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Group chat

Veronica👜: GAYSS!!

Betty🎀: I'm not gay tho..

Archie🏈: ^^^

Jughead🍔: ^^^

Cheryl🍒: ^^^

Kevin🔦: I'm the only gay :(

Veronica👜: no your not ;)!!

Betty🎀: what do u mean?!

Archie🏈: yeah definitely not me!

Jughead🍔: Yeah i have Betty

Kevin🔦: come onnnn, whooo!!

Veronica👜: you gotta find out...

Archie🏈: FUCK.. anyway what happened to Josie?!

Jughead🍔: Idk man. I saw her get arrested by Kevin's dad..

Cheryl🍒: she was the one..

Betty🎀, Kevin🔦, Archie🏈, And Jughead🍔: huh?!?

Veronica👜: ugh.. Josie is the one who killed Jason..

Cheryl🍒: Ye......

Archie🏈: what the actual fuck?!

Jughead🍔: Josie as in Josie McCoy.. THE McCoy..

Betty🎀: omg.. I'm so sorry Cheryl..

Kevin🔦: yeah! Why would she do that tho?!

Josie🔪: stop talking shit bout me Ugly asses..

Archie🏈, Betty🎀, Kevin🔦, Jughead🍔, Veronica👜, and Cheryl🍒: JOSIE?!!

Josie🔪: that's me ;)

Cheryl🍒: how.. what.. huh?

Josie🔪: oh Cheryl did u forget that I'm a McCoy and my mom is THE Mayor

Veronica👜: why would u do that u son of a bitch!!

Archie🏈: babe calm down.. maybe it was an accident..

Josie🔪: oh it was no accident.. I did on purpose and it felt so good..

Kevin🔦: get removed HOE!!

Kevin🔦 removed Josie🔪 from "Group chat"

Jughead🍔: savage!

Archie🏈: yeah lmao

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