Regretting It All .

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A'Janae | Nae .

I don't know what we were thinking. She's still in a relationship, an amazing one that probably fall apart altogether. And I have have a complicated relationship, but at least mine can go two ways. Either I'm not pregnant, and we can fix this and I help him raise his quote on quote "son", or...I break up with him and act like it was because he was lying, but I'm using that one only if the test comes out positive. Mel and I have to wait before taking the test because it's too early. Meanwhile, she's leaving my place to go see Cameron.

Melanie | Mel .

I sat in still in his driveway and already it feels tense. I know I've should've known better but I took drugs for crying out loud! I didn't know what I did. This is terrible, but I'm 24 years old. Admitting up to what I did was the right thing to do, but I'm not promising the whole truth is about to be told in the next 10 minutes. I haven't seen Cam in 4 days, how I can I make up an excuse for that? Especially when I've barely been texting or calling him.

I slowly opened up my door and hopped out. This was about a long talk.

I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A minute later, showed up a really handsome Cameron. The feeling of immense guilt took over immediately. He swiftly took me into a huge embrace. "Where have you been? I've tried calling everyone. Rashad doesn't know and neither did A'Janae!" I thought to myself: Good move Nae.

"Oh." I replied dryly. He stepped aside to let me in.

"Babe are you ight?" He questioned.

I decided I was too old to be playing these games. So I sat on the couch and flat out said. "No. We need to talk."

He flashed me look of seriousness and worry. "Did I-..."

"No, Cam, you did everything right. It was me...who messed up..." I added space between my words. This could not get any worse.

He looked at me confused. Sort've like he was trying to determine if he should be mad or sad. But I already knew he was about to be both.


"Cam I cheated."

You could tell his heart had sunk, but his eyes...they pierced me so hard. Something like hatred.

A'Janae | Nae .

"What I need to tell you is-..."

Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

I woke up from my dream to my phone ringing. Looking at the caller I.D., it read "Babe" with all these emojis. My heart pounded against my chest. Of course he calls in the middle of this dream of me telling him the truth. I slide answer. "Hello?" I say, trying my best to have some enthusiasm.

"A'Janae. Do you think we"

I don't think my heart could beat any faster than it already was. By now, my whole body was doing some kind of shake. I tried to play off the long pause.

"Sorry, I got sidetracked. You said can we talk?"

"That's what I said..."

"Oh...alright. Um, I'll be right over."

I sat on the couch looking at nothing in particular, just replaying that whole conversation in my head.

What have I done?

Melanie | Mel .

"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW CAMERON?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I couldn't believe a d*** thing. Was he serious right now?


All I wanted to do was hit him. I'm regretted every single moment. The moment I slept with Quavo, the moment I even met Cameron. S***, I'm even regretting this RELATIONSHIP RIGHT NOW. I regret it ALL. F*** LOVE. How could he do that to me?

I snatched my things back up and headed for the door. Once I reached it, he called me again but I was still mad with him.

"MELANIE." He yelled.

I looked him in his eye while my vision was blurry and eyes were red. "When were you gonna tell me you cheated Cameron?"

"When were you gonna me you cheated Melanie?"

I stared at him for a moment in disgust. Why are we even together? I shook my head and stormed out, slamming the door behind me.

I can't believe this s***.

A'Janae | Nae .

I sat down on Rashad's couch. You could tell by the look on his face that he could kill me right now. I gave him his space because God knows he needs it.

He unlocked his phone and just stared at the screen. Not touching it at all. Just staring. I watched him as he suspiciously made faces at the screen. The feeling in the room automatically told me something was out of place. He slowly reached across the table and handed me the phone. I slowly grabbed the phone. I had so much fear that I just couldn't show...

Once I looked down on the screen. I felt a tear drop. I seriously f***ed up.

On the screen of the phone I held in my hand,

was a picture of me kissing Takeoff.

Who took it, I don't know. My I was officially shaking.

Rashad kept his eyes on me. "Do you even wanna be with me anymore?" he asked in a sort of harsh way. This here was a question I could barely answer myself.

"Y-Yes. I do." I finally stated. "We just wanted to chill with them that was it. But...then we drank and took some drugs...we were f***ed up."

He just kept staring at me in disgust. Tears were completely flooding out my eyes. "Mel...I trusted you. And this why I haven't seen my girlfriend in almost a week and a half?"

I cried harder. "N-no. I...need to..."

He started raising his voice which made we jump a little. "D*** it A'Janae! Just say it! You've already caused enough damage."

I looked at him crazy. "Me?! I've caused enough damage already? You f***ing CHEATED on me with telling me for FOUR motherf***in' years!"

"Nae don't start..."

"No!! Why are we even together? You have a son and I might be pregnant. There. I said it. Happy now?" I blurted.

Rashad looked at me in hurt shock. "So you...slept with him?"

I wiped my tears. "Yes Rashad. There. I admit it. I f***ing slept with a celebrity now I'm on my way to being a single mother. Are you pleased?"

He stared at me a moment, trying to see if I was serious or if I was just a really good actor. After a while he replied. "No. I'm not pleased. We did this to each other. Now we gotta clean this mess up. Are you for another try?"

I jumped up and ran over the hug him. How many times do you get to be in an amazing relationship like that? Where both sides can cooperate through the really thick and the really thin. Now the only question is...

Is this really gonna work out right or will I be regretting it all?

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