15. Be herculean, my love.

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- two week of chemo treatment

Yoongi groaned as he laid against the toliet bowl, he heaves as he tries to breath
"Jimin ah"
he hears rustling behind "I'm here, hyung" he rubs his boyfriend on the back
"I'm right here, not going anywhere"
he reassures Yoongi as he helps him off the floor, checking the IVs and cords before they start making their way back to the hospital bed, jimin helps him get into bed slowly before walking over to the other side to make sense he had another liquids

"I hate this" the elder breaths out "I hate this so much" jimin smiles a little behind the mask, he bends down at bedside "I know, but we gotta get you better, you just got to be herculean, my love" he sweetly says watching his boyfriend nod before laying his head against the pillows nested around him, Jimin details him, his heart hurts for this man. he details his face, eyes sunk in and darker, he's gotten paler and skinnier, he feels like none of the treatments are working with the amount of sickness he's been going through, he turns as he runs his fingers through his hair nervously, he's scared, so scared but he doesn't want to show his worries in front of the elder.
he sighs "I will be right back, hyung, okay? it'll be a second, I'll be right back" he watches as he sees the elder nods before dozing off.

He leaves the room as he falls against the wall, he takes a deep breath as pulls down his mask, bent over with his hands on his knees as he tries his best to gather his emotions and thoughts, he leans up as his head against the wall softly, he sniffles softly, looking to his left as he sees the doctor coming his way, he turns away to wipe the tears from his cheeks

"Mr. Park"
Namjoon says sweetly with his dimples appearing before noticing the younger has been crying "is everything okay?" he softly asks as he rubs circles on Jimin's back, the younger nods in response, the doctor stays quiet for a moment as he continues rubbing jimin's back, "everything's fine, thank you" he lied not looking up at the doctor.
There was a sudden sound of footsteps coming down the hallway, Jimin knew those footsteps anywhere, the younger wipes his cheeks and grabs a tissue turning away to blow his nose, he sighs as he stands up straight, looking over the doctors shoulders as his best friend appeared, his box smile appearing as he sees Jimin but immediately dropping his smile as he noticed his best friends puffy cheeks, signaling he was crying.

"Jiminie" he whispers before coming around the doctor, bowing to namjoon then hugging his best friend in a instant, Jimin's body reacted instantly as he hugged Taehyung tightly as he head buried into his shoulder, his hands coming back around to fist the younger's shirts tightly as he begin to cry harder "Jimin" he softly whispered as he played with the others hair "its okay, its going to be okay" he tried to reassure his best friend to calm him down, but nothing could really work, taehyung looked over at the doctor, Jimin hiccuped "he's not getting any better, tae, I'm so scared" he fists were turning white from being tangled up in the younger's shirt so tightly "I'm so fucking scared." Taehyung pulled jimin off as he wiped his face
"hey listen" he softly spoke
"its going to be okay, he's going to make it, I promise you he will" he cups Jimin's cheeks in the palm of his hands cocking his head to the side as he stares at his best friend, trying every way possible to calm him down, jimin shakes his head "he keeps getting weaker" he hiccups, his voice a little raspy in a high pitch kind of tone "I dont understand why he isnt getting any better" his lips curl up as he tries his best to stop crying, his small fingers wrapped around taehyung's wrist.
Namjoon looks up from the board he has in his hands "the beginning of treatment he will get weaker, but he will start gaining strength back the farther we go in with treatments, this is only the beginning"
Taehyung smiles a little as he wipes away the tears on his cheeks, Jimin sniffles as he nods "i'm just so scared" he softly whispers, taehyung pulls his best friend into a hug
"he's going to make it, he's strong, I promise you Jimin."

" Jimin ah "

a faint raspy voice appears from the room behind them, Jimin's eyes lit up worriedly as he pulls away from his best friend "Jimin.. " he immediately rushes back into the room to his boyfriends bed side "i'm here love, i'm here" he calmly spoke as he sat on the edge of the bed "im here, are you okay love?" Yoongi nods as he grabs the youngers hands to relax, the doctor comes in with Taehyung coming in behind pulling up his mask, Namjoon checks the IVs and other things before he leaves again.


I want you to be your light baby
You should be your light
So you won't hurt anymore, so you can smile
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
Now promise me, oh, oh

Several times a day, oh, oh

Even if you feel that you are alone, oh, oh

Don't throw yourself away, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh, hold on for a moment

Intertwine our pinkies
And promise me now, oh, oh..

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