Orkey dokey

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I went to Panera Bread to eat dinner with my peeps. I went in as Spiderman. I have three suits, I wear one on weekends+Thursday and Friday, and one for Mon-Wednesday. I also have one for eating out on special occasions. I walked in.

"Really, Spiderman? Nice costume there bud." The cashier said poking her pen at my suit.

"Don't believe me! Then fine, but the reservation, is under STARK!" I said jumping back and pointing at Tony and Pepper.

"Wow, nice costumes you guys." She said dragging her voice. "But you can't fool me."

Tony blinked a few times. He lifts up his glasses. "Hey! Come on! We paid good money for this!"

"Hahaha sir, now step out of line."

"Prove it Peter." Tony said glaring into my suit.

"Umm, okay." I thwipped a web at the pitcher of water behind her. Then pulled it at me without spilling a drop. "Can we go in now?"

"Nice props kid, step aside."

I glared at the lady. I picked her up with one hand WAY above my head. She kinda flew-ish. "Thank you for letting us through." I said sarcastically. Tony looks at me. He laughs.

Pepper nudges me. "Peter! That was rude!" She says while laughing. Today it was super day at Panera. They will choose the best dressed 'super heroes' to get a free meal. But I'm an ACTUAL super hero! But they STILL wouldn't let me in!!! The line was huge, literally all through out time square. I was fed up with waiting.

"Hello, we won the be a hero contest." I said walking up to the desk.

"They really went with that suit." He said with an unappealing voice.

"ARE YOU KIDDING!!!" Tony shouts. "HES THE REAL DEAL!!!"

"Oh yea, totally." The guy says with a real sarcastic voice.

"Yea, cos I'm Tony FRIGGIN Stark!" He said ripping his sun glasses off.

"Of course you are sir." He said rolling his eyes.

"Don't believe me, FINE!" I shout stomping my foot down and leaving a small crater in the floor. After that, I jump up and walk on the ceiling. Just then, the lady from outside walks through the door.

"Uh oh." Tony says. My senses already triggered my actions. I was on the floor.

"They snuck in! They are NOT the contest winners!" She shouts.

"I got Pepper." I said thwipping her close to me.

"But we're the real deal." Tony said walking closer to the guy. The cashier tasered Tony.

"You just tasered Tony stark." I said staring at Tony's body lying on the floor. Then his arc reactor started flashing, really bright. In literally the five seconds of that going on, his suit flew through the door, not even breaking the hinges. In revolved around him, while he lied on the floor. The lady screamed in horror.

"Tony has been disabled. I will be taking him back to the tower." Jarvis said putting the rocket boosters on. He flew out the door.

"AHH!!!" The lady screamed throwing a book at me. I caught it.

"Really? A book?" I said sarcastically, I put it down. The guy tried to taser me, but he didn't, I dodged it like a boss. Then he tried to taser Pepper. I grabbed her and shouted "SPIDERMAN HATES PANERA BREAD!", while swinging through the sky. We got back to the tower. Pepper kisses the ground as soon as we get grounded. We walk into the living room. The avengers are sitting on our couch. Hawk eye pops up and swings for my head. I flip over it. He rips his bow out of his pouch thing. He starts shooting arrows at me, but I'm dodging them. Then he started doing nets.

"Stop it you two!" Cap shouts at us.

"WHAT DID I DO!?!?" I shout hanging from my webs and running, but dodging the arrows.

"You hurt Tony." Then he hit me, real hard in my calf muscle, then the knife jabbed in.

"ARG!" I shout trying to keep the pain in. It burned. "RAHH!" I screech.

"Peter!" Pepper said running towards me with tears in her eyes. I felt it. Venom. It was still in my blood. My heart beat was RIDICULOUSLY fast. I was losing focus. My blood dripping on the floor. "Peter!" Pepper said gripping my head. I got up, and ran/limped to the special containment unit. My suit was turning black. I had the urge to attack them, but I fought it off. My thoughts, I had no control over those either. Pepper and Cap kept shouting at me, but I needed to get to that containment unit. But something stopped me, and it wasn't venom. It was Tony. He was still in his iron man suit.

"Stop, it wasn't his fault."

"Tony move." I growled.

"No for real, we were at Panera bread and-" I cut him short. My mask was pure black. I picked him up and tossed him out of my way. The knife, was still gnashing at my flesh. I finally made it to the room. I was almost in there, when Hawk Eye, arrowed the door shut. By then, it was already too late. "What's going on with you?" Tony said touching my shoulder. My whole suit turned black. I stood there, grabbing onto my sides. I felt the urge to turn around and kill the whole team, but I stood there. Everyone staring a at me.

"TONY. LEAVE." I said breathing heavily. I was trying to focus, I wouldn't let venom take over my mind. Tony walked closer to me. I felt anxious, I wanted to kill Tony Stark.

"Peter." Captain said pushing hawk eye out of the way. I kept trying to focus. Don't attack. Be the good guy. Keep control. Then, all of those words meant nothing to me.

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