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Cheryl's POV

Me and Toni kissed AGAIN.. it was amazing.

While we were kissing, Veronica comes bursting in the bathroom.. me and Toni pull away.

"Cheryl, Toni. It's Josie!" Veronica says to both of us. "What's wrong, what happened to her?" The love of my life says. "Just come! Cheryl it's about your brother" Veronica says walking out. I stayed silent

When we came out of the bathroom. I saw Ms. Grundy and Josie being handcuffed by Sheriff Keller.

"I'll kill you Cheryl! Just like I did to your brother!" Josie says being pulled out of the school by the officers. What did she mean.. by that..

Sheriff Keller walks up to us. "Cheryl we found the murder of your brother. It was Josie. He was with Ms. Grundy, She took him to a secret bunker and raped him.
What I heard was that he escaped when Grundy left the room. Josie said that she saw him running and shot him"

I started crying. Toni pulled me into a hug, letting me cry on her shoulder. "Sheriff why did she kill Jason?" Toni says to Keller. "We are not sure yet, we'll be taking her for questioning." He says.

When the police officers left, me and Toni decided to go to the Police station. We sat down.

I went to the front and said "I need to talk to Josie Mccoy please?" I say to the officer. "Alright, just sit down and wait." He says to me. "Okay Thank you" I say sitting down next to Toni

I lay my head on her shoulder. "Toni.." I say to her. "Yes Cher?" She says to me, playing with my hair. "What do u think made Josie kill Jason?" I ask her, taking my head off her shoulder and looking at her..

"well I'm not sure. Was there anything u did to her last year, because that's when your brother died, right?" She says to me. "Right.. wait a minute" I was about to tell her maybe the possible reason why she did this but Sheriff Keller said she was ready for me.

I walk up to him and say "thank you" he didn't answer. He took me to where she was. "We will be watching you guys, okay?" He whispers in my ear, opening the door where Josie is. "Alright" I say walking in and sitting down opposite of her.

"Cheryl!" She says Angrily and laughing hysterically. "What do u want from me!" She says not laughing anymore. "I want answers Joise. Did you kill my brother?" I say to her.

"Hahaha" she says laughing. "Of course I did, I don't regret doing it!" She says to me. "Why did you kill him?"
I ask already kinda knowing the answer.. "OHHH Cheryl, cheryl.. cheryl.. Cheryll... we both know the answer to that. Don't we??" She says to me.. "no, I actually don't know the answer" I say clearly lying.

"Remember last year? When you were obsessed with me, I was scared. I pushed everyone away. Because OF YOU!!" She yells at me slamming her hands on the table.. "You made me kill my father.. I thought it was him... I killed him with my bare hands.." she says with teary eyes.

She then starts laughing. "When I went to your house. Your mom showed me the same exact drawings that were in my locker" she says laughing..

"that day when I saw your brother running. I was with a gun, about to kill myself. When I saw him. I thought to myself why not kill the most important person in her life?" She says to me. "So I shot him." She says laughing loudly.. "I killed your brother, and I LOVED it" I stood up and slapped her across the face. "You son of a bitch" she says to me.. I didn't say anything.

"When I saw how you and Toni were. I wanted to kill her too.." she said.. " but I never got the chance.."

"I will kill her when I get out of this!" She yells at me. I punch her in the face several times. Sheriff Keller and Toni comes rushing in the room. Toni pulls me away from Joise, while Sheriff Keller takes Josie to another room.

"Cheryl, Cheryl! Breathe it's gonna be alright!" Toni says to me.. I fall to the ground crying and sobbing.. I was a mess..

Dun Dun DUNNNN!!
Oh Joise! Whyyyy. I like this chapter it  had lots of tea! I hoped you like this chapter as well. Might be one of my favorites but ya know. Thanks for reading this. I appreciate all of you💗

Have a fun day and stay gay

Bye pretties!

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