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*Saturday at Pops*

Toni's POV
Me and Cheryl walk into pops. Josie wasn't there yet. We took our usual booth..

We sat down. Pops came up to us and asked us what we wanted. "Vanilla milkshake and cheese Fries please" I say "And you Blossom?" He says "I would like the same but make my milkshake a strawberry one please" Cheryl says "coming right up!" Pop yells and walks away

"Where is she?" I ask Cheryl.. "I don't know.. she said to meet her at 7.." Cheryl says.. the door opens and the bell of pops rings.. me and cheryl look over. We saw a girl with a hood on with a gun. she didn't see us.. "Cheryl Get under the table now!" I yell/whisper to Cheryl..

Cheryl's POV
"Cheryl Get under the table now!" Toni says to me.. I do as I told. I hear gunshots.. People were on the floor.. I pulled out my phone to call the police.. I got out from under the table.. because the person was too busy shooting at people.. I make my way to the bathroom when all of a sudden.. i heard a shot then a thud, then the jingle of pops Door bell ... I turned around and saw a bleeding Toni.

I Run up to her.. and hold her wound so she could stop bleeding.. I started to cry.. "Toni come on stay with me, please!" I say rubbing her cheek.. I heard the sound of police and Ambulance.. I quickly picked up Toni and Ran outside.. "SHES BEEN SHOT!" I yell at the paramedics.. they quickly Put her in the back of the ambulance. With me following

We finally reached the hospital.. They told me I couldn't go in there.. so I had to just wait in the waiting room. She had to do surgery.. I decided to text the group chat and tell them what had happened..

Group Chat

Cheryl🍒: Guys!!! Come to the hospital now!!

Veronica👜: Why? What's going on?

Jughead🍔: yeah!

Cheryl🍒: Toni got shot.. By someone.. she protected me..

Sweetpea🍩: omg... Is she alright.. we are coming now!

Cheryl🍒: the nurse said she is doing surgery right now..

Betty🎀: I'm on my way.. just gotta pick up.. everyone in this group chat..

Kevin🔦: We are HERE!!

I look up from my phone.. I see everyone from the group chat and Fp.. "WHAT happened?" Fp says to me in a panic.. "she got shot at pops trying to protect me.." I say crying.. Veronica was next to me, Hugging me and Betty was on the other side doing the same. "Shes doing surgery right now" I said to him. "Oh ok" he says confronting Jughead who was literally panicking..

We have been there for like 6 hours.. Betty, Veronica, Kevin, Reggie, Archie, fangs and Sweetpea had already left so it was just me, Jughead and FP.. Fp was sleeping while me and Jughead were hugging which was weird.. because we never liked each other.. or even imagine that this would happen..

The nurse finally came out.. "The surgery is done.. it went Very well.. she lost a lot of blood and might not wake up in a while.. Visits can start tomorrow" she says..

me and Jughead shake Fp to wake him up.. it was 4 in the morning..

FP drove me back to thistle house.. I went up to my bedroom.. and Took out pictures of me and Toni.. I cried as a I viewed them. They said she is alright.. I say to myself.. I tried to sleep but I couldn't I was too worried.. what if she has a heart attack.. what if the nurse lied and just said it went alright so she wouldn't freak us out.. a lot was going through my mind..

All I could think about was Toni.. Toni.. Toni.. I can't lose her.. She is my Uh errr my bestfriend.. that I had kissed, Yes, but a friendly kiss.. I do like her more than that though... But I'm not sure she feels the same way.. i got tired and went to sleep

Sorry for the Super short chapter I just wanted to post something.. I have a lot of homework.. I wish I could go back to kindergarten and sing weird songs all day long.. I have 8 pieces of homework.. yeah high school sucks.. Y'all Middle schoolers and Elementary kids are Lucky af.. anyway u prob don't care about my life.. hoped u enjoy this short ass chapter!💗

Have a fun day and stay gay!

Bye pretties!

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