16. Lion-Hearted

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- two months of chemo

"Alright" doctor Jin spoke loudly as he entered the hospital room with Namjoon following behind with his dimples appearing "today marks two months of treatment, how are you feeling Yoongi?" 
 Yoongi cleared his throat as he sat up in his bed, he looked over at his boyfriend "not like im dying" he deapanned with a small smirk as Jimin rolls his eyes in a sweet manner. "Well" namjoon said looking at the computer "its been two months of the treatments and looks like youve been a lion hearted man" Namjoon chuckles, Yoongi's lips fall into a thin line with his eyebrows scrunched together "what the fuck does lion hearted mean" he asked as he hears Jimin sighs "language mister." Jin chuckles softly, Namjoon laughs "Lion hearted brave and determined!" he spoke with cheerfulness in his voice "you've been very brave and pulling through strongly" Jimin smiles brightly as his eyes fall into thin lines, grabbing his boyfriend hands softly "I told you we would get through this!" his voice so sweet and charming causing the elder to blush a little. 
 "the great news is that" Jin turns around to face the couple in front of him with the biggest smile "you've been doing good, the treatment is curing you amazingly quick, you're getting your stength back and two months means"  he gets a little excited "you can start eating solid foods! he claps, Yoongi groans "finally"  namjoon chuckles "but you wont be able to taste it or still smell anything" he adds, Yoongi whines

"ah bullshit" 

"language!" Jimin spurts out.  

"we will be back to check up on you in an hour"  Namjoon smiles before leaving with Jin.
Yoongi sighs before getting an idea and gasping, scaring his boyfriend cuasing him to jump "can we order Lamb skewers!"  he says excitedly, Jimin lets out a breath of air he didnt realize he was holding "dont scare me like that" he mumbles "are you sure you want that as your first meal?" he says sweetly with his head cocked to the side "you cant taste or smell" he said in a whisper, the elder pouty "pretty please!! its been so long, Jiminiee!!" he begged, how could Jimin say no to such a cute little thing? he smiles "alright" he picks up his phone and scrolls through his contacts "im gunna call hoseok and ask him to bring up lun-" he looks up at the clock on the wall "well, i mean dinner" he chuckles as he watches his boyfriend nod before getting comfy in the bed and slowly doze off, he quietly gets up and steps out to make the call so he wouldn't disturb the elder. 


a laugh broke out through the room, a courageous one, familar to Yoongi's ears.
He slowly wakes up with a small sigh reaching up to rub the sleep out of his eyes "shoot, I didnt mean to wake you hyung, i'm sorry" Hoseok said sweetly, yoongi hums as he shakes his head slowly "mm no, you are okay, seokie" he spoke in a tired tone of voice, he felt warm lips on his forehead, he peeks an eye out to see his boyfriend and smiles "hi sleepy head"  he chuckles sweetly as he pushes the elders hair out of his eyes "did you sleep well?"  Yoongi nods closing his eyes again. 
"We brought you lamb skewers!" Jungkook said happily "ah yes, we heard the great news on your treatment, hyung!" hoseok says as his dimples appear.
Yoongi shakes his head as he sits up correctly in bed rubbing his eyes, blinking slowly before seeing his two brothers and his boyfriends best friend "my family"  he thinks to himself. Jungkook gets up, grabbing the bags of food and setting it on the bed in front of his big brother, the elders eyes lit up excitedly as he grabs a dish and opening it, he bites his lip as he looks at the food so hungrily, the room chuckles. He takes a big bite of meat before sighing heavily "fuck i cant taste"  he groans in annoyance. Jimin chuckles "I've been telling you that love"  Yoongi pouts "or smell" he mumbles before taking anothr bite "whats the point of this bullshmmff" he shoves another piece of meat into his mouth while complaining "can't enjoy this heavenily food, what is this none sense" he keeps complaining but keeps eating as the others chuckle as his cuteness "its not funny" he mumbles out in sarrowness "not funny at a-mmgffm" he stuffs another piece of meat into his mouth "sweetheart, please slow down, we dont need you getting sick" Jimin says in a serious but sweet tone as he rubs the elders arm. 

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