11. Coffee Lips

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"Hyung, i'll be back home later tonight" Jungkook shouted through the apartment as he hurriedly threw on his jacket, 
"You know the curfew time" Hoseok spoke softly as he walked into the living room with a cup of coffee in his hands looking down at the watch at his wrist.
Jungkook chuckles "yes hyung, 11pm sharp, we won't be out late, we're just getting coffee" he checks his face just before he begins to head out the apartment "call me if you need anything!" the young one shouts before officially leaving "stop shouting and just leave, go enjoy your date, hyung is out with Jimin ssi" Hoseok chuckles as he sips on his coffee watching jungkook smile brightly before it disappears with the shut of the door

  »»————- ♡ ————-««

Jungkook sips on his coffee as he watches the world go by outside the glass window of the little shop, the bell on the entrance door, he looks over to see his boyfriend scanning the place in search for the other as they finally land on Jungkook, his box smile suddenly appearing as he made his way through the place, he rushes over and kisses the younger before siting down infront of him "hey you" Taehyung spoke softly "have you been here long? sorry if I kept you waitng, I had to close shop since Jimin is out with your brother" Jungkook smiles as he shakes his head "no, I got here a couple of minutes ago, you didn't keep me waiting"
"ah, good"
Taehyung softly spoke as a waitress comes over to the table catching his attention "would you like anything to drink sir?" she softly asked as she patiently tapped her pen on her notepad, Taehyung hummed as he looked back the menu, he oos before giving an answer "Omija Tea, please thank you!" he smiles as he watches the waiter write down his drink, she bows before turning to go back to the front, Jungkook snorts "always so fancy" Taehyung smacks his gums in a teasing manner "No, I just have better taste than you in everything"  Jungkook gasps "how dare you say that" Jungkook snickers as he looks down at his coffee
"Banana Milk coffee is wonderful, way better than Omij.. ouija sounding like tea!"
he says softly as his lips form into a pout causing Taehyung to burst into laughter, Jungkook stares at him so fondly, the older whips the tears from his cheeks as he tries to calm himself down from laughter
''ah" he chuckles again as he tries to speak "Ouija tea, sounds deliciously spoke"
he jesters in a ghostly motion with his hands, he smirks as Jungkook watches him play with his tongue piercing between his teeth, he shakes his head "I'm teasing, have you even tried Omija tea before?" he asks as he tilts his head looking at his boyfriend, Jungkook shakes his head "actually I haven't" he chuckles "I'll have to try it since you like it so much" Taehyung smiles "good, I promise you will like it" "I'll hold you to that then"  

  They both look over to see their waitress appoarching the table "Heres your tea, sir" she speaks softly as she places his drink, Taehyung thanks her before she walks away, he takes a sip as he softly groans at the taste "ah so good" he hums taking another sip before handing it over to the younger "taste it" Jungkook smiles as he gently grabs the cup and takes a sip before giving it back to the older, he cocks his head as he tries to understand the taste "is there berries? I taste a few different kind" he asks as he looks at his boyfriend, taehyung sips on his drink as he shakes his head "schizandra and magnolia berries, it makes like five flavors into one, good isnt?" he sweetly says as he watches the younger nod as an answer "really good actually" Taehyung smiles "told you so." jungkook rolls his eyes as he sips on his coffee, he swirls around the straw in his cup as he suddenly falls into his thoughts without realizing, staring down at his cup as taehyung finally notices him

"Hey" he says softly as he tilts his head
"Kookie, hey?" his voice raising just a little bit...

Jungkook snaps out of his thoughts as he looks at his boyfriend "yeah, I'm sorry, what were you saying?"
Taehyung shakes his head as he looks at the younger a little worried "nothing, are you okay? whats on your mind?" he asks softly as focuses on the younger, Jungkook shakes his head "yeah im okay, dont worry" Jungkook throws a small smile before looking back down at his coffee "Jungkook, I know when youre lying, you're pretty bad at it" Taehyung says before reaching over and softly grabs Jungkooks hands "kookie, talk to me" his voice so low and soft, worried about his dearing boyfriend.
Jungkook shakes his head "I–" his voice cracks a little bit "–I cant tell you'' he sighs as his head falls, taehyung cocks his head "why cant you? is everything okay? is it me?"
Jungkook shakes his head as he answers immediately "no no its not you, i promise hyung, its just.." his voice trails off before taking a big sigh "im not supposed to tell you... but,"
his voice goes soft as he looks out the window then back at the elder with scared eyes "hyung has cancer" his voice cracks when he gets to the last word his head falls as he pulls his hand back to whip his cheeks "Yoongi hyung has cancer and we have no idea how much longer he has to live" Taehyung immediately gets up and sits next to jungkook who instantly falls into his embrace "hyung I'm so scared, I dont wanna lose my big brother" Taehyung softly hands his fingers through the youngers hair as he listens trying to comfort in everyway possible, Jungkook hiccups as he looks up at the older "yo- you cant tell Jimin, pr-promise me you wont tell him, hyung" Taehyung shakes his head as he whips the tears off Jungkooks face "I promise, and im sure everything is going to be okay, yoongi hyung is strong, okay?" Jungkook shakes his head as he sniffles falling back onto tae's shoulder "come on, lets go home, hyung will take care of you" Taehyung softly says rubbing the youngers back as he reaches for his wallet and pays the bill and leaves a tip, jungkook whips his face as he takes a big sigh, he smiles a little as he looks at his boyfriend, Taehyung offers his hand to him

 "come on, lets go home"
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 

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