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Cheryl's POV from 4 months ago
"Wait you and Betty? I thought u liked Toni.."  I said to Veronica. "Yeah i thought u liked me too.." Toni says. "Listen Toni.. I was only all over u because I wanted to hide the fact that I had a massive crush on Betty.." Veronica says to Toni.. "plus u have Cheryl.." Veronica says smirking at me.. Kevin pops out of nowhere.. "Yeah.. Toni when are u gonna ask Cheryl out.. you've obviously kissed before. And we were there!" Kevin says..

I start blushing.. "Kevin.." i say rubbing my temple.. "It's true!! You kissed in front of me, and beronica!!" Kevin says too loud.. everyone turns over to us.. then some big guy with huge feet walks over to us.. "oh hey girl!" The dude says. "Hey bigfoot.." Toni says smiling.. everyone giggles at the name.. "I didn't get your name?" He says to her.. "Her name is Antoinette.." I say to him..

"Wait what? Antoinette.." he starts laughing.. "it's Toni actually.." Toni says giving me a glare.. "Ok mystery boy what's your name?" Kevin says to him.. "Ryan Parker" he says with a smile. "Well Ryan Parker.. Toni here is clearly taken by the ms Blossom herself.." he says very seriously.. "ohh it's fine. I'm not interested in tiny people anyway.." he says looking at me and biting his lip.. "Hello redhead beauty" he says to me..

"Excuse me BITCH!.. Didn't u hear Kevin here.. that Toni is Taken BY Cheryl Blossom.. now move along Parker" Veronica says being held by Betty.. "Oh.. my apologies.." he says..

Jughead comes around the corner. "Hey guys. I've been looking all over for yo-" he stops talking when he sees Ryan.. "Uh i uh.. umm.." jughead says.. "Ryan Parker, nice to meet ya!" Ryan says putting out his hand for Him to shake.. "uhh Jughead Jones.. but u Can call me Babe" Jughead says shaking his hand.. "uhh ok" he lets out a chuckle..

Ryan walks away.. "Who the fuck is THAT?!" jughead says.. "apparently the new student.." Betty says.. " Wait jughead do u like him?" Toni says... "pffttt of course not.. I'm not gay.. he is hot but hot as like a friend hot.." Jughead says scratching his neck.. "That's what Cheryl said when u showed her a photo of Toni... now look at them.."

Kevin says looking over at us.. I wasn't paying attention.. I was just smiling at her while she was smiling at me with her arm around me. "Huh? What were y'all talking about?" I say looking away from Tonis Beautiful hot face. "You guys were staring and smiling at each other for like 15 minutes.. DATE ALREADY.. it's obvious you guys like each other.." Veronica says frustrated. Me and Toni stay silent..

"anyway back to Jughead Being GAY?! And liking the new guy" Archie says.. "hey.. I'm not gay... and I don't like him.. yes he's hot but like as a friend" Jughead says pushing Archie playfully..

"haha that's what I said when I say Toni's picture.." I say.. "what picture?" Toni says looking at me... "oh Jughead introduced us in our group chat... he showed us a picture of Sweetpea, fangs, then u.. saying what u guys like and stuff.." I say smiling at her.. "oh alright" she says smiling at me.. "omggg stop y'all.. I'm about to cry.. you guys are so fucking cute!!" Kevin and Veronica squeal.. me and Toni laugh..

"We've been here for like an hour!!" Veronica yells at the janitor who was next to us.. "I'm sorry but we are trying to figure out who pulled the alarm." He says.. "BITCH ITS THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING WINTER.. AND IT SPRAYED US WITH WATER!! IM GODDAMN COLD!!" She screams at him.. "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do.." he says calmly.. Veronica walks back to us.. "he's such a hoe.." Veronica says rubbing her arms..

I felt bad that Toni gave me her hoodie.. she was in a tank top.. and it was very cold.. "Toni do u want your hoodie back.. you only have your tank top.. and I don't want u sick" I whisper to her.. "Cheryl I'm fine.. keep it if u want.. I don't want you cold" she says..

Toni takes her arm off of me and goes behind me hugging me from behind.. I smile at that.. "I want to cry right now.. but my tears would probably turn into ice" Kevin says and everyone else nodding..

"do u guys just want to ditch school. And go home" Veronica says to us.. "y- y- Yeah" Kevin says shivering.. "Ok let's go!" Toni says.. we all walk to the parking lot Toni was still hugging me from behind while walking.. I then see a bright flash.. I turn around and see Veronica and Kevin filming us..

"omgg guys!!" Toni says.. "WHAT?! you guys are so goddamn cute.." Kevin says.. "ok Veronica that's enough.." Betty says taking Veronica's phone away.. "Babe!!" Veronica says.. "they are not even dating.. they are just friends.. can't u guys accept that.. they are annoyed" Betty says making all of us stop.. "Well we should ask them if they are.." Archie says... "Ugh Archie they are right here with us.." Jughead says...

"Huh?! They are.. where?!" Archie says looking around he then stops at us... "OHHH.." Archie says.. "Stupid.." Toni whispers in my ear making me giggle.. "sooooo are u guys dating?" Archie says.. we both stay silent.. we look at each other... "umm.." I say.. "Yeah we are dating" Toni says smiling to me.. I swear to god I'm almost passed out.. "Yeah.. we are dating Archie" I say then I kiss her soft cheek

I turn around to everyone with there phones out and flash on.. "Omg guys CHILL out.." I say giggling..

Ok now it's the part where I introduce you to Ryan Parker.. ik basic Name but like WHATEVERRR!! Here he is..

 ik basic Name but like WHATEVERRR!! Here he is

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So that's him.. his real name is Brian Whittaker..

his name is Ryan Parker.. he's Bisexual, loves football, very tall.. might like Jughead and Toni... and has a British Accent..

I now just realize I put so many dotes like I can't put one I HAVE to put two.. anyway.. see I can't stop.. it's an addiction.! Anywayyy hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and the new character who is Ryan Parker.. thanks for reading love y'all so much💗

Have a fun day and stay gay!

Bye pretties!

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