Chapter Four

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Yay, an actual, full-length update! ^_^ Okay, don't hate me, I'm trying. Thank you to all of my supportive, lovely, fans. I hope you enjoy(:




            Tap, tap, tap, tap.

            I glanced up from the test I was bent over and glared venomously at the girl tapping her pencil loudly next to me. She peeked up under the heat of my gaze and cracked an apologetic smile, bringing her writing utensil to a halt. Sighing loudly, I returned to the problem that had my brain pounding and contemplated for a moment if stripping would really be such a terrible career choice. I had a feeling, though, that my parents wouldn’t exactly be okay with me dropping out of college to have a bunch of George Washingtons raining down on me every night. Once again, I shook the thought from my head and attempted to refocus on math.

            “Five minutes,” Professor Jean announced into the stifling silence.

            My eyes shot to the clock to confirm her announcement, and panic suddenly balled itself in the pit of my stomach. My pencil took off, as if with a mind of its own, my mind working double time as the numbers poured out in front of me, jumbled and confusing. By the time we were told to put our pencils down, I had a very iffy answer under the final question and a throbbing cramp in my right hand. The rest of the class made a mad dash for the door, all but throwing their papers at Professor Jean as they sped off to who knows where. I, on the other hand, slowly meandered down from my seat and neatly placed my test on her desk. After that, I was free for the rest of my Monday.

            The cool air immediately wrapped around me as soon as I stepped out of the building, forcing a shiver down my spine, and prompting me to pull my sweater in closer. The gentle wind also lifted my black curls away from my back, and carried along with it the sound of my name rolling off of very familiar lips. A smile curled up the corners of my mouth as Cole jogged over, looking ruffled and out of breath. Even so, his crooked grin and flushed cheeks were enough to kick my heart into overdrive.

“Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?” I asked, my eyes travelling up to take in his mussed blonde hair.

He chuckled a little and pushed a hand through it, taming the mess a little. “Probably because I had to run from the snack machine to make sure I caught you.”

“Someone must have missed me, then,” I teased.

He clutched a hand to his heart dramatically, hitting me with those intense, muddy eyes and nearly making me melt on the spot. “One day away from you is much too long, Angel.”

I giggled along with him and rolled my eyes- though I did have to admit, even though we weren’t dating, I did like to hear those words coming from his mouth. It had only been a week since our date at Terror in the Trees, however; I guess I couldn’t really expect to be mailing out wedding invitations by then.

“Anyways,” Cole sighed, “Would you like to get some coffee with me? I was just on my way over to Starbucks.”

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