Chapter Ten

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I AM SO SORRY. I don't think I've ever gone this long without updating a I feel terrible. I'm not going to give a bunch of excuses like usual, I'm just going to say that I've been going through a rough time lately and just thank all of you for being so patient as I've tried to work through everything and get an update out for guys. I hope it was somewhat worth the wait and I hope I can eventually get back to more regular updating. But again, thank you all so much for your patience. Enjoy, lovelies.



            A blast of warm air greeted me as I stepped into the dorm building. I pulled my hood down off of my head and gave one of our room advisors a small smile as I passed her and made my way back to the rooms. Cortnee and I were on the second floor, and seeing as how our building didn’t have an elevator, I was glad for that. It’s not like there were more than four floors anyways, but still. Four flights of stairs can become exhausting pretty quickly. It was hard enough to drag myself up the two flights, with my nearly soaked clothes and matted hair. While I had managed to keep dry out at the beach, I wasn’t so fortunate with my trip from the parking lot to the lobby.

            When I finally got to the room, I twisted my key in the lock and pushed my way inside, finding it to be completely empty. A minute wave of disappointment washed over me, but I quickly brushed it aside. Knowing Cortnee, she couldn’t be out for too much longer. With that thought in mind, I yanked the ponytail holder from my hair and used my fingers to smooth the messy braid out. Inky ringlets spilled down to the middle of my back, slightly frizzy from the downpour I had gotten caught up in. With a sigh, I peeled off my wet clothes and threw them to the side, leaving me in only my underwear.

            I hurried into the attached bathroom that we shared with the girls in the room next to ours and locked the door so they couldn’t come in, making sure to start the shower as I did so. My feet made soft noises against the cold floor as I padded back out to my dresser, intending on grabbing a pair of pajamas when a flash of white caught my eye. Slowly, I turned around to face my bed, spotting a sheet of white notebook paper on top of my pillow as I did so. I figured Cortnee had left a note to let me know when she would be back, but as I read over the sloppily written message, I realized that I was horribly mistaken. My stomach dropped and the all too familiar feeling of nausea rolled in the pit of my stomach as my eyes slowly slipped shut.

            “Not again,” I whispered to myself, “This cannot be happening again.”

            You’re next, princess.


            Attached to the vague message was a crime scene picture of the body from the hayride from hell. A shiver pranced down my spine as I ripped the note to shreds and crumbled the remains into a tight ball. I fought back tears and tossed the ball into the trash can, anger and terror seizing me in a tight grip. I couldn’t let some overrated stalker run my life again. It wasn’t fair. Why should I have to live my life in constant fear just because pathetic subspecies of human beings couldn’t leave me alone?

            But then again, what could I possibly do about it? In the time it would take the cops to actually catch the creep, I’d be a goner for sure.

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