Love of Mine (Thranduil x Reader)

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Writer: tolkien-fantasy
Series: The Hobbit
Pairing: Thranduil x Reader
Summary: After a grueling battle, Thranduil finds his darling love injured. Needless to say, he gets very protective.
Elvish Translatons:
*Onya - My Child
*Melda - Beloved
*Gi Melin - I love you

It was a terrible sight - though the grueling battle may have been done, the aftermath was equally as horrible. A battlefield littered with blood and bodies, and Mahal knew who was still alive or not. Pain and death wracked the field.

'Was it worth it?' The Elvish King couldn't help but wonder, standing atop a hill and looking out over the field of devastation.

He sighed to himself. For as composed as he so often seemed, it pained him to see his soldiers lying dead on his command. His heart ached with regret. However, he was snapped away from his thoughts when a young Elvish Guard ran up to him. The young Elvish boy looked worried and frantic, clearly having run to him to deliver news.

"My King!" The guard panted frantically.

"Yes, what is it?" Thranduil sighed, confused by the young Elf's worried look.

"Queen (Y/N) snuck away to join the battle!" The guard finally sputtered out.

Thranduil stopped - his mind races, his pulse beat faster, and his breathing hitched. In an instant, it felt as if the world had been torn away from him.

"T-That can't be... she was safe in her tent!" Thranduil heaved, trying desperately to find a solution. Trying to convince himself that she was safe.

"Apparently not, my lord. She must've snuck out.."

The King's mind spun. He could feel tears prick his eyes as worry began to pile a heavy weight on his chest. He forced the tears back, swallowing hard and then dismissing the Guard.

"Go..." He murmured, turning his back to the boy, "Go and leave me alone."

The Guard gulped in worry, but left in a hurry nonetheless. Thranduil rushed to his Elk, climbing upon its back and dashing away into the battlefield. Trampling over the wounded and lifeless soldiers, frantically looking around for his beloved. She couldn't be dead - he refused to believe it. She was his everything... her smile is his sun, and her personality the wind which blows his away every time. His queen, his love. He needed to find her.

It seemed like eons before he spotted the familiar (h/c) locks he so loved to run his fingers through. Climbing off his Elk and rushing over to her at once, pushing the lifeless body of an orc off of hers, tears began to fall as he saw her.

She was heavily wounded, her eyes shut in a pained state. She was covered in blood - whether it was hers or her enemies, he did not know. She was wearing elvish armor she must've taken from the soldier's tents. She looked just as beautiful as always, but he feared she was gone.

He scooped her into his arms, weeping by now. He rushed her onto his Elk, blazing towards the camp in a desperate need for medical attention. When they strode into camp, Thranduil carefully, and yet hastily, carried her to the healers. Seeing the King in such desperation, they went to work as soon a possible. However, they informed the King that he could not be with her.

"What!? Absolutely not!" He bellowed, trying to rush past them as they held him back, "I will not abandon her when she needs me most!"

The only person who could pry him away from the tent was Legolas - he grabbed his father by the arm and did his best to drag him to the side of the tent, where they both sat on the ground and waited for news. Thranduil wept, and Legolas was worried beyond belief - never before had he seen his father this vulnerable... it was almost terrifying. The young prince patted his father's back comfortingly.

"She will be okay, Ada. We both know (Y/N) is strong."

"I... I cannot lose another love, onya*. My heart cannot bear another loss."

Legolas felt his heart twinge with pain, the loss of his original mother flooding back in a moment of anguish. He wiped a tear from his eye, resting the other hand on his father's back. After several hours, one cleric walked out of the tent, stepping before the King and informing him that he could visit her.

Instantly, Thranduil lept to his feet and rushed into the medical tent. He saw his love - tired and bandages upon the cot. He sat on the side of her bed, looking mournfully at her and brushed a lock of hair from her face. Just then, her glistening eyes fluttered open, and a smile spread across her face as she saw her husband beside her... It melted his heart with love.

"Hello, my love." She whispered, weakly.

Thranduil's eyes were still brimmed with tears, and yet they did not fall - he knew his love would be alright, and that was enough for him. And yet, he was still pained.

"Forgive me, melda*." He whimpered, "I could not protect you."

(Y/N) brushed a hand across his cheek, soothing him as he leaned into her touch.

"No, dear, you have not failed me... I went out on my own accord, and now we are safe together."

Thranduil stared at her for a moment, eyes glistening like stars from tears and love. Finally, he leant down to kiss her gently.

"Gi Melin*, (Y/N)..." He whispered as their lips parted.

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