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After school...
Cheryl's POV
When it was first period, I saw Toni and Veronica flirting with each other, I'm not jealous..  okay..?

Veronica then looked over her shoulder and saw me looking, she then said something and kissed Toni's cheek, making Toni look at her all dreamy and stuff. I also saw Betty, and Archie, they were also looking at them both. Archie was mad but not too mad. But Betty seemed off, it's like she didn't like Toni.. I'm not sure, I'm gonna have to talk to her after the football game..

Toni's POV
Today was the first Game, the Bulldogs were going against greendale lobsters (my mind is clueless, Idk what else but lobster, plus I'm hungry. DONT BLAME MEEE!!) there name sounds horrible.. I have a feeling we are gonna win, for the first time in 13 years!! Last week the football tryout papers were hung everywhere, it said what place we were in.

(1 week ago)
"TONI!! Come look. Quick!!" Jughead says looking at a piece of paper on the wall. "What is it Jughead?" I say annoyed. "Just come here, u imbecile!!" He says laughing. "Ugh, What can possibly be so imp-" i say looking at the piece of paper and cutting myself off by screaming like crazy "omg I'm the quarterback!!" I say with tears in my eyes. "Yeah! This is what u always wanted" he says patting my back.

(Back to the normal day)
Me and Jughead are like siblings, his dad took me in, when he found me on the side of a road, because both of my parents had died.. and i had an abusive uncle, who didn't approve of me liking girls.. so he would hit me with whatever was in his hand, one day he had a gun and was about to shoot me, and he did, he shot me right in the leg.

I ran outside, it was pouring rain, I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the pain on my leg.. I still have a scar from that day.. I ran and ran
Until I couldn't see the trailer anymore, then FP found me.. I told him everything, he took me to the hospital for surgery.. I haven't seen my uncle since then, I was only 8 years old.. ok that's enough of sad stuff..

"Im so excited for tonight's game" Reggie says walking with me to the last class of the day, which was Science. "Yeah same Reginald" I say smiling.

"Your smile is cute" he says stopping "oh uh thanks reg" I say smiling a little bit now. "Do u know how HOT you are?" He says coming closer to me.. "I um uh.. no" I say getting uncomfortable, he was much taller then me so I didn't know what to do.. he then pushed me into the lockers. He then kisses me..  I pull away and look into his eyes. And do a gulp..

Then out of the corner of my eye i see Cheryl, she was watching the whole thing happen.. she then runs away. I push Reggie and run after her..

Cheryl's POV
I saw Reggie push Toni into the lockers and kiss her.. When they pulled apart, she looked like she enjoyed it.. i didn't know what to do but run.. What was just great was that she saw me.. I find the closest bathroom, I get inside and lock the door, I then started crying.. maybe my mom was right.. she doesn't like me, I'm gonna be loveless forever..

I then heard a knock.. it made me jump, "can u open the door Cheryl?" I heard Toni's voice say.. I start panicking.. I then do a high pitched voice "um sorry I'm having some difficulty's" I say.. "Cheryl I know it's u, now open the door before I break this goddamn door down.

And break my arm, which I know u wouldn't want happening" she says clearly stating facts.. because i hated seeing her hurt, and I knew she wasn't kidding about breaking the door down, I unlock the door and say "it's open.." I let out a huge sigh.. she opens the door..

She gets inside and closes the door behind her. Locking it as well. "Look What u saw i-" I cut her off "Toni it's fine.. I know u like him, and he likes u.. you can go back to him, I'm perfectly fine" I say looking at her then looking down.

"Cheryl" Toni says putting her finger on my chin lifting my head up so our eyes could meet. "I don't like him like that, yes he is my friend, but I don't have feelings for him, I have feelings for someone else.." she says looking deep into my eyes.. "it's Veronica isnt It?"
I say getting sad again.

"No, not Ronnie.. it's you" she says smiling at me.. "Cheryl I like u so, so much.."  I look at her and smile, we both lean in and I feel her soft lips on mine. When we pull away i look at her and smile she smiles as well. "I like you too" i say

AHHHHH THEY KISSED, finally xD, I hope you guys enjoyed this! I love you all Sm! Thanks for reading this garbage💗

Have a fun day and stay gay

Bye pretties

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