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After school

Cheryl's POV
I walk to the gym because we always have vixens practice every Monday and Friday, the bulldogs haven't won a game in like 13 years.. but I try so hard for people to notice us vixens, but they have to pay attention to the football players before looking at us.. which is stupid

Toni's POV
I walk out of school, and walk towards my motorcycle and lean on it while texting Jughead about football tryouts which I've been dying to be on since school started. It would be cool if I was the first girl on the football team, unfortunately jughead didn't respond, clearly busy with Betty I assume.

I then put my hands in my pocket when I feel a piece of paper in it. I look at the note, it said "hey Toni it's Veronica I just wanted to give u my number, in case we could hangout sometime" I decided to text her.

Toni🌈: hey Veronica it's toni, I found the note, anyway Do u know when is football tryouts.

Veronica👜: oh hey Toni, I'm not sure I'm in the school for vixen practice at the gym, if u wanna stop by I can help u!

Toni🌈: that's great, i was outside the school anyway, wait where is the gym again?

Veronica👜: I'll come outside.. I'll be there in like 10 minutes.

Toni🌈: ok then
Veronica's POV
When i was about to head out Cheryl called me and said "where are u going, we are still practicing you know?" She said with a annoyed face. "Yes I know Cheryl, but it's important" I say with puppy eyes..

"Fine.. but at least tell me the reason, and no lying or your out of the vixens" she said with a smirk on her face, "Toni is outside and she texted me wondering when was football tryouts was" I said with a smile on my face "so I'm going outside because she doesn't know the way to the gym" I say to Cheryl, who is blushing hard. "Oh ok then" she said running to the bathroom clearly gonna fix her makeup, which wasn't even messed up, but oh well.

I get out of the gym and go outside the school, I was in the parking lot when I see pink hair, I smile and walk over to her, she was leaning on her Motorcycle texting someone on her phone, "hey Toni" I say with a big smile on my face "oh hey V" she says standing up not leaning on her Motorcycle anymore.

I stare at her and admire her beauty, I didn't even realize that I was staring, She then waits for me to take her. "Ok let's go" I say taking my eyes off of her and leading the way to the gym, once we got there I immediately told her to sit on the bench so we could talk, but then Cheryl boobshell walks over to us

"Hey T.T" she says blushing "hey Blossom" Toni said smiling " what are you doing here?" Cheryl asks pretending to not know" oh I uh, I was just wondering when the football tryouts are gonna be" she said answering Cheryl's question.

"Oh I know where the sign up papers are, come on ill show u" Cheryl says taking Toni's hand and walking out of the gym.. Man sometimes I wish I could punch Cheryl in the face.. but then that means id get kicked out of the vixens which I cant because one I Have a secret crush on Betty since I first moved here. And my first kiss was her.

It was for tryouts for the vixens, that was 1 year ago.. this is why I'm going to Toni since I wanna move away from Betty, but I can't I like betty very much, and she is my bestfriend. And I don't want to ruin our friendship. And plus I'm with Archie, who is the best boyfriend ever, Yes. But I don't feel that spark when I'm with him, you know.

I like Toni, but not like that, yeah she is cute and very hot, but I like Betty who is my bestfriend, who also has a boyfriend, and did I mention i have a boyfriend as well.. who loves me.. but I'm not sure if I love him back...

so everything is good now.. well kinda
So Veronica has a not so secret anymore crush on Betty. Hope you gays enjoyed this love you!💗

Have a fun day and stay gay!
Bye pretties!

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