepy Hoseok


Dont forget to take your pills.

As the little brother always does before bed and at the crack of dawn before work. 
Yoongi shakes his head tiredly as he gets up, but he's passed his schedule to take his medicine, he feels his stomach knotting up and its this time that its not his heart in his throat, he rushes into the bathroom and collasping in front of the toliet, he hates this yet he doesn't understand it, he feels the gentle rubs of a hand on his back, trying to calm him down just before reaching over and dragging a soft cloth over his face, hoseok rubs his back slowly until his older feels better, he helps him off the floor, helping him into the kitchen, seeing all the pills he has to take before bed, he hates it, he hates this, the pills, this nightly rountine, everything, he shakes his head in disgust as he swallows the pills, leaning against the counter, head hung low, feeling his brothers comfort surround him, just before he takes another pill,
 just one more, until the morning.


It's the only way for him to live 
without suffering

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