First Day .

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A'Janae | Nae .

I threw my suitcase on the hotel bed. Before I could unzip it, Rashad grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Babe, come on. Talk to me. I need you to talk." I sighed and sat in his lap. "I just can't get over it. My baby's gone." I felt the tears start rolling down my cheeks. He wiped them away and kissed my cheek. "A'Janae I promise that we will have kids when it's time. Ok?" I just nodded my head and wiped my cheeks again. "I have to get over it anyway. I have my first day of work today and I have to pull myself together."

I got up off of his lap and stood back over my bag. I took all of the clothes out and decided what I would show up in. After looking everything over at least 5 times, I decided on deep v strapless jumpsuit, white v cut blazer, and round toe high heels. I threw on a little jewelry. Not too much, but enough to show I'm ready for business. After getting my whole outfit on and ready, I sprayed some perfume I got from Bath & Body Works and walked over to the counter to do my hair. I decided on just putting it up into a neat bun. Rashad hugged and kissed me goodbye and then I exited the suite.

I went over to Mel's suite and knocked on the door. Cameron swung the door open with his shirt off. In a rush to get it moving, I asked "Where's Melanie? It's time to go. Don't wanna be late on the first day..." I cut my rant off, sounding like somebody's mom. That reference kinda put me in a bad again. Where's Mel?

I looked up to see Mel stepping out. She was on point. I could tell we would kill it today.

*At Work*

When we first got there we were greeted by a lady in all Versace. She looked like a model but I could she wasn't because she was too busy taking our names. After giving her our names, she called two more ladies down to where we were. They looked more official, in their suits like real business women. We soon learned that they were managers. Our managers. As excited as I was, I couldn't show it. It was strictly business, but in my mind I was starstruck by people I didn't even know.

My manager's name is Marie and Mel's manager is Denise. We all shook hands and got well acquainted. Marie was really cool and I saw no future problems with her. After talking for a while, we went to a different location in the building from Melanie and Denise. Marie walked me to what turned out to be a dressing room. She pulled out her phone. "Okay, A'Janae. You got a complete advantage. You have taken the place as an actually super model. But not to be a downer, no one knows you yet. So, to get that going, we have to have pictures of you, parties, all kinds of things that'll get you noticed. Kind of like Kim Kardashian Hollywood, but this isn't a game. This is your career. So, over here, is the robe you will change into. I may not have mentioned it yet, but in the next 30 minutes, you need to be on the set of your first photo shoot so don't be late. We have the best photographer on your side right now. Oh, and before you get started, we need to exchange numbers."

Even though Marie was throwing all these new things in my face, I was pumped to get started. This is a one in a lifetime thing for me. So, I'm going to get everything down right. We exchanged numbers and then she stepped outside to give me space to get dressed up in the robe.

I set my phone down in front of the mirror. I didn't have time to take it all in right now. I'm on a time limit.

After getting everything off, I covered myself in the nice plush robe. It made me feel...official. Once I was done with all of that, I slipped into some slides that were placed near where the robe original was hanging. Once that was done, I opened the door and stepped out.

Marie was already there waiting, scrolling along her phone. Her attention turned to me as soon as completely stepped out. She checked her watch. "Good timing for the first day. You're getting off to a really good start missy. Now, you have to get your makeup done. Won't be too much for this time, but it's something. Also, I know, the dressing room is crappy, so-..." I shrugged it off "Oh it's oka-..." She shook her index finger at me. "Nuh uh. You were about to make your first starter mistake. Never settle for anything below your level. That dressing room right there is terrible. Way below your level. I'm gonna make sure you have your own trailer at this very studio for every time you come here for work. Now! Onto the makeup. Can't spend too much time lolly gagging."

She started walking off really fast. So fast that I had to kind of jog to keep up. She must've noticed because, without turning around, she called back to me. "Don't run. Take wide steps. We don't need you sweating before the shoot. It'll interfere with the perfection of your facial profile for this." I just replied "Okay" considering I barely knew what she was talking about, but I had a feeling I would learn about all of it soon.

Seconds later, we arrived in this really big room with one of those celebrity chairs with my name on the back of it. I smiled and greeted everyone as I walked in. They were all so friendly and I love it. Then I wondered what Mel was doing.

"A'Janae!" I turned my attention to a fairly skinny woman standing next to my chair. "Come on hon. We gotta get you going. Your wardrobe is gonna take some time so you might wanna be getting started." I nodded my head in agreement "Right." I swiftly made my way over to the chair. As soon as I sat down, like three other people came over with all kinds of tools in hand. The skinny woman looked at me with a warm smile. "Close your eyes" she kind of sung. I did as I was told.

About 10 minutes later, I felt no more movement. I heard them whispering some things between each other. I started to worry a little. I had already been in this chair for a while and still wasn't dressed and I needed to get to wardrobe. That's when Marie stepped in and reminded them. Then, they said "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes with a big facial mirror in front of me. I have to admit. They did a really great job. I was already feeling like a real celebrity with this kind of treatment.

After they told me that I was good to go, I immediately hopped down and followed Marie to what I figured was where I would be getting dressed. As soon as I stepped into the area, I could tell this was the busiest part of it all.

*10 minutes later*

I walked in wearing a low cut strapless dress and pair of high heels. The photographer and been talking and he showed me where to stand what kinds of poses he was looking for. I listened to every word he said and walked right out to where I needed to be. Once the photographer got his camera just how he wanted it, I started posing. The camera caught almost every little thing I did. From the smiles I was getting, I just knew this was the greatest achievement of my life.

*3 hours later*

After the photo shoot was over, I went to my dressing room and switched back into my comfort clothes. After getting all of my stuff out of the room, I stepped out of the room just to be greeted by Marie again. She looked up from her phone. "Hey! You did great today girl! The whole crew loved your work. You're getting off to a good start already! Okay, now. We're talking social media, I already set you up new accounts for all the cool things like Twitter, Instagram, and all that. I hope you don't mind."

I just shrugged. "It's fine. I understand why. She smiled "I think you're my best client yet. Ok, so I'll send you the password to all of them so that you can change it to whatever you want. You'll be surprised at what you see. Also, I know that this is a really late notice but I just got this done during the photo shoot. You're going to be meeting with one of the hottest publicist. He's bound to get you noticed, but you have to impress him first. Once you impress him, you're definitely in the good. But the meeting is tomorrow at 2:30pm. It is being held at the coffee shop three blocks from here. Don't be late! Understand?" "Yes! This is amazing. Thank you so much!" She smiled and hugged me. "No problem! Now go home and get you some rest. Big day tomorrow. Don't forgot to check your new accounts!" and with that she was off.

I adjusted the purse on my shoulder and walked out of the building. Once I was in my car, I put everything in the passenger seat and pulled my phone out. I got my password from the messages she sent me. As soon as I checked all of them, they were covered with some of the best pics of me from the photo shoot and some selfies I took. I had hundreds of likes on them. I had tons of advertising going on. Marie was really good at her job. Plus, my followers were growing a little at a time. My notifications were blowing up, I was known as the awesome girl that took those other models' place. Some of their fans were going crazy and commenting all kinds of f***ed up stuff but I don't care

Because I'm going to change the game and no one could stop me.

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