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I reached by 6:30 to find Madison waiting, frowning.
"We had a meeting at 6, Caroline." She said.
"Oh, Madison, I'm so sorry. Please come in." I said and opened the door. Jim trotted in first and then I did with Madison following me. I made us both some coffee and sat down to talk.

"So?" She asked as she was sipping on the coffee, "What did you want to talk about?"
"Madison, I... You know... I had anterograde amnesia two years ago, after the incident..." I said, a bit nervous of what I might end up saying. Madison was great, but did I trust her blindly like Mark? No.

"Yes. I do remember. I didn't cure you but I heard about you getting admitted and your constant memory losses after the incident. What about it?" Madison said, getting a bit serious.
"Okay... So is it possible that I'm kind of forgetting things again?"
"What kind of things?"
I got more nervous.

"Okay, I kind of went to a friends house, and got a major sense of deja vu, I'd seen her TV and her curtains before and I was pretty sure I'd been there, but didn't know when." I made a story up.

"Oh. Look, anterograde amnesia is after-trauma memory loss. It won't recur, as far as I know. It could've been an episode of global transient amnesia though. They aren't known to have a reason. Again, you remember a bit. That doesn't happen usually with global transient amnesia. You usually forget the whole incident. It was probably your mind playing tricks with you, Caroline. Don't worry." She said and smiled.

"Mark said that too. It just doesn't convince me, Madison." I said.
"Don't worry. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I'm pretty sure you won't forget anything important. Transient global amnesia can't be predicted or cured, but it's rare, so relax. You've probably never been there, it was your mind." She said.

Oh, Madison, if only I could tell you how important it was. I didn't ask any more questions. Madison finished her coffee and left. I freshened up and sat down in front of my computer. I browsed for a while till my eyes started aching. I massaged my forehead a bit and laid down in bed.

"Caroline Joshua. I want her on my team. She's brilliant." His words ran through my mind. And his perfect eyes and love for justice. It wasn't my fault, was it? That I fell in love with him? Sienna was so perfect. She loved him and cared for him. She made him happy. I could never come close to what she was.

And somewhere deep within, that day, when I'd come to know that Sienna was dead, I'd been relieved. Not that she was bad for him. I envied her. I envied her because she had everything I'd ever wanted. And six months ago, I didn't feel sorry for her. I just couldn't. Being a cop, I see death everyday. Sienna's didn't hurt any more that those did.

But Brian went crazy. The one person who understood me, who understood all the crime in the city couldn't understand anything anymore. And that pierced me like a needle. Nobody knew what I had for him. Mark knew, and it seemed like Cole did too. Or who knows, maybe everybody did?

I don't know when I fell asleep. And at 2AM my phone rang again. "Hi... Joshua here." I said in a sleepy tone.
"We need you here. It's Brian." Madison said and she cut the phone in a hurry. I got up immediately and changed into some tracks and a T-shirt. I rang Mark up and said, "Pick me up from my place in 10." I cut the call.

Jim woke up, seeming to know what had happened. I had some water, tied my hair up and waited for Mark. He showed up in sometime and we raced to the asylum. I rushed to Brian's cabin. He was going crazy, banging his head to the wall, that creepy grin back on his face. He looked inhuman, he looked scary. Madison opened the lock and I went it. I held him by his shoulders and he pushed me back throwing me to the wall.

I groaned in pain. I got up and walked to him and said, "Brian, you've never hurt me this bad before. Why are you doing this!? Just stop!" I screamed. And I realised that he couldn't understand anything. I held him firmly by his shoulders and pushed him down on the bed. I held him back pinning him to the wall and screamed to Madison, "I need a low dose of sedative. Quick!"

Madison nodded and rushed. She came back with an injection and handed it to me. I pushed the injection in his arm and threw the syringe out of the cell. His pulses relaxed a bit and he stopped fighting back so furiously. I sat next to him, dripping in sweat. My elbow hurt bad, it had hit the wall when he'd thrown me and got cut.

"Why would you do that to me, Brian? We're friends, aren't we?" I said to him. He looked at me. He wasn't smiling anymore. For a second, just a second it felt like he could understand me, it felt like I could see the Brian I once fell for. I smiled and said, "Let's see what you've drawn in these days. I haven't seen your drawings in a while."

Brian grinned again, and I took his sketch book out from under the bed. I turned the pages, and before reaching the last, I stopped dead in my tracks on the second last page. My face went blue. "Caroline, are you okay?" Madison asked, looking at me.
"Oh, yes. This elbow, it just hurts really bad." I said.
"Leave Brian alone for now, let's get your wound treated. Your face looks pretty pale and there has been lots of blood loss. Brian will fall asleep soon because of the sedative." Madison said.

"Alright. I'll come with you." I said, "Brian, I'll see your drawings later, okay?" I said. Brian's eyes were dripping shut. I slowly went out of the the cell groaning in pain and Madison did the wound. She said, "It's just some blood loss. You'll be fine. I've cleaned the wound with alcohol and dressed it. Go, take rest."

I smiled at her and thanked her. I looked at Mark and we rushed out.

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