The Pizza Man .

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Rashad | Shad .
It's been 2 whole weeks since the whole pregnancy scare. I put back the pair of Jordans that were on the rack. We continued through the store, looking around. She still didn't find anything that pleased her. Chante frowned "Nah. Nothing in here either." I wanted to rolled my eyes so f***ing hard. Why was this girl so hard to please? All I try to do is make her happy, and she can't even be happy in a mall when I said I would buy her anything she wanted. This is just nonsense. I wanted to just drop her but ever since she found out about the engagement right that was going back, she hasn't let me out of her sight.
Cameron says he feels bad for me, but I don't think he really does. He's had multiple girls coming in and out of his door. The sad part is, majority of them know he's a player and still come back to give him more. That's just a h*e to me. On the way out of the store, Chante tugged on my arm. I held back my look of disgust and just looked down naturally at her. "Wassup?" I asked her while she stood there cheesing all hard. "Babe! Migos is coming into town! We should totally go." I almost lost my d**n mind. But this time it wasn't her fault. She didn't know that I officially f***ing had a certain type of hate towards them. Ever since I found out that A'Janae had slept with Takeoff, I never wanted to hear or have anything to do with them. "Why?" I asked. She pouted "Causeee, I love them. And if you loved meee you would gooo." I still wasn't touched by her little idea.
I just shook my head. "Nah." She let go of my arms with attitude and gave me a stank face. "I know this ain't about yo ex." That did it. I gave her the hardest look of digust I could. "What the f**k this gotta do with A'Janae?" She started walking all hard and pointing her finger in my face "Don't say her name around me Rashad!" I just got in the driver's seat and slammed the door. "Then don't come around here then." I mumbled. She looked me like she was hurt, but I still wasn't touched. I don't even know how she heard me but I really don't care at this point.
"Is that really how you feel Rashad?" She kept her eyes on me but I kept my eyes on the road. I don't have time for this and I never did. "Fine then. Choose the dead b***h over the good one you have right next to you." She mumbled. I slammed on the brakes. "WHAT THE F**K DID YOU JUST SAY?" She stared at me in horror. It already took everything in my will not to slap this b***h around, and now she wanna talk s**t about A'Janae. If A'Janae was here, I would gladly let her beat her a**. Oh wait. That's right. There would be no Chante.
She sat there silent. I put the car in park right in the middle of the road and hit the unlock button. "Get the f**k out." Her mouth dropped and she sat there all still. I hit the steering wheel as hard as I could. "Go!" Cars behind me started to hunk there horns like crazy but I ain't give a s**t. She looked down at her crossed hands and didn't say anything. I put the car in drive and before I drove off I said, "Then sit there in silence and don't say s**t to me." And with that we were off.
Cameron | Cam .
I sipped from the beer bottle as Crystal stared me down. "Why you staring at me like that?" I asked while still watching TV. "Nothing. Just wanted to let you know I love you." She said kind of fast but I caught ever word. "What?" I asked, not sure I heard her correctly. "I. Love. You." She said it again. I shook my head. "Crystie-" "It's Crystal." she corrected me. "Yeah," I said annoyed. "Look, I know you love me and all, but remember I told you, you can't be getting attached to me. I'm not the type you're supposed to get attached to." She leaned over to my side of the couch so that she could whisper in my ear. "But why not? I give you everything that you ask for."
What kind of fantasy show does she think this is? I stood up and faced her. "Yeah, and so do other girls." She looked down into her lap, pouting like a little kid. "Don't do that s**t. It's not cute and it'll get you kicked from my place in a split second. Just ask yo girl Mo." She grew angry at that. "You f***in' Mo?!" I groaned "We been through this Crystal. I don't settle down. I see different girls almost everyday. What do you want from me?"
She looked me dead in my eyes. "Cameron, I want you to love me back." I looked her dead right back into her eyes. "And I want you to get out. I'm not dealing with this s**t." She hopped up quick with tears in her eyes. "Fine then! You'll never see me again." She walked over to the door and slammed her way out. "Ok." I said as if she could hear me, which I hope she did. Man, why do h***s do that s**t. F***ks up my day every time. I pulled out a pound from the drawer and prepared to relax myself for good. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly hid it in the emergency hiding spot. This better not be that stank b***h again.
Rashad | Shad .
I peacefully watched Martin while waiting on my pizza delivery to come. It's taking this dude years! I better get my pizza for free. I didn't have to worry about Chante being all over me because she decided she would stay over her friend's house for the night to cool off. I don't what she had to cool off from. It's not like I've been getting on her nerves. I got up from the couch and went to fix me a cup of soda. When I finished, I went back into the empty living room and settled back down onto the couch. I had just got comfortable when the doorbell rang. "Must be the pizza man." I said to myself. Of course he comes when I'm just getting comfortable.
I grabbed the money off of the entertainment system so that I could pay him and get back to my show. Walking over to the door, I recounted all the money to make sure I had it right. When I swung open the door to receive my pizza, I was ready to be greeted with a regular uniform. But instead, I was greeted with a heart attack and forming tears.

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