chapter thirty

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The Fairy Tavern was closed on this particular morning. 

The tables were all joined together to form a single, long row that looked like ready for a 16-membered family to enjoy their breakfast. It seemed to be that way as well, as Fairy Tail member after Fairy Tail member trickled their way in, one by one. 

I was one of the last- yawning, and taking a seat next to Gray who was shoveling down some shaved ice. I drop my bag next on the ground. Laxus sat in front of me- headphones on, head curved back as the sun beams down on the exposed skin of his neck. 

"Hey guys, where are Natsu and Juvia?" Levy comments, frowning after taking another bite of her yogurt. Everyone shrugs, too busy with the activities that would proceed to be worried about the two MIA members.

"Guys, your attention please!" 

Mira's sweet voice calls behind us, and about ten heads turn around obediently. 

There she stands, a black dress draped over her frame, unafraid of the hot sun. Next to her, however, is what called our attention- a woman, smiling shyly, twirling a lock of magenta between her fingers. 

"May I introduce a new Fairy Tail member? Everyone, welcome Sherry!" 


Sherry Blendy. 

So far from what I've seen of her, she doesn't appeal to me as much as Lucy and Levy. 

Mira is still in conversation with her, Erza or Levy dropping in comments once in a while. She seems to have a slight, narcissistic side to her- every compliment that passes her way proceeds with more information about herself. But what made me fidget mostly on the hand-carved chairs, was how intrusive the look in her gaze is. 

Or were they? 

That look was gone in a second as the two older women come across the topic of new hair dye that a certain company released. But there it is again- Levy takes over the conversation and her silver lined eyes stray to Laxus. 

And stays there. 

I shiver, not feeling quite comfortable without having a loud Natsu around. 

"I'm going to get something at my place, be right back," I whisper to Gray. He gives you a thumbs up after dumping a bowl of ice on his head in hopes of cooling down. 

Today is a rare day- there was a strange phenomenon happening in the sky, hiding the sun from view. It dimmed the color of Laguna beach, setting a dull, gray sheen over everything. There were clouds for the first time. 

"I should try that sometime," I think, going back to Gray's impeccable strategies of fighting the hot weather of Laguna beach. 

The little house became a safe haven and the intrusion of Rogue had made me wonder if it would stay that way. My worries were proven wrong, however, and I was astounded at how well he seemed to mold himself to his present environment. 

It started with the cleaning. 

Little things, like de-crumbing the table or organizing the groceries by the due date. 

Now, I could rely on him for laundry and intelligent conversations. The ravenette has a beautiful mind that does not judge and relies on facts when forming an opinion, which delighted me incredibly to find someone who did not believe everything they hear. 

When I marched through the door, I found Rogue ironing one of his shirts, wearing a pink apron as the scent of cinnamon and apples wafted through the room. 

"Damn," I compliment, watching the apple pie rise in the oven. "you are serious housewife material. You know what, I think I'm just gonna marry you and keep you with me if your pie proves to be as delicious as it smells." 

Ah, and once again, you had left the Sabertooth member speechless. 

"You're just like Sting..." he grumbled after a moment, looking down so his charcoal bangs hung over his scarlet eyes. 

"Sting?" I arch an eyebrow. "and who might that be–" 

"–no one," he replies quickly and curtly. "no one important you must worry about."

"Oh come on," I persuade, very interested in hearing about the life Rogue has lived so far. He seemed so careful when it came to revealing pieces of his past, and this little slip of the tongue already had him tensed. And I'm curious. Very curious. "I'm not gonna blabber all about it to Fairy Tail, or anything. I wish no part in your feud. And I don't think you want to, either." 

"Don't assume anything about me," Rogue replies coldly, staring me straight in the eyes. The air in the room might have dropped several degrees with his icy words, and my mind pictures the horror on Lucy's face at the mention of Sabertooth. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Rogue is dangerous. 

Lethal, probably. Could knock me unconscious in a single hit. He probably knows all the weak points of the body- I am merely a doll in the eyes of his power and strength. But will that stop me from enjoying his apple pie? Absolutely not. 

"I won't," I reply honestly. 

His nod dips down in an 'okay', and continues to iron. 

I sigh and walk over to the oven, watching as the dough rises. The pie would be done in 2 minutes, I should probably get some plates– after all, apple pie is delicious when it's hot–




ya left ya bag at the tavern

im comin overrr to bringg itttt

[10:32 AM]

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