10. He's florescence

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     Yoongi stepped out into the open, taking a sip of his freshly made Iced Americana coffee, feeling the coldness make its way down his throat, he groans at the sensation closing his eyes for a moment with a grin before he starts making his way downtown busan to his shop, before stopping and buying a small bouquet of flowers then walking into a small coffee shop, ordering a mocha for the flourist boy who was swimming through his mind. He couldve gotten the coffee at the shop from earlier, but for some reason, Jimin liked the way this shop made their drinks, Yoongi didnt mind though.

    He smiles as he sees his shop and Jimin's come into view, he stops to look both way before waddles across the shreet, hoping onto the widewalk as he puts his drink on top of jimins so he could open the door, he steadily walks in trying not to spill his drink, he smiles as he accomplishes the goal. He hears Jimin talking to a customer in the back, so he walks around the front desk, sitting down Jimin's drink and flowers, sitting down as he takes a sip from his americana. 

 "Thank you!" 

Yoongi hears the customer say before the enter back into the front, he peeks up from his phone with his lips still slightly wrapped around his coffee, Jimin smiles widely as he sees the older behind the desk, he walks over and cashes out the customer before they thank him again and leave. Jimin turns to his boyfriend with the biggest smile as he wraps his arms around the tattooist neck, Yoongi hugs his waist tightly before jimin pulls back to kiss him, the kisses are always so gentle and slow, just the way Yoongi liked. Yoongi smiles as he reaches behind Jimin to get the bouquet of flowers and his mocha, Jimin smiles with his eyes falling into thin lines "I got you some flowers" Yoongi says sweetly as he watches the younger with pure love and joy, jimin smirks as he looks up at Yoongi "How dare you, im offended-" he says in a teasing tone "-getting flowers that aren't even from my precious shop!" Jimin pouts cutely, Yoongi chuckles as he rolls his eyes before getting up and grabbing a bouquet from the shelf and walking to Jimin as he holds the flowers infront of him with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his lips, Jimin gasps "How rude of you to touch my flowers without asking! so disrespectful" he teases, Yoongis pucker up in a form of a pout, jimin chuckles " I'm joking, Hyung, I really love them, thank you!" he sweetly says before taking them back into the office and coming back to take a sip of his mocha, he groans, just like the way Yoongi did earlier, "so good!" he moans before taking another sip "ahh thank you so much, I needed a pick me up" he chuckles before planting a kiss on the elders lips, he pulls back, detailing his boyfriend, something looks off, he cocks his head as he swirls the straw in his drink, Yoongi raises an eyebrow "what?" he questions softly, Jimins farrows his eyebrows as his lips fall into a pout form "have you been sleeping?" he worriedly asks as he watches the tattooist shake his head "why?" "because you look worn out, babe, are you sure you've been resting?" he asks one more time, Yoongi sighs "yeah" he says bringing the straw to his lips "I had alot of work to get finished last night, so I didn't get much sleep, I'll be fine Jiminie, dont worry" he ressures his boyfriend as he takes his free hand to grab the youngers waist and pull him in between his legs, Jimin blushes abit at the motion, he smiles sweelty before kissing the tip of the elders nose.

It's one thing, to say not to worry, when you should worry, but lying so the other doesn't find out the truth, is diffult to do, Yoongi hates to lie, but he's scared of where life his taking him.   

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