20. Snowy Oceanside.

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““ It was early December. A chilly starry midnight in Norway. it was quiet, peaceful. besides the soft music playing calmly through a candle lit hotel room with the backdoors leading to the balcony wide open as the curtains whisper through the chil breeze.. „„

Jimin was curled up next to Yoongi on the balcony side on a loveseat sofa. Staring up at the stars and some of the clouds slowly floating by with the waves of the oceanside crashing below them, Jimin smiles as he nuzzles his face into the elders chest.

"Hey, hyung" his voice calm and soft as he opens his eyes to stare at the bright balls of fire in the dark sky, he feels the vibration of a hum from the elders chest as acknowledgement. "Do you ever wonder if stars are actually other planets far far away?" he asks sweetly the curious little creature he is.
"Well" the elder sighs "somebody once told me the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us" he holds back a smile as he hears Jimin laugh. the younger snorts "did you just quote The Lion King?" he keeps laughing. it goes well with the ocean rumbling below, Yoongi loves it, of course he does, he snickers "No" he jokes as Jimin slaps his chest softly.
"Do you ever wonder how the shells of snails are created?" Yoongi chuckles out as he spoke, Jimin sat up in a instant, with his eyebrows farrowed and lips parted


"Think about it-" Yoongi laughs more "where the shells come from? how are they made?"

Jimin squints his eyes trying to find an answer, he turns to the side to face the giggly elder as he sips on his drink "how drunk are you, hyung?" he asks, totally now confused about the subject of the shell of snails. Yoongi shakes his head "ah I'm fine" he smiles, his famous gummy smile appearing as he reaches up and pulls Jimin down into a kiss. he feels the younger become relaxed and his fingers come up to lay on either side of the elders neck.
They kiss for a while, the only sound heard was the ocean and soft breathing mixed in with the charming voice of Jimin's coming through the speakers in the hotel room. the song which was being played going by the name of Serendipity. Yoongi helped the younger with the lyrics after a few days of being home from the hospital. Yoongi helped compose and produce the vocals and wrote some lyrics that Jimin was having trouble with.

Jimin jumps a little, getting spooked causing him to break apart from his lovers lips. he looks down on his arm where he felt a cold sensation. He then looks up thinking it was rain until a snow flake fell on the tip of his nose, he smiles widely with a gasp,"Hyung-" he watches the snowflakes drift through the air "it's snowing!" his voice so sugary sweet. Yoongi chuckles as he gets up from the loveseat, extending his hand towards Jimin "come on" he says looking down at the excited boy, there was a twinkle in his eyes that shined so bright with the stars and looked so pretty mixed in with the snowflakes. "It's getting colder" he sighs as the younger takes his extended hand and follows him back into the hotel room.

Jimin stops at the doorway "hyung wait.." Yoongi stops and turns around to look at his love, Jimin stares into the night starry sky before looking back at the tattooist.
"it's our first snow fall" he says sweetly with a small smile. Yoongi squints with his head cocked trying to figure out where the younger is getting at.

His eyes lit up, finally realizing.

In Korea, there's a tradition that meany koreans follow during the first snow fall. the belief goes if you watch the first snow fall of the year with someone you like or love.
you will stay together for a long time,
a love will blossom,
lies will be forgiven,
and all your wishes will come true.

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